Cat Café EU & US domestic

Who recommended that? Lol. Most ppl are afraid of hgh but taking high doses of cow piss (including women)

You normally start with 2/3ui and upper it if you want it / can take it / afford it whatever.
Men start with 4ui and go up til 10ui.

It's a commonly recommended dosage for women on the interwebs - that I've come across. Obviously, I don't follow women bodybuilding, but that's the impression I got from randomly browsing women's forum and social media topic's in the last 10 years or so ... Keep in mind, I'm not stating any of this as fact, just my vague impression. I certainly know women take much more then that, especially cross fit, those women got GH written on their bulging abs with neon signs heh
Wow !!! @DomV … you signed up a week ago, yet comment on when he signed up.

Also he is the one who brought up the entire conversation to begin with you dumb fuck. Another fine product of the human race you are.
With all do respect buddy, I am not the one pushing for untested product to be sold.

The reason why I joined and respect Meso in the first place is the primary focus around harm reduction.

If you want to buy random untested gear and put it in your body I don’t think you need to be on Meso to do it.

Bro Bro Bro, you know what would be sick? If you could make test 500 with EO and I could buy it before you do any formal testing!!! GTFO
It's a commonly recommended dosage for women on the interwebs - that I've come across. Obviously, I don't follow women bodybuilding, but that's the impression I got from randomly browsing women's forum and social media topic's in the last 10 years or so ... Keep in mind, I'm not stating any of this as fact, just my vague impression. I certainly know women take much more then that, especially cross fit, those women got GH written on their bulging abs with neon signs heh
It's ok, everyone has a different opinion on that. :)

Internet well... I know some who recommend low dosages of testosterone or tren for women, what's kinda bullshit in my opinion. It also depends in which class you're competing.

A bikini girl for example doesn't need any gears til she's in a higher pro lvl. But if you're competing in wpd or even wbb you need.

I'm with you, people are taking too much and unnecessary stuff for nothing. Doesn't matter if women, men, bb, non bb, crossfit, strongman... Most people fuck up at their training, Regeneration and nutrition and try to solve it with gears.
Quick question…The HCG in your US warehouse…I didn’t see anything but do you guys send bac water with it or no?
Good day,

Just ask in the email and I will price it for you sir. I haven’t put it on the site yet. I know I know, I am slow.

Edit: BAC water has been added! Thanks for your patience.


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Some random dude who signed up last month answering a question that nobody asked him….

Don’t do the right thing because you will lose business to people who don’t do the right thing…

Interesting perspective.
I've spent more years on this and other AAS forums than you've likely been alive firstly second I never said to not test finished stock I simply suggest letting customers make their own decision to either buy before the testing comes back or wait. The product is always tested, no issues there. Sometimes it takes weeks for jano testing and that is not his fault nor is it Liska's it just takes a long time sometimes. Customers should have the option to accept personal liability and buy before testing comes back. That is all I am suggesting.
Who recommended that? Lol. Most ppl are afraid of hgh but taking high doses of cow piss (including women)

You normally start with 2/3ui and upper it if you want it / can take it / afford it whatever.
Men start with 4ui and go up til 10ui.
Spot on.

I see you are being cautious with your AAS usage and I commend you for that. Females and steroids are's tricky. Very tricky. Proceed cautiously and if you hire a coach (and eventually you should) be even more cautious.

Best of luck at your upcoming shows.
This post is sponsored by three of the thiccest top tier cathletes introduced by the CEO of Bengalenika!
@Canadia I found your initial post intriguing enough that I did spent hours that day staring at it, writing up different responses quoting from the EU Pharmacopeia & GMP guidelines regarding the definition of batches and their testing and deleting it all again because this topic goes to such a deep and dark place I'd call it a black rabbit hole.
The TLDR and ugly truth is that without far more consistent & comprehensive blind testing that takes advantage of a number of extra services Janoshik offers, you are still at the mercy of the moral integrity of sources when it comes to testing every actual batch properly, or the incompetence of those sources manipulating and obfuscating this data being greater than the competence of the remnants of Meso vetting.

Let that be the end of this topic within the cat café however.

I got CatCafe Primo 100mg/ml tested, here is the result:


As you can see, it is real primo and properly dosed.

Did only see labs from the 200 version, which came out perfectly (tested from Liska + User). Used the 100mg version for a few weeks already, does exactly what it was supposed to do. I trust Liskas lab tests, also had the blue Oxandrolone ones, which were exactly what they were supposed to be (also bloodwork has shown the exact effect as on clinical studies with the same dosage after the same period of time regarding lipids + liver enzymes).

But good to see another test which proves Liska doing great work.

Waiting for the new charges being produced soon!
Have just run out of cat cafe test and had to start a bottle of a different lab that I had in my stash.

I'm happy to wait for next batches though. In my humble opinion I wouldn't like to see you muddying the lines between your standards. I'll make sure to make a larger order for myself next time.

Will be starting your tbol @ 60mg ED on Monday for the remaining 5 weeks of my blast.
Did only see labs from the 200 version, which came out perfectly (tested from Liska + User). Used the 100mg version for a few weeks already, does exactly what it was supposed to do. I trust Liskas lab tests, also had the blue Oxandrolone ones, which were exactly what they were supposed to be (also bloodwork has shown the exact effect as on clinical studies with the same dosage after the same period of time regarding lipids + liver enzymes).

But good to see another test which proves Liska doing great work.

Waiting for the new charges being produced soon!
I recently added a few pages of finished product tests (still missing a bunch) to the lab archive but I have to redesign the grid layout because it's already too many tests to comfortably browse I feel, especially with keeping the older batched posted as reference for the customers that stashed those products away for later use. While I'm going to be providing so much testing in the future that from my perspective blind test results being on point is a foregone conclusion, from a customer perspective there's not nearly enough blind testing so I'll have to come up with a better incentive for that eventually.

In other news, I'm launching a new promo today, can you guess what it's called?

If you haven't guessed it already, it's the "Liska needs to free up fridge space" promotion, will last until end of month or low in stock and it goes like this:

HCG 7000iu vial:
1-9 vials = 30€ each
1-2 kits (10 vials) = 270€ each
3 kits+ = 250€ each

BPC-157 9mg vial:
1-9 vials: 18€ each
1 kit (10 vials) = 150€ discounted to 140€ each
2 kits = 130€ each
3 kits+ = 120€ each

HGH BBCatropin 120iu per kit:
1-3 kits = 120€ each
4-8 kits = 110€ each
9+ kits = 105€ discounted to 100€ each
12+ kits = 100€ discounted to 95€ each
20+ kits = 90€ each
40+ kits = 85€ each
60+ kits = 80€ each

HGH American Forest Catropin 150iu per kit:
1-5 kits = 140€ each
6+ kits = 130€ discounted to 120€ each
11+ kits = 120€ discounted to 110€ each
16+ kits = 110€ discounted to 100€ each
30+ kits = 95€ each
Ordered recently. Everything was fine, products are working correctly, and communication & shipment were prompt and great. Fantastic experience overall.
When can we expect UK shipping to be back?
If you're reading this post you can order as usual except for DM injectables, as their giant boxes mess up my stealth and parcel sizes. I just couldn't handle the amount of UK orders if I were to remove the ban from the website presently so I'll have to think about options to limit such time sinks without imposing ridiculous restrictions or affecting countries that feel comfortable being part of the EU.
This post is sponsored by three of the thiccest top tier cathletes introduced by the CEO of Bengalenika!
View attachment 168838View attachment 168839
@Canadia I found your initial post intriguing enough that I did spent hours that day staring at it, writing up different responses quoting from the EU Pharmacopeia & GMP guidelines regarding the definition of batches and their testing and deleting it all again because this topic goes to such a deep and dark place I'd call it a black rabbit hole.
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View attachment 168835
The TLDR and ugly truth is that without far more consistent & comprehensive blind testing that takes advantage of a number of extra services Janoshik offers, you are still at the mercy of the moral integrity of sources when it comes to testing every actual batch properly, or the incompetence of those sources manipulating and obfuscating this data being greater than the competence of the remnants of Meso vetting.

Let that be the end of this topic within the cat café however.

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Ok, Thank You.