Cat Café EU & US domestic

I think what you're doing in conflating jenko's ability to test gear accurately (which he is capable of) and his known scammer history where he could have tested the gear but chose instead to lie.
No one's saying he can't accurately do his job- the question is why he scammed in The first place and how do we know he won't again. It's not about any labs- I'm just keeping the spot light where it should be.

As far as sound about as impartial as an FBI raid right now.
A while back Jano did something he shouldn’t have done. He got a lot of shit for it and lost trust among a certain percentage of the people here. Since then he has not done anything wrong and instead has added value to the forum. If you don’t believe in giving someone a second chance that’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to that opinion and I imagine that, depending on the offense, you’d have some people in that camp with you. But your own personal judgment of his work since his fuckup is valid to you and only you. Others get to form their own opinions. (You are of course under no obligation to accept this reality)
Why did you lie and try to cover up scamming mands? Why did you then complain about how giving discounts would put you in the red when you were finally forced to take accountability? Why did you try to cover up the original scam in the first place?

You called me a retard over the internet.. oh no...
How traumatic.
Damn the Mands thing again, talking about beating a dead horse lol
A while back Jano did something he shouldn’t have done. He got a lot of shit for it and lost trust among a certain percentage of the people here. Since then he has not done anything wrong and instead has added value to the forum. If you don’t believe in giving someone a second chance that’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to that opinion and I imagine that, depending on the offense, you’d have some people in that camp with you. But your own personal judgment of his work since his fuckup is valid to you and only you. Others get to form their own opinions. (You are of course under no obligation to accept this reality)

Probably the best post I’ve seen on this forum in a while, well done sir!
A while back Jano did something he shouldn’t have done. He got a lot of shit for it and lost trust among a certain percentage of the people here. Since then he has not done anything wrong and instead has added value to the forum. If you don’t believe in giving someone a second chance that’s perfectly fine. You’re entitled to that opinion and I imagine that, depending on the offense, you’d have some people in that camp with you. But your own personal judgment of his work since his fuckup is valid to you and only you. Others get to form their own opinions. (You are of course under no obligation to accept this reality)
That's fair. So far this is the best defence of jankos case, it's objective and honest and hides nothing.
Damn the Mands thing again, talking about beating a dead horse lol
"Damn that one time he completely scammed someone and ruined his own reputation then ran damage control but was still crying about having to offer discounts putting him in the red- ah shit we talking about that again lmao"

I feel like this kinda thing would ruin most businesses in this space. Janko skating is a case of who he knows OR people defending him to be part of the lamest types of bandwagons - internet community clout
@Jdave The whole cat brand is an annoying distraction and it helps shift focus away from more pressing concerns. While you fall into the trap of projecting your closeted sexual deviancy onto cats, Liska is sipping communist martinis and slipping further away from being held accountable for reasons that are actually valid.

What the fuck is a “communist martini” lol? Some of you Americans really need to do a hit of reading from sensible sources on what communism actually entails.

It’s ridiculous that this whole “culture wars” drama is being brought into threads in The Underground, it really is & is in itself a distraction from holding sources to account .... which is what this sub-forum is supposed to be about.
What the fuck is a “communist martini” lol? Some of you Americans really need to do a hit of reading from sensible sources on what communism actually entails.

It’s ridiculous that this whole “culture wars” drama is being brought into threads in The Underground, it really is & is in itself a distraction from holding sources to account .... which is what this sub-forum is supposed to be about.
Meso is under attack. The great former US President George W. Bush once said: "you're either with us or against us" and I believe that sentiment applies here as well. If you don't think anti-capitalist ideas like transparent business practices and putting harm reduction above maximizing profit is a part of the communist agenda then I guess we know where you stand.
Hi, Liska. I bought in your shop a lot of products including testosterone propionate( deusmedical). I decided to check it product by scanning QR code on the pack. Checking showed that it is not fake, but… I decided to see which web site was used for checking by my camera( )and found out that it was different site from the original site of deusmedical( Verify Product | Deus Medical). There is checking on original web-site. I checked your product by filling out of code under qr code , and system told that the product is fake. Why checking of qr code does use fake website? Are there any explanation of this ?
Hi, Liska. I bought in your shop a lot of products including testosterone propionate( deusmedical). I decided to check it product by scanning QR code on the pack. Checking showed that it is not fake, but… I decided to see which web site was used for checking by my camera( )and found out that it was different site from the original site of deusmedical( Verify Product | Deus Medical). There is checking on original web-site. I checked your product by filling out of code under qr code , and system told that the product is fake. Why checking of qr code does use fake website? Are there any explanation of this ?
whydont you read the deusmedical/deuschem thread?

first page even states that or deusmedical/verify are both official sites for verification
whydont you read the deusmedical/deuschem thread?

first page even states that or deusmedical/verify are both official sites for verification
If both are official why the code doesn’t work in the both ?
whydont you read the deusmedical/deuschem thread?

first page even states that or deusmedical/verify are both official sites for verification
If it is true why there is no information on their official website about it. There is information about it on THIS FORUM ONLY
Before this results in an entire page of speculation, please stand by and don't reply, I'll be back with an answer soon.
Because you used it on one of the websites? I guess the whole point of the codes is so you cant use them multiple times….
No. You can check products a lot of time. If you check the product again you will get information that This code was checked … times. You are not Liska. Why are you trying to persuade about everything is ok, without arguments . Very strange )))
No. You can check products a lot of time. If you check the product again you will get information that This code was checked … times. You are not Liska. Why are you trying to persuade about everything is ok, without arguments . Very strange )))
Talked to Deus Medical, verified a box of DM Test P myself in this order:
1. Manually entering code on deusmedical dot com
2. Scanning QR code via deuscheck dot com
3. Manually entering code via deusmedical dot com again

In conclusion, I'm certain you simply entered the code incorrectly as this seems a common occurrence (confusing lowercase L and uppercase i or 5 and S etc.), feel free to mail the code to me and I'll verify this having happened or I can have Deus Medical verify this for you if necessary.
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No. You can check products a lot of time. If you check the product again you will get information that This code was checked … times. You are not Liska. Why are you trying to persuade about everything is ok, without arguments . Very strange )))

Why dont you go fuck yourself, retard
Talked to Deus Medical, verified a box of DM Test P myself in this order:
View attachment 172042
1. Manually entering code on deusmedical dot com
View attachment 172038
2. Scanning QR code via deuscheck dot com
View attachment 172040
3. Manually entering code via deusmedical dot com again
View attachment 172041

In conclusion, I'm certain you simply entered the code incorrectly as this seems a common occurrence (confusing lowercase L and uppercase i or 5 and S etc.), feel free to mail the code to me and I'll verify this having happened or I can have Deus Medical verify this for you if necessary.
Dear, Liska. Thank you for answer. But I fill out everything correctly and checked it again. Product is fake.


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Deusmedical and Deuscheck are both at least 3+ years old and registered by the same registrar with the same nameservers- seems likely they are the same and this could just be a database issue or something between the two sites.

