Cat Café EU & US domestic

View attachment 172053

So interesting:)) this is my yesterday checking from Product Check - Company. And the checking on that web site showed that the product is no fake. But There is no checking in the real website. I remember the time when i tried to check the real website:)
Since both websites share a database, those correct checks are from you scanning the QR code. As I said, you simply made an error confusing O and 0, there's nothing else going on.
Since both websites share a database, those correct checks are from you scanning the QR code. As I said, you simply made an error confusing O and 0, there's nothing else going on.
In conclusion, Liska, my apologies. It was My fault. I checked it with 0 and it works. A lot of apologies.
Please don't abuse this to claim canine > feline superiority but here's the test report for the upcoming batch of 120iu HGH kits to replace the soon to be sold out Catropin. The US cat café will receive 120iu kits fairly soon as well but they'll be tested separately.

Test Report #22877.png
96% purity with Janoshik's new testing method is as high as it can get with HGH, isn't it? Looks very promising to me!
good thing i havent ordered hgh yet.
when is this to be expected?

96% purity with Janoshik's new testing method is as high as it can get with HGH, isn't it? Looks very promising to me!

slightly better result than optis and the better batches of mauvetops.
I think goodlyfe is one that can match this result but he isnt EU dom
96% purity with Janoshik's new testing method is as high as it can get with HGH, isn't it? Looks very promising to me!
There have been 98%+ pharma HGH tests like @SkankHunt's Jintropin test result and I'm confident we can get there though I'm not so sure it's worth it, but that's a rabbit hole for another day.

@M@NU There's ~15 kits of BBCatropin left in stock so in about a week.
as if every example of a communist nation isn't proof enough that is a terrible form of government and prone to corruption at every and any level
"Communism is the way- it just wasn't done right- it's never been done right so far! That's not what communism is about!!!" Communism works it's just that we have absolutely zero proof of that and only examples to the contrary.
That logic is so fucking retarded
What the fuck is a “communist martini” lol? Some of you Americans really need to do a hit of reading from sensible sources on what communism actually entails.

It’s ridiculous that this whole “culture wars” drama is being brought into threads in The Underground, it really is & is in itself a distraction from holding sources to account .... which is what this sub-forum is supposed to be about.

The type of retards telling people this shit is a distraction are as stupid as the people who believed in communism only to be steam rolled and starved out by it.

Yes- sure it's only a distraction- being fired for not taking a vaccine that doesn't work is just a distraction - being under threat of criminal law for "misgendering" well that's just causing illusory division - and having to put up BLM support propaganda in your store windows in hopes that the marxist mob won't burn down/loot your business ... is just a distraction LOL
Thats like being stabbed in the street while by standers watch and tell you your open flesh wound is just a distraction - the criminal who just stabbed you is the victim here! Capitalism the real culprit - fucking shite.
The fact is that communism killed more innocent people through history than white supremacy ever could. Fuck I'm sure that communism killed more people unintentionally or indirectly through starvation and sickness than any planned extermination by any regime that promotes capitalism or free market ideals. China is actively trying to exterminate an ethnic group as we speak and Che simps are still sucking Stalin's dick about how the means of production belong to people who have no stake in it
"But china is a mix of capitalism and communism!" And if you mix a cow turd into a bowl of ice cream you still have a bowl of shit. And only socialists would eat it anyways.
Damn, who invited Alex Jones into this thread.
Alex Jones? The guy who went from a tinfoil hat meme to a "the only difference between a conspiracy theory and a factual coverup is about 3 months" meme
How dated are your references if you're still using Alex Jones as a barometer or comparison for "that crazy guy". Even zoomers are over hating the guy. Literally the only people who consider Alex Jones an infamous individual are suburban wine moms and (fitting enough for this thread) blue haired cat ladies who also still think Russia stole the 2016 election
Alex Jones? The guy who went from a tinfoil hat meme to a "the only difference between a conspiracy theory and a factual coverup is about 3 months" meme
How dated are your references if you're still using Alex Jones as a barometer or comparison for "that crazy guy". Even zoomers are over hating the guy. Literally the only people who consider Alex Jones an infamous individual are suburban wine moms and (fitting enough for this thread) blue haired cat ladies who also still think Russia stole the 2016 election
Anyone have a location on this guy? Sounds like he's a day or two away from a mass shooting.

