Cat Café EU & US domestic

Jdave = 1tank

With this said, i will never understand why people prefer to use their free time to argue on the internet over doing something more productive.

Anyway, where are the cat pictures?
@Liska i dont care if the hgh costs 5$ more or less. But what is the benefit in increasing the purity now? Is there any?
Purity and (lack of) dimer are the only measurable markers of HGH quality we've discovered so far, so for now we'll have to assume that these play a significant role in the quality of certain beneficial effects as well as severity of side effects when comparing HGH products. As we have no studies examining the correlation between HGH purity and said beneficial effects in any context applicable to the protocols used by our community, it comes down to collective self-study unfortunately.

While few can source a cycle's worth of 98%+ pharma HGH and then spare the time to make a meaningful comparison given how many lifestyle factors can cause interference, I personally believe the amount of anecdotes reporting superior results from high quality pharma HGH (by which I mean only the brands we haven't been able to match in purity via generics) may not be conclusive but are certainly suggestive enough that I believe we absolutely need to (mass-)produce 98% pure generic HGH ourselves just so that as a community we can personally test whether it makes a noticeable/worthwhile difference to x% lower purity generics or not, because that knowledge and the further conclusions to be gained from it will be invaluable.

TLDR: I don't know but I believe it's more likely than not.
Jdave = 1tank

With this said, i will never understand why people prefer to use their free time to argue on the internet over doing something more productive.

Anyway, where are the cat pictures?
No. But if that gets someone else banned when I make fun of some marxist (or even centrist) fruit salad then sure. Ban that account

If it gets me and that individual banned then no, I am not him.

do you not have Google image search?
as if every example of a communist nation isn't proof enough that is a terrible form of government and prone to corruption at every and any level
"Communism is the way- it just wasn't done right- it's never been done right so far! That's not what communism is about!!!" Communism works it's just that we have absolutely zero proof of that and only examples to the contrary.
That logic is so fucking retarded

The type of retards telling people this shit is a distraction are as stupid as the people who believed in communism only to be steam rolled and starved out by it.

Yes- sure it's only a distraction- being fired for not taking a vaccine that doesn't work is just a distraction - being under threat of criminal law for "misgendering" well that's just causing illusory division - and having to put up BLM support propaganda in your store windows in hopes that the marxist mob won't burn down/loot your business ... is just a distraction LOL
Thats like being stabbed in the street while by standers watch and tell you your open flesh wound is just a distraction - the criminal who just stabbed you is the victim here! Capitalism the real culprit - fucking shite.
The fact is that communism killed more innocent people through history than white supremacy ever could. Fuck I'm sure that communism killed more people unintentionally or indirectly through starvation and sickness than any planned extermination by any regime that promotes capitalism or free market ideals. China is actively trying to exterminate an ethnic group as we speak and Che simps are still sucking Stalin's dick about how the means of production belong to people who have no stake in it
"But china is a mix of capitalism and communism!" And if you mix a cow turd into a bowl of ice cream you still have a bowl of shit. And only socialists would eat it anyways.
But do your points here bare any relevance to the topic st hand, which is discussing Cat Cafe products & customer service?

No. By all means take those points & post them in the Politics subforum though mate, but they’re not really relevant to the topic of discussing CC gear & customer service.

Otherwise it adds to the workload of guys looking for feedback on the lad.
Purity and (lack of) dimer are the only measurable markers of HGH quality we've discovered so far, so for now we'll have to assume that these play a significant role in the quality of certain beneficial effects as well as severity of side effects when comparing HGH products. As we have no studies examining the correlation between HGH purity and said beneficial effects in any context applicable to the protocols used by our community, it comes down to collective self-study unfortunately.

While few can source a cycle's worth of 98%+ pharma HGH and then spare the time to make a meaningful comparison given how many lifestyle factors can cause interference, I personally believe the amount of anecdotes reporting superior results from high quality pharma HGH (by which I mean only the brands we haven't been able to match in purity via generics) may not be conclusive but are certainly suggestive enough that I believe we absolutely need to (mass-)produce 98% pure generic HGH ourselves just so that as a community we can personally test whether it makes a noticeable/worthwhile difference to x% lower purity generics or not, because that knowledge and the further conclusions to be gained from it will be invaluable.

TLDR: I don't know but I believe it's more likely than not.
Thank you for the answer!
Anyone else here having heavy pip and nausea from the deus stuff?
I am on them for about 2 months now and every week the same problem. 2 days big pain and swollen shoulders and nausea..primo and test.

Liskas home made stuff never made me feel like this. Of course the test had a slight pip. But no way like what I experience with deus stuff.
But do your points here bare any relevance to the topic st hand, which is discussing Cat Cafe products & customer service?

No. By all means take those points & post them in the Politics subforum though mate, but they’re not really relevant to the topic of discussing CC gear & customer service.

Otherwise it adds to the workload of guys looking for feedback on the lad.
Hey, my bad.
Regarding BPC 157. Once reconstituted with bac water how long can it be kept at room temperature before degredation starts?

I've searched online and gotten back multiple different answers so figured I'd ask here.
Regarding BPC 157. Once reconstituted with bac water how long can it be kept at room temperature before degredation starts?

I've searched online and gotten back multiple different answers so figured I'd ask here.
Room temp? Im pretty sure it is supposed to be kept in the fridge at 4-7 degrees celsius.
Yes this is what I have been doing.

However my training partner is in a situation where he can't keep it refrigerated so I'm wondering how to get around this.
If you use a reasonable dose don't worry about it, you'll have used it up before anything happens.
Haven't had a chance to post a pic of my order with Mr.Kisses but wanted to say I was extremely happy with liska service - Ephedrine / Cialis / Viagra all really high quality, fast secure delivery, rapid communication. I'll definitely be back!
Only getting around to uploading a pic of Mr. Kisses with his Cialis... All tuckered out as you can imagine

@CCUSA Do you plan on getting Domestic Ai & PCT (Aromasin & Nolvadex specifically) within the next couple months? If not am I still able to order from @Liska for shipping to U.S.? Thanks!

Aromasin will be one of the many suspensions I send off very shortly.

I will keep everyone updated as soon as testing is available.


Anyone else here having heavy pip and nausea from the deus stuff?
I am on them for about 2 months now and every week the same problem. 2 days big pain and swollen shoulders and nausea..primo and test.

Liskas home made stuff never made me feel like this. Of course the test had a slight pip. But no way like what I experience with deus stuff.
Is this with Test E, or other form?
Anyone else here having heavy pip and nausea from the deus stuff?
I am on them for about 2 months now and every week the same problem. 2 days big pain and swollen shoulders and nausea..primo and test.

Liskas home made stuff never made me feel like this. Of course the test had a slight pip. But no way like what I experience with deus stuff.
Could you elaborate a bit more? Which Injection spots are you using? What frequency? How much oil?

Kind regards,
