Cat Café EU & US domestic

Please provide bulletproof studies of silicion dioxide in the amounts contained in pharmaceutical tablets adhering to the pharmacopeia limits being 'clearly not good' or 'a huge problem' because this is absolutely contrary to the studies I have found that these guidelines were based on and are continuously being reviewed by.

It's just too extreme a statement to make to entertain a discussion without strong evidence as you could level this opinion against the pharmaceutical industry as well.
Have you actually looked for yourself? Look up these particles and fertility for example. When I have time, maybe I will gather some studies, but you should look for yourself. There are a lot of case studies on silicon dioxide building up in the body and causing problems, from pharmaceuticals. No one likes to talk about it though. These expedients have been put into most medications, and they aren't safe.
Aren't computer chips made out of silicon dioxide?

Why do you think they are loading everyone up with nanoparticles? It's a good question. Considering that these particles respond to frequencies and electricity, it doesn't seem wise to have them building up in the body.
Have you actually looked for yourself? Look up these particles and fertility for example. When I have time, maybe I will gather some studies, but you should look for yourself. There are a lot of case studies on silicon dioxide building up in the body and causing problems, from pharmaceuticals. No one likes to talk about it though. These expedients have been put into most medications, and they aren't safe.

You made the statement, so the burden of proof is on you.

We can all make wacky statements and finish with 'do your own research'. You see it a lot with anti vaxxers and their ilk.
Have you actually looked for yourself? Look up these particles and fertility for example. When I have time, maybe I will gather some studies, but you should look for yourself. There are a lot of case studies on silicon dioxide building up in the body and causing problems, from pharmaceuticals. No one likes to talk about it though. These expedients have been put into most medications, and they aren't safe.
Yes, it's literally part of my work to research this and I'm part of several autistic research groups that support me whenever something is beyond my understanding - I would never use any excipient carelessly.
The studies are pretty clear that these ingredients aren't good. It's a huge problem because of how widespread the use of these nanoparticles is.
“I’m afraid of nano particles in my illegal steroids” is now the score to beat in the Missing the Forest Because the Trees Are in the Way competition.



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This is what you're afraid of when buying illegal drugs on the internet?
Yes, it's literally part of my work to research this and I'm part of several autistic research groups that support me whenever something is beyond my understanding - I would never use any excipient carelessly.
I see what you did there.
Yes, it's literally part of my work to research this and I'm part of several autistic research groups that support me whenever something is beyond my understanding - I would never use any excipient carelessly.
I'm not suggesting you are using excipients carelessly. I'm simply asking, or suggesting, that you consider a "nanoparticle free" product line. It's a business tip. Maybe no one else here would care, but eventually someone will make a "nanoparticles free" brand. Maybe you should be the first.

I understand the attitude of "fuck, these nanoparticles are in everything, so what difference does it make if there are some in a few oral steroids? People are exposed to way more of these materials outside of what they would consume from me."

I'm just saying, let's not dismiss the dangers of these nanoparticles. For some, it's an acceptable risk and that's fine. For others who want to reduce their exposure, they shouldn't be met with criticism.
I'm not suggesting you are using excipients carelessly. I'm simply asking, or suggesting, that you consider a "nanoparticle free" product line. It's a business tip. Maybe no one else here would care, but eventually someone will make a "nanoparticles free" brand. Maybe you should be the first.

I understand the attitude of "fuck, these nanoparticles are in everything, so what difference does it make if there are some in a few oral steroids? People are exposed to way more of these materials outside of what they would consume from me."

I'm just saying, let's not dismiss the dangers of these nanoparticles. For some, it's an acceptable risk and that's fine. For others who want to reduce their exposure, they shouldn't be met with criticism.

You are getting attitude because your approach is all wrong. You have in so many words insulted Liska by essentially accusing him/her of having no regard for the health of his/her customer base. Here you are offering advice on how Liska should run the shoppe, but no one asked for your opinion.

Generally speaking, you come across like an arrogant asshole but you probably do not realize how you sound because you are focused on making one point or another hence the autistic comment.
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I'm not suggesting you are using excipients carelessly. I'm simply asking, or suggesting, that you consider a "nanoparticle free" product line. It's a business tip. Maybe no one else here would care, but eventually someone will make a "nanoparticles free" brand. Maybe you should be the first.

I understand the attitude of "fuck, these nanoparticles are in everything, so what difference does it make if there are some in a few oral steroids? People are exposed to way more of these materials outside of what they would consume from me."

I'm just saying, let's not dismiss the dangers of these nanoparticles. For some, it's an acceptable risk and that's fine. For others who want to reduce their exposure, they shouldn't be met with criticism.
If those studies are the quality of evidence you require to deep dive into this nanoparticular rabbit hole, I'm afraid you'll be down there by yourself for now. There are about a hundred problems in this industry more worthwhile fixing before we get to the flat earthy stuff.
You are getting attitude because your approach is all wrong. You have in so many words insulted Liska by essentially accusing him/her of having no regard for the health of his/her customer base. Here you are offering advice on how Liska should run the shoppe, but no one asked for your opinion.

Generally speaking, you come across like an arrogant asshole but you probably do not realize how you sound because you are focused on making one point or another hence the autistic comment.
How about no. I ask what ingredients he uses, and I stated my preferences.
Have you actually looked for yourself? Look up these particles and fertility for example. When I have time, maybe I will gather some studies, but you should look for yourself. There are a lot of case studies on silicon dioxide building up in the body and causing problems, from pharmaceuticals. No one likes to talk about it though. These expedients have been put into most medications, and they aren't safe.
Hold up, why should @Liska have to have to look it up?

You came into the arena and asked if he would consider using other ingredients, he asked you if you had any studies showing it wasn’t good as everything he had read stated otherwise and your response is to then force him to look for the studies?

If those studies are the quality of evidence you require to deep dive into this nanoparticular rabbit hole, I'm afraid you'll be down there by yourself for now. There are about a hundred problems in this industry more worthwhile fixing before we get to the flat earthy stuff.
It probably wouldn't matter if you had 100 studies in front of you. It seems you have made up your mind. You refuse to acknowledge nanoparticle science. It's not debatable: nanoparticles are not safe.

I do appreciate you answering my question honestly, regarding the fillers you use.
I don’t see the fucking problem - on a harm reduction board - asking about ingredients & pointing out potential issues w/ said ingredients. Whether enough ppl give a shit is an issue in it of itself.