Cat Café EU & US domestic

Quick question for the EU store, is what's on the injectable page all what is available? I notice way more products on the US page,

Im just looking for test e or c vials which I recall used to be there, not a fan of ampoules since you have to use the entire amount at once.
I think liska is moving towards having most/all injectables and orals in their own brand, what is currently there is a temporary measure until their production is up to speed.
Once all the cat cafe gear is back in stock I personally have no issue with the 300e minimum. Just requires an extra bit of planning. I am sad about the cat discount going though.
Once all the cat cafe gear is back in stock I personally have no issue with the 300e minimum. Just requires an extra bit of planning. I am sad about the cat discount going though.
I wouldnt have any issue with the 500eu minimum if his store started to resemble what it used to, which it in time will. All those exotic compounds and ancilleries will bring his store back from the long catnap.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
Sounds like you either need to up the Prozac or have a drink. Relax.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
for someone using cat pee as a solvent and cat poo as a filler, her/his/whatever stuff is pretty spot on.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
I love liskas products. Got some bad labs to share or are u just trynna stir up shit like always?
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
Calm down.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
Tank shut the fuck up you cheese melt.

Everyone hates you, you’re a lonely little rat living a rat life you son of a bitch.
I really feel sorry for any man dumb enough to buy UG gear from this source. You guys must be desperate or stupid.

It's a cheap skank bitch/female brewing this shit in her kitchen at home surrounded by stinky cats.....and you're all buying this shit from a fat/ugly skank bitch with hormonal issues each month on her bloody period.
Queen's demise really getting to you huh?
for someone using cat pee as a solvent and cat poo as a filler, her/his/whatever stuff is pretty spot on.

Yeah, pretty bizarre that, isn’t it? With his testing coming back as it has, it’s almost as if he isn’t using feline bodily waste products in his gear. Which obviously isn’t the case, because .... well, just because he’s obsessed with cats & thus it stands to reason he’d put cat piss & shit in his gear.

I’m fucked if I know how he manages that. Maybe his cats are Whiska’s cats? It does rhyme with Liska’s after all. That might account for it ....
Tank - whines when sources don’t have lab tested products.

Tank - whines when sources only accept crypto & not bank transfer.

Also Tank - whines about Liska, who offers both the above, because .... ?

Also Tank - says Naps is a “highly rated” source.

You can’t make this up.
Tank - whines when sources don’t have lab tested products.

Tank - whines when sources only accept crypto & not bank transfer.

Also Tank - whines about Liska, who offers both the above, because .... ?

Also Tank - says Naps is a “highly rated” source.

You can’t make this up.
naps is super good! I personally love taking a 30 minute ones after workouts
Pretty much the exact same, except mine took an extra day to get here. Packaging was fantastic. Clean, discreet, professional. I will update in a few weeks as to how the cycle is actually going. Very happy so far.

Alright, here goes my review because I said I would. I will try to keep it as short as possible. I am running a relatively mild cycle for an intermediate to experienced user. 500/300 a week of Tren E/Test E respectively. I guess I will just list the pros and cons.

Pros: Strength is way up even being at or slightly below maintenance calories most days with one meltdown cheat day where I eat whatever tf I want ALL day. Minimal tren cough. Increased vascularity.

Cons: Pretty much the same experience I have had with the other two times I ran tren. Night sweats, poor sleep, general lethargy/dysphoria, reduced appetite, irritability, etc. Tren is kinda nasty. For me, anyway. Slight post injection swelling that really is not as bad as other sources I have used, but it is still there. Don't know if that belongs in the pros or cons list as it may just be a me thing, but you know.

My opinion of the gear itself is that it is fire. I hope the source stays around for as long as possible.

That is all.