Cat Café EU & US domestic

@Liska are you planning to have more orals? Mostly oxandrolone 10mg and dbol 10mg.

Was waiting to do a big boy order 1500+, but I'll need some goodies right away. Also, since it'll be my first time with crypto, better not fuck it up big time.
Yes, let me post an updated list of future products based on new purrchases of raws in no particular order (please don't ask about release (up)dates too frequently - I'll post cat news whenever there are any):

Sustanon 250mg & Primobolan Enanthate 100mg today
Testosterone Acetate 100mg
Trestolone Acetate 100mg
Trestolone Enanthate
Masteron Enanthate 250mg
Masteron Propionate 150mg
Boldenone Cypionate
Injectable Superdrol maybe
Dianabol 25mg & maybe 10mg
Oxandrolone 10mg
Oxymetholone 50mg
Winstrol 25mg
Proviron 25mg
LGD4033 (Ligandrol) 10mg
Yes, let me post an updated list of future products based on new purrchases of raws in no particular order (please don't ask about release (up)dates too frequently - I'll post cat news whenever there are any):

Sustanon 250mg & Primobolan Enanthate 100mg today
Testosterone Acetate 100mg
Trestolone Acetate 100mg
Trestolone Enanthate
Masteron Enanthate 250mg
Masteron Propionate 150mg
Boldenone Cypionate
Injectable Superdrol maybe
Dianabol 25mg & maybe 10mg
Oxandrolone 10mg
Oxymetholone 50mg
Winstrol 25mg
Proviron 25mg
LGD4033 (Ligandrol) 10mg
Alright. I'll let you rest, just for a bit. Only because you got MTII back on.

Not at all, I wish we had a "What pharma product is still available where/fake pharma check" thread where sources & members could pool their knowledge.

I used to stock indian pharma HCG before Brexit but I don't feel comfortable about the India > UK > EU route anymore nowdays, so I stocked Livzon HCG from China, as it tested twice at 5000iu and 5200iu respectively, and the beautiful Moscow Endocrine Plant/Endopharm HCG:
View attachment 149017
While this was the most expensive HCG to stock at roughly thrice the price of indian HCG, I love the stag emblem just so much.

Do you plan on stocking Indian generic HCG in the UK store?
I would prefer more peptides. Especially HGH Frag 176-191 because their are nearly no trustable products available on the market.

I'm excited regarding the DHB which I will test.
Yes - I thought Express had it actually but it's absent from their UK store, have you contacted them about it? They've a way better network for indian pharma than I do.
Their delivery is absolutely woeful. 2 weeks from the UK store and it wasn't even dispatched. Took 3 weeks to get to me. Plus they don't carry test and co
Their delivery is absolutely woeful. 2 weeks from the UK store and it wasn't even dispatched. Took 3 weeks to get to me. Plus they don't carry test and co
That's unexpected - I have a bunch of stuff including HCG in the UK but I'd rather wait till it's all set up properly.
Liska, I'm thinking of ordering some of your orals, I'm just wondering how you got a rotary press into the basement of a cat cafe undetected? o_O

Edit: I was actually thinking about this yesterday when you said it hahaha
Took some cuter product pictures and added cats to the website - if anyone would not like their cats featured on the website please tell me!

Laser etched glass vials would really be something.

Just saying. Gotta have goals.
I absolutely agree, but these would take away certain stealth options from me - there's quite a few pretty packaging options I can't get unfortunately for this reason.
Does anyone know why nowadays primo is always methenolone enanthate wasnt it methenolone acetate back like in the 70s? Or am I mistaken?
Does anyone know why nowadays primo is always methenolone enanthate wasnt it methenolone acetate back like in the 70s? Or am I mistaken?
Ah no my bad I just checked my old book from 1969

and primobolan acetate was available in injectable and oral
20mg / ml


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sunday through tuesday was a bit rough because of side effects of my new medication entresto.
Had night sweats and breathing issues.
Switched back to my candesartan on wednesday and it got better. Almost as good as before again :)
Only issue right now is my very low BP (around 96/65) and the lethargy/no energy feeling due to it. Also breathless on exertion but this is to be expected (tried a stair with 75 steps this morning and boy it was rough, haha^^)
thanks for asking Mike :)