Cat Café EU & US domestic

I'm curious on MCT vs GSO in subq applications. Is one better than the other? Running some GSO now with no issues. Things coming along nicely.

Never tried MCT subq. Like most other things, it probably depends on the individual?
USA update:

I will open shop January 2nd! Shipping will commence the 3rd.

Thank you guys for understanding.

Happy holidays all!

They will be discontinued, once those available on the store right now are sold out, that's it. The problem isn't the quantity per product, it's the quantity of products, as people intolerant to MCT would desire (and certainly ask for) all compounds to be available in GSO.
excuse me, can you tell me what is the difference between gso and mct ? I'm sorry if it says anything
excuse me, can you tell me what is the difference between gso and mct ? I'm sorry if it says anything

The biggest difference relative to us is viscosity and solubility. Some oils are thinner, some are thicker. Some hold finicky compounds better than others.

Also, personal response. If your allergic to an oil, you need to stay away from it.

Some love MCT. Thin, no issues. GSO, thicker, can hold PIPy compounds better.
I'm curious on MCT vs GSO in subq applications. Is one better than the other? Running some GSO now with no issues. Things coming along nicely.

Never tried MCT subq. Like most other things, it probably depends on the individual?
I'm curious about that also and (pre-)ordered Test E MCT & GSO from Liska.

I'll post my experience once I have something to say. Gonna be subcutaneous btw.
Would you consider adding HMG some day? It is an alternative to HCG that can be useful sometimes.
I don't know of any laboratory that can test HMG accurately, so there's no way for me to promise a properly dosed product to customers. German pharma HMG Menopur is about 34€ per 75iu at cost when buying a pack of ten, so while I would pick that up on request for particular cats, it wouldn't do well on the cat café when sold at a profit I'm afraid.

Speaking of german pharma products, Anastrozol as 50 or 100 x 1mg is available now by a couple of brands.
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Damn, shame you have to discontinue GSO 400. 400 mct would give me major PIP and swelling
I've come to the realization that the demand for the returning MCT injectables is far beyond my expectations and it will consume all my time, raws, vials etc. to keep these in stock, so I'm cancelling further production of GSO products for the time being. Preorder numbers for these were abysmal to the point where some compounds had zero preorders and a few others just a single interested customer, and while I know that with time word may have spread, you can probably tell due to my release schedule that I bit off more than I can chew. Apologies to everyone that was silently waiting for this lineup to be completed! Someday maybe.

To buy myself some time, I'm discounting most of the GSO products already in stock to drive some customers towards those instead of the MCT variants:

Test E & C 250mg GSO from 30€ to 25€
Primobolan E 100mg GSO from 40€ to 35€
Primobolan E 200mg GSO from 80€ to 70€

Further discounts (because I need the cold storage space):

Ozempic (Semaglutide) 1.34mg/ml, 4mg pen from 180€ to 165€
Victoza (Liraglutide) 6mg/ml 18mg pen from 45€ to 40€
HCG 7000iu from 30€ to 25€
Hey, Liska! I was wanting to get all my products through you. The only thing I don't see on your USA site is Raloxifene. Will you be adding this product in the future?
Hey, Liska! I was wanting to get all my products through you. The only thing I don't see on your USA site is Raloxifene. Will you be adding this product in the future?
Yes, this as well as Enclomiphene will be added to the US PCT section early 2023 but I haven't a more precise date right now.
Hey Liska I'm really impressed by your lab results and communication I think all of your customers appreciate that. I placed a order through pharmaqo and I'm kind of regretting it... inconsistent views, opinions and lack of communication has me a bit confused ( I'm not bashing this lab) I like your consistency when it comes to testing and communication so I will most likely become a new customer of yours...
Hey Liska I'm really impressed by your lab results and communication I think all of your customers appreciate that. I placed a order through pharmaqo and I'm kind of regretting it... inconsistent views, opinions and lack of communication has me a bit confused ( I'm not bashing this lab) I like your consistency when it comes to testing and communication so I will most likely become a new customer of yours...
As far as superlabs go I consider Pharmaqo really decent and @Mr.PQR is one of my favourite representatives because I've never noticed him manipulate or exploit this community, which is unfortunately quite rare at that level.

Some sacrifices are inevitable when supersized, and attempting to handle even a fraction of that production capacity has brought me back to reality recently, so I'm going back to focusing on a more narrow range of products to ensure every single one is as best as can be, even if they may not be available year round this way.

In other news, new batch of BPC-157 is available now as the old one has just sold out.

In stupid news, I've fallen behind on labelling injectables by a few hundred now so I'm shifting select products in and out of the 'coming soon' category to catch up. "How could this happen?" you ask with a curious look in your eyes.

The labelling machine is not picking up the black cats on the clear labels as an indicator, so I need to reprint five figures of labels with a black marker stripe on the left side. As these labels were never intended to be applied manually, it's a horror to do so due to their length and flimsiness, and I need what remains of my sanity to prepare for Chinese New Year shutting down China in January right now.
As far as superlabs go I consider Pharmaqo really decent and @Mr.PQR is one of my favourite representatives because I've never noticed him manipulate or exploit this community, which is unfortunately quite rare at that level.

Some sacrifices are inevitable when supersized, and attempting to handle even a fraction of that production capacity has brought me back to reality recently, so I'm going back to focusing on a more narrow range of products to ensure every single one is as best as can be, even if they may not be available year round this way.

In other news, new batch of BPC-157 is available now as the old one has just sold out.
View attachment 177195View attachment 177196

In stupid news, I've fallen behind on labelling injectables by a few hundred now so I'm shifting select products in and out of the 'coming soon' category to catch up. "How could this happen?" you ask with a curious look in your eyes.

The labelling machine is not picking up the black cats on the clear labels as an indicator, so I need to reprint five figures of labels with a black marker stripe on the left side. As these labels were never intended to be applied manually, it's a horror to do so due to their length and flimsiness, and I need what remains of my sanity to prepare for Chinese New Year shutting down China in January right now.
Thank you Brother appreciate it

