Cat Café EU & US domestic

@Liska , i joined the forum only because of ur products and ur lab. i ordered a whole Akra Cycle 2 months ago and i always got fever 2 days after the injection and at one weekend i had to go to hospital so im looking for another lab .

i hope that ur stuff is good . can u tell me how to order ? and what about getting 80€ Credit for Testing , can u explain how it works ?
@Liska , i joined the forum only because of ur products and ur lab. i ordered a whole Akra Cycle 2 months ago and i always got fever 2 days after the injection and at one weekend i had to go to hospital so im looking for another lab .

i hope that ur stuff is good . can u tell me how to order ? and what about getting 80€ Credit for Testing , can u explain how it works ?
Whether via HGH or providing raws to Akra, Ciraws is putting a lot of guys into the hospital it seems. I'm not familiar with the private labs like Mondial and Bellon myself so I can't comment.

To order, just follow the instruction on the website posted in the OP of this thread.

To get store credit for testing, follow the instructions on submitting a blind sample detailed by Janoshik in his thread
and mail me and/or post the result to this thread.
Puoi indirizzarmi ad un altra fonte attendibile, gentilmente?
Korone ha una personalità dolce e goffa paragonabile a quella di un vero cane. Bacia spesso altri membri ololive senza motivo, e ha una risata acuta che ricorda il fischio di un treno o il flauto.

Come la maggior parte dei cani, Korone è ferocemente fedele, in particolare a Nekomata Okayu. I due sono raramente visti separati, e la coppia è conosciuta come "OkaKoro". In effetti, i due sono così vicini che a Okayu non è importato che Korone le afferrasse e massaggiasse il seno durante il pigiama party dopo che Korone aveva avuto una giornata estenuante di prove di danza e lavoro da concerto, che può essere vista in una luce più materna.

Korone ha una predilezione per i giochi retrò, specialmente quelli più di nicchia (o anche di scarsa fattura). Si diverte molto dalla stranezza di questi giochi, spesso ridendo di quanto possano essere assurdi.
I don't even know if this source is cat friendly anymore. Cat owner beware.
At this point I could expect anything...even cats not being allowed into the cafè.

I think I will keep brewing.
Whether via HGH or providing raws to Akra, Ciraws is putting a lot of guys into the hospital it seems. I'm not familiar with the private labs like Mondial and Bellon myself so I can't comment.

To order, just follow the instruction on the website posted in the OP of this thread.

To get store credit for testing, follow the instructions on submitting a blind sample detailed by Janoshik in his thread
and mail me and/or post the result to this thread.
thanks for the answer .

how long does the shipping take ? to germany and to belgium and is it safe ?