Cat Café EU & US domestic

Will Liska give you discount if you send cat pics?

Any feedback on the Superdrol, Mk667, Tren e/a? Would like to give these products a try
He have a thread on meso Fr, liska share sometimes news here
Merci beaucoup!
cat tales.png

Almost since the beginning I've had my labels printed via a contact at a printing company. The first print run was roughly 1/3 the quantity of labels needed for each product/batch - no more as these are rather expensive due to certain features as well as being printed in EU, so I didn't want to overcommit by spending thousands at once nor were there bulk discounts.

Second printrun I had some issues with the sticker paper being thicker and thus less transparent (most apparent on Trest Ace 100mg) and white outlines on the lettering of others (Deca). This was unacceptable and I desperately pleaded to go back to the initial paper & style but for several reasons that wasn't possible.

Cue my contact having an accident and being hospitalized for a month followed by the printing company being on holiday for two weeks (still) plus an expected T/A time of 2-3 weeks and I've realized the stupidest of all supply shortages has become imminent.

I'm taking this opportunity to completely redesign the label to be less difficult to produce and less time consuming to put onto the vials decently straight, otherwise I'll be spending a thousand hours labelling the 2nd batches I've been planning for a while.

TLDR: I'm out of labels for Test Ace & MK677 for a week or two, and I'll run out of Test E 350mg & Primo 200mg labels soon for similarly long.

To reward anyone still reading, until I get new labels for the above, I'm selling unlabelled (along a dozen vials with imperfect labels) Test E 350mg for 25€ per vial and unlabelled Primobolan 200mg for 70€ per vial. As always, not compatible with cat discount.

Still sorting through Sphynxes!
Any experiences with Cat Café Tren and/or EQ?
Did run Tren A earlier in the year and all good, slight pip but nothing major and my results speak for the product quality
To reward anyone still reading, until I get new labels for the above, I'm selling unlabelled (along a dozen vials with imperfect labels) Test E 350mg for 25€ per vial and unlabelled Primobolan 200mg for 70€ per vial. As always, not compatible with cat discount.
Could of happened week earlier when I was making my order as the labels are the last thing i care about :D
Could of happened week earlier when I was making my order as the labels are the last thing i care about :D
I frequently think about how to run a promo (that is unrelated to a certain holiday etc) without snubbing customers who just ordered at full price - announcing it several weeks in advance isn't always possible or feasible, as it would kill almost all sales of the included products until then. I'm open to ideas because I haven't come up with anything good.
Cat cafe physique updates maybe? maybe a weekly competition/discount for customers running your products who post physique updates to show how effective they are?
I frequently think about how to run a promo (that is unrelated to a certain holiday etc) without snubbing customers who just ordered at full price - announcing it several weeks in advance isn't always possible or feasible, as it would kill almost all sales of the included products until then. I'm open to ideas because I haven't come up with anything good.
Just want to share my experience with Liska,

contact was easy & friendly.
I got the tracking id at the same day and all in all the shipping was super fast.
My order was :
Some Deus & Hilma random Stuff - i think there is nothing to say, the stuff will work as usual
4x Cat Test E 250 mg - they look realy good, oil is super clear
Big Box of Armodafinil - Only used Mondial´s Armodafinil before but they dont sell it anymore so I am very curious how they work (never heard about that manufacturer)

All in All i will order again

As the 2nd batch of Primobolan 200mg is slowly coming to its end, there's a few vials with visual defects like bad crimping (which won't come off unless you abuse it severely) and damaged labels (for which I don't have replacements yet) I've added to the sales category for 68€ each.

As this was my first product in autumn of 2020, I didn't have a big enough beaker yet to brew all the raws (1kg) in so I used two beakers in parallel - one with cosmetic grade BB (crystal clear) and one with USP grade BB (same quality but of light yellow colour). While the raws and recipe were identical, I've just sent the yellow variant to Jano for testing so once the crystal clear Primobolan has sold out, it will have a yellow hue to it - just wanted to show this off in advance.
As the 2nd batch of Primobolan 200mg is slowly coming to its end, there's a few vials with visual defects like bad crimping (which won't come off unless you abuse it severely) and damaged labels (for which I don't have replacements yet) I've added to the sales category for 68€ each.

As this was my first product in autumn of 2020, I didn't have a big enough beaker yet to brew all the raws (1kg) in so I used two beakers in parallel - one with cosmetic grade BB (crystal clear) and one with USP grade BB (same quality but of light yellow colour). While the raws and recipe were identical, I've just sent the yellow variant to Jano for testing so once the crystal clear Primobolan has sold out, it will have a yellow hue to it - just wanted to show this off in advance.
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So only visual effects and nothing else regarding the product? How is the pip on your high concentration products (deca 300/test350)? Usually I get a lot of pip from 350+test products ;)