Cat Café EU & US domestic

All questions I've been ignoring I'm either uncertain about or lead down some rabbit hole I'd like to stay out of. I'll post a big juicy steak update once all orders paid for have been shipped!
So are you not sure on your plans for international shipping? Or you don’t care to discuss your plans now?

I would love to try your product.
i dont wanna be a whiny bitch but...

on your page u say minimum 250 but in the example u show 168. My OCD is triggering...
The beginning of September ends the promo, but I kept some of the prices lower either because products were doing much better at that price point or because they still weren't doing well at the lower price.

One of my most beloved and returning cathletes showing off his cycle:
Due to a recent scale malfunction, some LGD4033 containers have been underfilled by 20 tablets, and some of the silver-capped MK677 containers by 2-5 tablets. Everyone who purchased these please mail me for a choice between a replacement of more than just the missing product, a generous refund or store credit. I deeply apologize for this - it does not affect any other product.
His L-carn is close to painless and absorbs quick

I was thinking about trying it, seen some Chase Irons videos on YT praising it a lot. (Going to make an order in the next days). Whats the protocol for l carnitine? 500mg daily? I read around it should be used with insulin to get better results. Is it bro science or the right way to do it?

BTW, @Liska , when test E 250mg/ml will be in stock?

