Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

I'm cutting and doing well atm. I just have a psychological barrier to losing fat since I feel like I'm getting smaller, even though the gear is helping me keep all of my lean mass. I'm actually getting stronger while cutting even. Body dysmorphia sucks
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I have used their products i just joined the forum and saw their post and recommended

And you thought to yourself "let me introduce myself to this new forum by giving some shitty source a virtual handjob with my first post"?

Do you at least have something more than anecdotes for that silly 100% quality claim?
And you thought to yourself "let me introduce myself to this new forum by giving some shitty source a virtual handjob with my first post"?

Do you at least have something more than anecdotes for that silly 100% quality claim?
Why do you say this is a shitty source? Just because you are a gay fucked by a dog?
Why do you say this is a shitty source? Just because you are a gay fucked by a dog?

Thanks Bigshark i detected a gay nigga and decided to ignore him he is on periods

Haha the fucking noobs coming out of the woodwork to bootlick and defend another faceless Chinaman with cheap gear.

You mother fuckers couldn't be anymore obvious and pathetic. You no rikey when i pick on your source?
Haha the fucking noobs coming out of the woodwork to bootlick and defend another faceless Chinaman with cheap gear.

You mother fuckers couldn't be anymore obvious and pathetic. You no rikey when i pick on your source?
Okay, idiot fat man. Next time I let my dog fuck you be lighter. Don't blame me if you don't get an orgasm.
Haha the fucking noobs coming out of the woodwork to bootlick and defend another faceless Chinaman with cheap gear.

You mother fuckers couldn't be anymore obvious and pathetic. You no rikey when i pick on your source?
And I suggest you don’t give my dog oral sex again next time.
@Damianrentflow and @BigShark


You two knob gobbling mother fuckers need to take your shilling asses back to whatever fucking chinaman hole you fucking crawled out of. Unless either of you can provide any proof of the sources quality, you need to quietly fuck off
@Damianrentflow and @BigShark


You two knob gobbling mother fuckers need to take your shilling asses back to whatever fucking chinaman hole you fucking crawled out of. Unless either of you can provide any proof of the sources quality, you need to quietly fuck off

No, no. This was great. They just destroyed any chance this source had. He didn't have much of a chance to begin with, but it's game over now.