Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

I do have some minor PIP today, so maybe 100mg/ml would be better vs 200mg/ml. Especially with EOD pinning. I didn't take a pic of the oil yesterday but I did take a crappy pic of the box on my thigh. Lol.

June production date. Hopefully this bottle was a little overdosed too since Janoshik recently showed how oils deteriorate at room temperature (and in the fridge!) over time.


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And the cherry on top of the dogshit Sundae? My man here used a generic google images tit pic, and a shitty one at that.

You post tits from your gf/wife/coworker or none at all, you dishonest cocksucker.

And the cherry on top of the dogshit Sundae? My man here used a generic google images tit pic, and a shitty one at that.

You post tits from your gf/wife/coworker or none at all, you dishonest cocksucker.
Congrats to our first official Meso Member of the Month; lynks! I didn't have time to scan any posts beyond the first couple of pages but I must say that you have an old school feel to your posts.

May I recommend that before you attempt to blend back into family life or really any life beyond meso that you take a deep breath and maybe listen to something soothing before doing so.

In the past I've left my laptop in an all out rage and knocked more than a few small children out of my path unknowingly with high knees. I've also seen the Chinese flag where my wifes face would normally be. I've done irreparable damage to an already fractured relationship.

lynks8, I will be in touch mid week to discuss your options for prizes. Most are considered "Stress Reduction Devices". Some are more interesting than others.
Thanks for your efforts and keep up the fine work!
hello comrade. the citizens of hong kong and myself wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. we hope you raise a lot of money for our efforts to overthrow the tyrannical president xi jinping. the people of china will finally get revenge for the tiananmen square massacre
hello comrade. the citizens of hong kong and myself wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. we hope you raise a lot of money for our efforts to overthrow the tyrannical president xi jinping. the people of china will finally get revenge for the tiananmen square massacre
There should be no politics and politicians here.
hello comrade. the citizens of hong kong and myself wish you the best of luck in this endeavor. we hope you raise a lot of money for our efforts to overthrow the tyrannical president xi jinping. the people of china will finally get revenge for the tiananmen square massacre
I can hardly imagine that a person who begs everywhere can subvert a country. Damn coward. You should first buy a ton of testo to strengthen your body.
Damn political villain
I live in Hong Kong. Packages from Chinese sources take three or four days, tops, to get to me. If a source was located close to the border I could get the package in 12 hours!
Yip. If a local is willing to ship finished goods to a local address, its nutty fast.

If only they took allipay. My fat ass needs some T3 for my next prep.
Yip. If a local is willing to ship finished goods to a local address, its nutty fast.

If only they took allipay. My fat ass needs some T3 for my next prep.
I haven't met a Chinese supplier (of those who will ship to me) who won't take Alipay or WeChat Pay! They all ship the same day domestically too.
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T3 scares me though. Someone close to me has hyperthyroidism and I've seen them drop 30-40 lbs out of nowhere. They need daily beta blockers or their heart rate goes crazy. The meds have helped them gain the weight back but I guess I'm just scared of the stuff after seeing what it can do!
T3 scares me though. Someone close to me has hyperthyroidism and I've seen them drop 30-40 lbs out of nowhere. They need daily beta blockers or their heart rate goes crazy. The meds have helped them gain the weight back but I guess I'm just scared of the stuff after seeing what it can do!
Moderate use when in a steep deficit. These guys that go 100mcg + are nutty.
Would it burn lean muscle at moderate doses?
If your stack is on point, no. The goal is to basically replace and/or slightly boost your normal level. When you go deep into a deficit your metabolism can tank, so the goal if basically "HRT" or "HRT+" levels.

My problem is I am bottom of the ref range normally with hypo levels being in my getting below say 15% bf is a real struggle.