Changzhou Xuanming Chemical Company

So there aren't any pip issues with test cyp right? I have a bunch of test E raws that I got last year and if I don't mix it with another compound Holy F it kills.
So there aren't any pip issues with test cyp right? I have a bunch of test E raws that I got last year and if I don't mix it with another compound Holy F it kills.
I'll let you know what I think but I'm planning on mixing it with other injectables in an ampoule before drawing up, so won't be able to tell you definitively. I use 50mg/ml test prop as the base for all of my shots. Definitely takes the sting out of my tren e!
3 weeks delivery to Australia for a couple of hgh kits. Thanks CXC for an easy no hassle transaction. Did bloods a couple of weeks ago including growth hormone and igf-1. Will do again in a few weeks and post results.
The test cyp has been just fine, but it's diluted down with primo at 100mg/ml and test prop at 50mg/ml so I can't tell you how much it would hurt on its own. Definitely happy with everything I've got from these guys though. I'm going to stay on their Proviron all year round.
The test cyp has been just fine, but it's diluted down with primo at 100mg/ml and test prop at 50mg/ml so I can't tell you how much it would hurt on its own. Definitely happy with everything I've got from these guys though. I'm going to stay on their Proviron all year round.
Hey HKOX you forgot to sign into your other account in your log thread. You used your Changzhou Xuanming Chem account. Just thought I'd give your fake ass a heads up
By that rule you can skip ahead and rename the board 'six feet underground'.
It is a rule, and what makes this worse ks that its a source and admits it freely. Making a mockery of this board. I think seeing this source admitting it and some of the other sources and other threads, you coining it six feet under is fitting
Given that I have tried and reviewed this source for orals, I dont know how I feel about this now.
Given that I have tried and reviewed this source for orals, I dont know how I feel about this now.
same. I had a great experience but this is a little wonky!

I suppose he at least owned it immediately instead of cooking up some rigamarole story and whatnot....
I've been here since 2015. I'm just a PED user like most of us here! And I've really helped facilitate communication for those who have purchased.