Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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So curious, but you’ve said all the top pros are running dosages the same as roman. Being that roman is a “crazy” guy IVing insulin which nobody else is doing, is it not possible that there are lots of genetic freaks out there taking 1-2 grams at the olympia level like you’ve said you don’t think are telling the truth?
Did i say all? If i did that’s not what i meant. It’s never all bro. Nothing is that absolute… unless you’re a sith. Of course there are people out there using less and being massive.. but that’s not going to be most of us. I mean shit we got fuckin eye witness stories of Shaun Clarida doing 10ml bombs of test all at once in one glute. There’s wild shit going on out there man… and it makes wild fuckin physiques
And Matt has a lot of the top guys in the world.. might be something to that eh? Lol
he’s also put tons of amateurs into liver and kidney failure and lots of amateurs who just don’t go anywhere, majority of his successes come to him once already at the pro level
That’s true.. but you can see that shit coming from a mile away if you are getting bloodwork like a good bodybuilder
agreed. I think even most of these guys at the top just don’t care. I highly doubt someone like nick walker would ever pull out of a prep or slow down due to scary bloodwork lol. and leads me to wonder what really caused brett wilkin’s stomach issues
agreed. I think even most of these guys at the top just don’t care. I highly doubt someone like nick walker would ever pull out of a prep or slow down due to scary bloodwork lol. and leads me to wonder what really caused brett wilkin’s stomach issues
Yea. Things would be a lot more clear if people would be honest and open about everything that goes into it. But they can’t… cause it’s the coaches secrets lol
This milligram theory is bullshit from Victor Black based on research on protein synthesis in rats

We have a good medical study on humans that the difference between anabolism is very large, for example nandrolone built 4 times more muscle mass than primo

Does anyone really think that taking, for example, 50 mg of mast a day will build the same amount of muscle as 50 mg of MENT or 50 mg of Superdol?
I completely agree.

I have talked about how maybe primo vs mast vs EQ may be comparable but you cant compare mast and tren/test/nandrolone

I like Chase's comment about higher dose AAS. Find the substance that causes the least sides and run the shit out of it.
someone asked why we care? Because the social media age has kids accessing information they shouldn't have and disclosing you're using 5g of gear and 18ou GH for this physique is fucking stupid.
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You used to have to EARN your way into this kind of info. Now guys brag about tripling effective doses on youtube as a substitute for work and food. Clown world.

Lol, ya man that was 2 years ago on baby doses and I dropped 20 pounds during peak weak haha. Man i looked like shit on stage! Looked a lot better at about 220 then all the water dropped out of me and ended up looking like that. It is what it is haha. Im determined to not look so pathetic my next show in at least a year depending on how this ACL surgery goes next month. But to be clear this physique saw no more than 4-6iu gh a day and like a gram of gear the 2 years leading up to it under Jordan Peters
Lol, ya man that was 2 years ago on baby doses and I dropped 20 pounds during peak weak haha. Man i looked like shit on stage! Looked a lot better at about 220 then all the water dropped out of me and ended up looking like that. It is what it is haha. Im determined to not look so pathetic my next show in at least a year depending on how this ACL surgery goes next month. But to be clear this physique saw no more than 4-6iu gh a day and like a gram of gear the 2 years leading up to it under Jordan Peters
So you looking to turn over a new leaf? I am sure you will have to earn your way back like MacWildcat stated if I read it correctly.
Earn my way back?
This is not what I was implying.

It was a comment on how this type of information USED to be obtained. Now it is simply a matter of fact of fitness influencing type content.

Did not say you had to esrn your way back to anything, just to be clear.
This is not what I was implying.

It was a comment on how this type of information USED to be obtained. Now it is simply a matter of fact of fitness influencing type content.

Did not say you had to esrn your way back to anything, just to be clear.
Ya the other guy was saying that so i was confused. I knew what you meant. Ya i understand this type of info used to be earned.. but many never get to the place where they learn this type of shit. I mean it took me till i was 37 to figure it out for myself… and let’s be real.. that’s too late. My only shot at a pro card is going into 40 and up masters and even then I’ll get my ass kicked
Have you ever gotten an echocardiogram done on your heart or a ct scan of your abdomen? Would be interested to see if your organs are in the clear
I get where you are coming from. But is he really flaunting it? Let's be honest here, can anyone one really afford the dosages he is running?

I for one couldn't even fathom running that much gear let alone the budget i need for the GH lol. There are probably less than 1% of the gym population who can afford it realistically, that is if they have the dedication to be pinning all that oil.

Let us not make it sound that taking that amount of PEDs is as simple and easy at they make it look.
ehh the cost has to do with who you know... i mean if youre homebrewing the gear doesnt cost shit. and then the serostim can be as cheap as $300 a box if you know the right dying guy with aids. so maybe $1300 a month like that. at the most its like $600 a box so $2400 for that then homebrewing takes it up to maybe $2500 a month. Have a good paying career before getting into bodybuilding and its no big deal
and then the serostim can be as cheap as $300 a box if you know the right dying guy with aids. so maybe $1300 a month like that.
So with knowing the right guy getting it as cheap as possible, it’d still be a rental payment or monthly grocery bill for a slightly smaller guy? Idk about the other guys on this forum but personally I put aside what I can for rent and these grocery bills kill me. I stock up on the drugs when I can but there’s no way I could ever justify over 3x the price for a kit vs generics I get great results and no side effects from
So with knowing the right guy getting it as cheap as possible, it’d still be a rental payment or monthly grocery bill for a slightly smaller guy? Idk about the other guys on this forum but personally I put aside what I can for rent and these grocery bills kill me. I stock up on the drugs when I can but there’s no way I could ever justify over 3x the price for a kit vs generics I get great results and no side effects from
hey if you like your results then keep on trucking