Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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how I ate throughout the cycle (it ended 2 weeks ago)


So for blood pressure you guys have to understand that i have my own private full-size gym. I’m basically there about 6-8 hours a day most days doing cardio, training, eating, recovering and making videos. I do 30 mins of cardio of a mix of pulling the sled, ski erg, bike or incline treadmill then going straight into the 194 degree steam sauna for 20 minutes. All of the water i drink is mixed with Chris tuttles DrinkMOR electrolyte mix and it’s typically 1.5-2 gallons a day. On top of all that i have a treadmill at my desk to ensure i get at least 10k steps a day whether it is there or doing 10 minute walks with my dog after a few meals. On top of that you’ve got the supps and medications of 80mg telmisartan with 25mg hctz. 10,000 units of nattokinase a day with vit E, D, Tons of Vit K, baby aspirin and the heaps of other supps i take, sleeping 7-8 hours a night with a cpap every night.… i mean it’s not easy to keep blood pressure under 130/90.

Cholesterol is easy.. ezetimibe with rosuvastatin is extremely effective.

Liver enzymes.. i mean i take no orals. The liver handles testosterone no problem.

Kidney health comes from blood pressure. If BP is good kidneys won’t get fucked up.

My HCT is a popular topic. On 3500 test and 1400 mast it was a 48.5. This is because i get it tested while HYDRATED! Too many of you go in without any liquids in you and no meals and your hct comes back on trt at a 54. Hey i made the same damn mistake. I was off all gear from Feb 2022 to Feb 2023 to get my wife pregnant and one of the times i got blood tested my HCT came back at a 58. Then i test it later in the day and it was a 51. Hydration is key for good hct. Chis tuttles drink hydrates way better than plain water. What i do is fill up my half gallon jug before bed and drink 1/3 of it with my PM pills. Then i wake up at 2am to pee always and take my t3/t4 and drink another 1/3. Then in the morning i take my AM pills with the last 1/3 and then I’d go get bloodwork. Since discovering this I’ve been doing my nights like this and my bloodwork has been great since.

My hands go numb here and there but it’s tolerable. I sleep on my back with a pillow propping up my right arm and that for some reason keeps it at bay

That’s my explanation man. You can take it or leave it. My bloodwork was evaluated by vig Steve on his channel here


If that's all true, it's the least unhealthy way to do what you're doing.

And everyone likes to say this is a harm reduction board so welcome to the club brother.
There are many many muscles that can take 3cc in 1 shot. 30ml a week? Left quad, R quad, L glute, R glute, L ventroglute, R ventroglute, L lat, R lat, L rear delt, R rear delt, L side delt, R side delt… that’s 36ml right there. Plenty of time between shots to have zero issues

Jesus. Even all that carrier oil.

I've done some large injection volume (due to low mg/mL) cycles in the past and always prefer higher mg/mL now even if more PIP.

The tightness/soreness/uncomfortable feeling from all that injection volume isn't worth it imo. I'd rather a day or 2 of mild PIP with higher mg/mL gear.
Jesus. Even all that carrier oil.

I've done some large injection volume (due to low mg/mL) cycles in the past and always prefer higher mg/mL now even if more PIP.

The tightness/soreness/uncomfortable feeling from all that injection volume isn't worth it imo. I'd rather a day or 2 of mild PIP with higher mg/mL gear.
When i was around 220-240 i used to think the same about guys having to inject a lot. Now that I’m doing it, there’s really not much pip or soreness bro. When you have good gear and only using test and mast e it all goes in easy
If that's all true, it's the least unhealthy way to do what you're doing.

And everyone likes to say this is a harm reduction board so welcome to the club brother.
I dunno how i would make all that shit up lol. I mean I’ve been talking about it in my vids all year
It’s in there. Ast and Alt are weak ass markers for liver too.. GGT is what you want to look at

They're all shit markers to gauge liver health and if you want to use them, take a week off of lifting and drinking alcohol before hand.

Other than that look for yellow eyes & itchy skin.
Chase you clearly are build to tolerate some abuse otherwise your bloodeork would not look like that. people fail to realise that not everybody can take it...

but speaking of bloodwork one thing that stood up to me was your insulin and glucose level, after calculating your HomA-ir you are clearly insulin resistant and that should be no surprise on that much food and GH. your pancreas may be able to churn out insulin to keep your BG levels normal but on one side you are really stressing your beta cells and on the other you are driving down your insulin sensitivity.. you do not need exo. insulin to become diabetic... not saying you will but a severe calorie reduction might help from time to time
one thing that stood up to me was your insulin and glucose level, after calculating your HomA-ir you are clearly insulin resistant

If this was concerning to Chase's health, it could easily be managed with a bit more cardio.

Cardio first, then dihydroberberine & other supps before insulin. Exo insulin last resort for this.

insulin for muscle is a different goal
This is typically what is said by people that can’t fathom injecting that much oil. If you only knew what was going on at the pro level man.. 5g of test is not crazy.. 20iu hgh is not crazy. That’s all i can really say about it. You can take it or leave it. If you get deep enough into bodybuilding you’d be surprised who comes out of the woodwork to ask you about their cycles because they know i won’t judge them.
Bro I really dont think theyre are many ifbb pros using 5 grams of test.. Id even argue that theres maybe even no ifbb pros who do that. i mean lets be real here if someone needs 5 grams of test to make gains youre doing something wrong in your training or diet. I dont give a fuck what anyone else does with their gear use but bro I think someone who pushes drugs that hard has missed the whole point of bodybuilding and what its about and how to do it. Its about training and pushing food. gear shuld max out at about 2.5 grams per week. there is not much benefit past that. you want to be bigger than you are then start eating more food. and if you cant eat more food and you cant train any harder and your pushig 5 grams of gear you are simply maxed out. guys who push drugs to insane levels and share it with theyre followers are just making all the young guys think its all abot drugs when its not
I really wonder what this dudes diet looks like and what hes using for his blood pressure and e2 control... and rbc and hct.. i mean how can you not have elevated rbc and hct at least on your blood work on 3 grams of test. Either he has some weird immunity to testosterone or he is an extreme low responder to gear. 3 grams of test would jack your rbc, hct, blood pressure, e2, dht which could cause prostate problems i mean how the fuck could you possibly have natty looking blood work.

edit: im on 5iu gh of generic chinease shit and i wake up mulitple times a night from hand numbess. 18iu of real pharma serostim? I cant imagine
I am on 6iu QSC and only side effect is wanting a nap after I inject, weird no hand numbness everyone else talks about.

LMAO I don't know who says more stupid shit, Chase Irons or Tony Huge.
While Tony Huge may not appeal to everyone and some find him cringe-worthy, I do like he is living his best life over there so more power to him.
Its funny that sooo many people are so conviced pros take massive amounts of gear ha i think youd be shocked at how little most pros are using. I think roman might have actually been trolling chase in the video sayng that shit
When i was around 220-240 i used to think the same about guys having to inject a lot. Now that I’m doing it, there’s really not much pip or soreness bro. When you have good gear and only using test and mast e it all goes in easy
I can agree to this, I pinned 5cc in the glute and had no soreness or lumps, pinned 3cc in my pec no problem and pinned 2cc subQ no problem.

Its funny that sooo many people are so conviced pros take massive amounts of gear ha i think youd be shocked at how little most pros are using. I think roman might have actually been trolling chase in the video sayng that shit
In my honest opinion, it seems that some professionals with favorable genetics may not necessarily rely on high drug use. However, it's noteworthy that many pros claim to be genetic freaks while, in truth, they often engage in substantial drug usage.

While I don't assert this is true for every professional, it's a reality for a significant number. A revealing aspect is examining a pro athlete's coach, understanding their preferences, and reviewing the protocols they endorse.

An eye-opening example involves a pro who, during an interview, disclosed quitting due to the overwhelming amount of drugs prescribed by his coach. The impact was such that it adversely affected his health, and the monthly expenses prompted humorous misconceptions from his wife about possibly spending money on women.
Its funny that sooo many people are so conviced pros take massive amounts of gear ha i think youd be shocked at how little most pros are using. I think roman might have actually been trolling chase in the video sayng that shit
Roman is abusing the shit too, if you follow him youd knew. Does that mean everbody is abusing the fuck out of steroids on a pro level, no, but some are for sure.
Its funny that sooo many people are so conviced pros take massive amounts of gear ha i think youd be shocked at how little most pros are using. I think roman might have actually been trolling chase in the video sayng that shit
well you dont need a lot of gear to maintain your physique in a good condition
if you wanna get to that level you have to blast in order to build that much muscle
just so you know
i think youd be shocked at how little most pros are using.
They all grow on 10mg of test a day. You don't need more.

Lmao Laughing GIF by Steve Harvey TV

When the cat occasionally gets out of the bag, everyone is shocked. Pete Grymkowski, Andreas Munzer and Co.

He still looks better then 90% of Americans…
Make that 99.999%
Chase you clearly are build to tolerate some abuse otherwise your bloodeork would not look like that. people fail to realise that not everybody can take it...

but speaking of bloodwork one thing that stood up to me was your insulin and glucose level, after calculating your HomA-ir you are clearly insulin resistant and that should be no surprise on that much food and GH. your pancreas may be able to churn out insulin to keep your BG levels normal but on one side you are really stressing your beta cells and on the other you are driving down your insulin sensitivity.. you do not need exo. insulin to become diabetic... not saying you will but a severe calorie reduction might help from time to time
Oh yea of course i agree. Steve said it as well and i said it looks like it’s time to diet i believe. Not perfect bloodwork no… but not anything that’s a big deal
Bro I really dont think theyre are many ifbb pros using 5 grams of test.. Id even argue that theres maybe even no ifbb pros who do that. i mean lets be real here if someone needs 5 grams of test to make gains youre doing something wrong in your training or diet. I dont give a fuck what anyone else does with their gear use but bro I think someone who pushes drugs that hard has missed the whole point of bodybuilding and what its about and how to do it. Its about training and pushing food. gear shuld max out at about 2.5 grams per week. there is not much benefit past that. you want to be bigger than you are then start eating more food. and if you cant eat more food and you cant train any harder and your pushig 5 grams of gear you are simply maxed out. guys who push drugs to insane levels and share it with theyre followers are just making all the young guys think its all abot drugs when its not
Then you really have no fucking clue bro, lol. Sorry to say you have no idea what is going on out there and this conversation is well beyond anything your brain can handle. It’s a waste to try to say anything else to you so good luck with whatever it is you’re going for in life.