Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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i mean he takes all that and still cant get a pro card
I’ve only used that amount of gear for like 5 months and the main goal isn’t to become a pro it’s to be a freak. According to many of the pros I shook hands with at the Olympia I am well on my way. They were impressed meeting me in person, which i was shocked any of them knew who I was and NOT ONE OF THEM was upset about what i was doing.
edit: im on 5iu gh of generic chinease shit and i wake up mulitple times a night from hand numbess. 18iu of real pharma serostim? I cant imagine
to be fair with this part i had horrible cts and lethargy on 3iu, worked my way up to 6.5iu and it’s gone away. I could probably work my way up to 10iu slowly and be somewhat alright most of the time
I’ve only used that amount of gear for like 5 months and the main goal isn’t to become a pro it’s to be a freak. According to many of the pros I shook hands with at the Olympia I am well on my way. They were impressed meeting me in person, which i was shocked any of them knew who I was and NOT ONE OF THEM was upset about what i was doing.
Why would a pro be upset?

You’re missing the point. You’re free and more than entitled to do whatever you’d like. But there’s no universe in which 5g/20iu should pass as normal because it isn’t.

You’re taking the “some guys use a shit ton so I will too approach.” Cool. That’s completely fine. But let’s not pretend it’s normal or anything short of blatant abuse of drugs. This is exactly the messaging that’s potentially harmful. Hoping this is seen as normal because a few pros do it. Why you’re doing it is nobody’s business/place to judge. There’s no personal and professional judgement because you’re blasting vials a week.

You could take 5g/20iu in silence and chase whatever freakhood your after but you didn’t. Why (rhetorical)?

As for my edit, you clearly can’t understand why I made it, but fantastic for calling it out despite knowing I didn’t want it to stay there. Dickhead move.
You could take 5g/20iu in silence and chase whatever freakhood your after but you didn’t. Why (rhetorical)?
Because I’ve had a YouTube channel that has been my main source of income for the last 3 years out of the 7 years I’ve been doing it where it is all about being honest about what I am doing to create my physique. I couldn’t lie or omit my cycle this year and go from a soft 240 to a hard 280.. it’s not what my channel and reputation and income is built upon.

You guys act like i went straight to 5g/20iu like it was planned out.. it was not planned i just kept titrating up and that’s where the grams got to

I had already replied to you with my 212 answers and you changed it on me and it’s a pretty important fact when it comes to gear usage i would say. i know 212 guys that went pro in middle weight and ya it would be fucking retarded for a guy that small to be using grams. So I’m sorry if you changed your mind on saying that but it’s a huge important fact.
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people on this forum, instead of being happy that they can watch someone experimenting with heavy cycles, cry about how bad it is

I don't even think that this cycle is even very extremely toxic, only the number of grams is impressive, which I consider to be the bro science of trenbolone fans
For real.. it’s fuckin test and masteron lol. That’s it. Nothing else. Just a lot of it lol
Not quite like Gregg Valentino, who allegedly didn't use Synthol. He site injected equipoise and test prop directly into target muscles. Low concentration gear = high volume injections = Synthol-like effects.

I think Nick Trigili used a lot of Esiclene but other than that, recently it's the Valentino Protocol like Hunter Labrada does.

The Valentino Protocol = don't waste an injection on oil alone. Like Synthol but with 200 mg/mL gear.
lol oh wow is that what valentino did? I always thought he used some kind of site enhancements. I'd say he still holds the title for the most cartoonish arms in history.
Again, do you honestly think a teenager can afford 5g of gear or 18iu serostim. Are normal kids that rich nowadays? Even if they know how to homebrew, that is still a few g's for a 4 month blast.
I wasn't making that argument. But since you brought it up, I could afford that much gear when I was a teenager. I know plenty of people who could. Not including the Hgh. What does a vial of ugl test cost? $30? That's $60 a week, $240 a month. I mean, for some kids that's seat-cushion money.
It’s not my fault if people want to copy me. If anything we’ll get more freaks in bodybuilding if they copy me. You wanna see better bodybuilding? Tell them to watch and see what the real guys are doing
1. I don't give a shit if you shoot 10grams of test into your fucking eyeballs, which you might end up having to do at this rate.

2. I don't blame you for what other people do. I actually don't think kids or adults, generally, want to emulate you at all. And I've never made that argument.

3. Wtf is good bodybuilding? If it's a competition of who can do the most drugs without dropping dead, then no, I don't want to see good bodybuilding.
1. I don't give a shit if you shoot 10grams of test into your fucking eyeballs, which you might end up having to do at this rate.

2. I don't blame you for what other people do. I actually don't think kids or adults, generally, want to emulate you at all. And I've never made that argument.

3. Wtf is good bodybuilding? If it's a competition of who can do the most drugs without dropping dead, then no, I don't want to see good bodybuilding.
I said better bodybuilding.. meaning more Derek’s and hadi’s and Nick Walkers and Shaun Claridas. I mean if you don’t want that then that’s fair i guess
I said better bodybuilding.. meaning more Derek’s and hadi’s and Nick Walkers and Shaun Claridas. I mean if you don’t want that then that’s fair i guess
You said you are going to have ACL surgery? Did i hear that correct? What occured?


Have you ever put together the training you do on a day to day basis? Or what you eat calorie wise? i saw what you said you do with cardio and all. As all i have heard alot of is the stuff you take.

I appreciate the link to the bloodwork, if those are indeed where you are, they are pretty dam solid.
The way I see it is classic was made for the moderate gear flat stomach and aesthetics class. The open bodybuilding is meant to be a freak show now which is what people want to see. I also don’t worry about what another man does with his health time or money. I’ve spoken to chase when we were on gh15 and even here before. He’s always been honest and a stand up guy
But there’s no universe in which 5g/20iu should pass as normal because it isn’t.
Carrying excessive muscle ain't normal either. Nothing is normal in bodybuilding. Training, eating and drugs.

I think the next fake natty trend, is the the low dose muscle freak. Bragging rights cause "I am genetically superior and need low dosages to carry an absurd amount of muscle"

The genetic freaks are few and far apart. The vast majority of IFBB pros would become unrecognizable if they stopped drugs, full stop.
You said you are going to have ACL surgery? Did i hear that correct? What occured?


Have you ever put together the training you do on a day to day basis? Or what you eat calorie wise? i saw what you said you do with cardio and all. As all i have heard alot of is the stuff you take.

I appreciate the link to the bloodwork, if those are indeed where you are, they are pretty dam solid.
Lol yes i posted my diet video in here already. My training i logbook for 8 weeks then go by feel for 8 weeks and repeat. As i said i have my own private gym and basically live there part time.

ACL surgery in Dec. no idea when it happened, must’ve been a decade ago and it’s acting up now. Wasn’t any specific incident i can trace it back to
Carrying excessive muscle ain't normal either. Nothing is normal in bodybuilding. Training, eating and drugs.

I think the next fake natty trend, is the the low dose muscle freak. Bragging rights cause "I am genetically superior and need low dosages to carry an absurd amount of muscle"

The genetic freaks are few and far apart. The vast majority of IFBB pros would become unrecognizable if they stopped drugs, full stop.
Elite level bodybuilding isn’t “normal.” It does however help feed the worrying trends in the fitness industry when we create a false dichotomy that justifies or excuses extreme drug use because drugs are being used at all. The number of people on anabolics would likely shock the general public. And the access to information (both in usage and in locating the drugs) means these things are reaching younger and less experienced (read less intelligent and more risk accepting) hands.

I don’t care if any individual user gives a shit about harm reduction and properly educating/contributing to smart use in those younger/less experienced, but when brought to this board especially it should be no surprise it’s gained negative attention.

@ChaseIrons is free to do whatever the hell he wants. Just as everyone else is. He has however chosen to at a minimum vocalize and at face value chase (lulz) public attention for his approach/dosages. To blindly ignore that 1. you’re setting an example by having a voice and 2. you’re explicitly choosing to make your approach as known/open as possible is silly IMO.

None of this is a personal attack or indictment. My views on this topic. Chase will continue I’m sure and that’s fine.
Lol yes i posted my diet video in here already. My training i logbook for 8 weeks then go by feel for 8 weeks and repeat. As i said i have my own private gym and basically live there part time.

ACL surgery in Dec. no idea when it happened, must’ve been a decade ago and it’s acting up now. Wasn’t any specific incident i can trace it back to
Ok nice didnt realize. Will look into it.

Thats unfortuante, yet amazing you were able to progress even like so.
I wasn't making that argument. But since you brought it up, I could afford that much gear when I was a teenager. I know plenty of people who could. Not including the Hgh. What does a vial of ugl test cost? $30? That's $60 a week, $240 a month. I mean, for some kids that's seat-cushion money.
Good for you if you have that extra money when you are a kid, you are the exception. Even here, the most popular source is the cheapest because people try to save money even as adults. And we're just talking aas not including gh.

Common man, show me 10 teenagers who are shooting 5grams lol. Most are so afraid of needles they resort to sarms.

I am just being realistic here, I for one Even if I wanted to cannot find the extra cash to allot to aas even as a grown man with a job because of much more important priorities.

Good for you if you have that extra money when you are a kid, you are the exception. Even here, the most popular source is the cheapest because people try to save money even as adults. And we're just talking aas not including gh.

Common man, show me 10 teenagers who are shooting 5grams lol. Most are so afraid of needles they resort to sarms.

I am just being realistic here, I for one Even if I wanted to cannot find the extra cash to allot to aas even as a grown man with a job because of much more important priorities.
I don't disagree with anything you've said. I was simply remarking on what some teenagers can and can not afford.