Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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No im not mad. I can easily get back to that. I am just so sick of hearing dudes say pros do this insane shit with gear when its not true at all. And then trying to tell everyone "oh yeah its normal to use 20iu gh and 5 grams of gear in the pro ranks"
Do you have any idea what goes on in Kuwait? You know how many pros they have there? You just don’t know bro… you really think you do but you have no idea. This conversation is beyond your experience
use my fucking head? Coming from you? Come on man really? Ive been over 260 pretty damn lean on 2 grams of total gear and I could have pushed food even higher but shit happened in my personal life I had to deal with and I put bodybuilding on the back burner. But if I wanted to get bigger I just added more food. There is a study out there saying 2.5 grams is about as much as a person can go and anything past that added almost nothing as far as muscle growth. Insulin is also a big factor in getting really massive, gh, insulin, igf-1, 2.5 grams of gear per week. That is what most pros use.
holy crap will you give it a rest already... you are cruising on 700mg for fks sakes....
you seem to not understand the simple fact that some people have lower serum test level at same exogenous mg... so for one guy 2g of gear yields say a 5000 test level and for another it takes 4g of gear to get the same serum level...
holy crap will you give it a rest already... you are cruising on 700mg for fks sakes....
you seem to not understand the simple fact that some people have lower serum test level at same exogenous mg... so for one guy 2g of gear yields say a 5000 test level and for another it takes 4g of gear to get the same serum level...
This is also a very good point. On 3500 test my serum levels were 6500 or so
you got me curious now,do tell
The guys there have no idea what they are being given. They don’t get to administer their shots. They don’t know what is in the daily multiple 3ml syringes and they shoot them up all over the place. It’s the reason why Regan left. He wasn’t comfortable with all the drugs they were going to give him, and not knowing the cocktails they were administering would fuckin suck because you are basically learning nothing from them unlike you would from a coach
The guys there have no idea what they are being given. They don’t get to administer their shots. They don’t know what is in the daily multiple 3ml syringes and they shoot them up all over the place. It’s the reason why Regan left. He wasn’t comfortable with all the drugs they were going to give him, and not knowing the cocktails they were administering would fuckin suck because you are basically learning nothing from them unlike you would from a coach
I wonder why they dont tell them? Or do they even ask . I dont blame reagan for leaving. The idea of it sounds amazing just training, eating, pushing gear with an entire team around you.
I still could not understand why people won't believe there are extremists when it comes to their passion which also brings revenue. If it's another sport nobody questions their dosages because nobody ever comes clean due to the repercussions.

Imagine if Sosa, Mcguire, Bonds et al would disclose their drug protocols; would people will not believe them ? If you're in their shoes, would you pass on the chance to earn more millions if you keep improving by using roids?

Some guys already push the boundaries on drug use at your national level, then more to get the pro card. We should be asking the up and coming guys who need to build more muscle to be pros rather than those already there, I bet the dosages are even more insane.
Haha no definitely not something long term. Only in cycles and only as long as health markers are good and no side effects are present
You have me beat on the cruise, I used 400mg ew, you will have to add one more gram of test.

You understand what you are doing. We have all watched as bodybuilders drop dead in their 40's.

It's your life brother. Only the good die young,. A couple years won't kill. I'm living proof.
ya it’s pretty strange honestly. To be fair though my legs suck ass. I had meniscus surgery on my Left knee a few months ago and it feels like new. However weeks after the left knee surgery the right knee started acting up so we MRI’d it and the meniscus were fucked like the left AND they said the ACL was gone.
Do you have any advice and perhaps a healing protocol you followed for your meniscus surgery, I'll be having mine repaired shortly.
I have a lateral tear with a small flap that slipped in the joint as well as an mcl tear
That sounds terrible. Lateral tears are less common than medial. Sports injury?

I had a bucket handle tear in both left and right medials. The menisci folded over on themselves in both cases and I was unable straighten my legs. It was so weird.
I have a lateral tear with a small flap that slipped in the joint as well as an mcl tear
It’ll probably take longer to heal than mine with the mcl issue
It sounds like he had a partial meniscectomy, not a repair.
Do you have any advice and perhaps a healing protocol you followed for your meniscus surgery, I'll be having mine repaired shortly.
Well considering i was on 2500 test 2000 mast and 18iu serostim… ya i didn’t have a healing protocol.
My surgery was no big deal, i walked out of it. Was like 90% after 1 week.