Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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Currently running a bulk:
900 Test D
600 Deca
200 Tren E

I've ran twice that plus some on the Test. Double those compounds. The side effects aren't worth the small amount of boost. It didn't take me to an unheard level of enlightenment and growth or unlock some secret. I even got sick more often because I'm sure my body was busy breaking down compounds and fighting off illnesses... and more took hold.

Last 2 bulks were:
600 Test D
300 Deca
200 Tren E

I just feel that more than a gram of Test is a waste for many people because they will chase their tail taking things to counter side effects. Are they really eating enough and training effectively to even warrant that dose? Or, are they just bumping it up because they think it will magically turn their current diet and training to the next level? Are they really at the needed level of discipline to get an advantage from the higher dose?

Even what I'm running now isn't needed. I just wanted to give myself a different blast.
No GH, but I am aware it changes the playing field.
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Currently running a bulk:
900 Test D
600 Deca
200 Tren E

I've ran twice that plus some on the Test. Double those compounds. The side effects aren't worth the small amount of boost. It didn't take me to an unheard level of enlightenment and growth or unlock some secret. I even got sick more often because I'm sure my body was busy breaking down compounds and fighting off illnesses... and more took hold.

I think everyone has a saturation point, beyond which increasing dose further does nothing.

Maybe it's 750 or 1000 mg per week, but definitely less than 2000. High interindividual variability (and intraindividual over time)

There aren't enough androgen receptors to accommodate that many androgens.

*this is speculative/anecdotal
For real how can that guy still be alive and we’re worried about me lol. Crazy shit he did

I'm calling BS on the claim that gear was slowly released from depots or knots that he injected before jail, leading to the retention of all strength and size.

Palumbo openly talked about receiving TRT in jail. Is that out of the question with Valentino?

Biology of gear stored long-term in muscle knots doesn't seem right or even plausible to me, enough to maintain blasting cycle gains while on zero gear in jail.

I think everyone has a saturation point, beyond which increasing dose further does nothing.

Maybe it's 750 or 1000 mg per week, but definitely less than 2000. High interindividual variability (and intraindividual over time)

There aren't enough androgen receptors to accommodate that many androgens.

*this is speculative/anecdotal
I remember an ex pro and a well known competitor over at PM talk about a study where the longer you use aas you develop androgen receptors. I didn't see the study or paper about it but they were convinced it was true.
I think everyone has a saturation point, beyond which increasing dose further does nothing.

Maybe it's 750 or 1000 mg per week, but definitely less than 2000. High interindividual variability (and intraindividual over time)

There aren't enough androgen receptors to accommodate that many androgens.

*this is speculative/anecdotal
I don't believe in such low numbers at all, even in medicine over 3g of anadrol was used per week
I remember an ex pro and a well known competitor over at PM talk about a study where the longer you use aas you develop androgen receptors. I didn't see the study or paper about it but they were convinced it was true.

I can maybe see that in the case of hyper-responders, 300-pound mass monsters. That much muscle obviously can accommodate more androgen receptors.

How much extra muscle do you think you'd gain if you doubled your blast dose?

I'm calling BS on the claim that gear was slowly released from depots or knots that he injected before jail, leading to the retention of all strength and size.

Palumbo openly talked about receiving TRT in jail. Is that out of the question with Valentino?

Biology of gear stored long-term in muscle knots doesn't seem right or even plausible to me, enough to maintain blasting cycle gains while on zero gear in jail.

Oh I don't believe any of these claims in full, alot of the stories are just funny to hear and especially from Gregg.

The trt sounds alot more plausible I'd not actually heard that.
I can maybe see that in the case of hyper-responders, 300-pound mass monsters. That much muscle obviously can accommodate more androgen receptors.

How much extra muscle do you think you'd gain if you doubled your blast dose?

Yeah, I think you need to be on gear for a long time and as you grow you develop new receptors, it just makes sense that the bigger guys who have titrated up their doses can utilize it more.
Yeah, I think you need to be on gear for a long time and as you grow you develop new receptors, it just makes sense that the bigger guys who have titrated up their doses can utilize it more.
This could very well be why i could handle what i do. I’ve been on gear for 15 years with only 1 break and that was last year for fertility.
Currently running a bulk:
900 Test D
600 Deca
200 Tren E

I've ran twice that plus some on the Test. Double those compounds. The side effects aren't worth the small amount of boost. It didn't take me to an unheard level of enlightenment and growth or unlock some secret. I even got sick more often because I'm sure my body was busy breaking down compounds and fighting off illnesses... and more took hold.

Last 2 bulks were:
600 Test D
300 Deca
200 Tren E

I just feel that more than a gram of Test is a waste for many people because they will chase their tail taking things to counter side effects. Are they really eating enough and training effectively to even warrant that dose? Or, are they just bumping it up because they think it will magically turn their current diet and training to the next level? Are they really at the needed level of discipline to get an advantage from the higher dose?

Even what I'm running now isn't needed. I just wanted to give myself a different blast.
No GH, but I am aware it changes the playing field.
What do you weigh?

That’s what was so strange for me is I never felt bad or off or literally anything negative to be like, ok this isn’t worth it. It basically got to the point where i was raising the dose wondering when a negative was going to come on but everything just felt awesome. It makes no sense, i understand that.. i thought for sure there was going to be a point where i had to drop back to like 1200 or something but it just didn’t happen.. so the limiter became how much i was comfortable injecting.
This could very well be why i could handle what i do. I’ve been on gear for 15 years with only 1 break and that was last year for fertility.

What do you weigh?

That’s what was so strange for me is I never felt bad or off or literally anything negative to be like, ok this isn’t worth it. It basically got to the point where i was raising the dose wondering when a negative was going to come on but everything just felt awesome. It makes no sense, i understand that.. i thought for sure there was going to be a point where i had to drop back to like 1200 or something but it just didn’t happen.. so the limiter became how much i was comfortable injecting.
5'9" 245 ish currently. Between 10 and 15% bodyfat. My diet is usually pretty lean, but I splurge more than I should.
I'm not chasing size anymore, which is why 600 Test D and 300 Deca is fine for a blast.

It makes sense not having many side effects, so I get how it may seem crazy to some people like "bro, you must feel like death, and you will die in 5 weeks"
I was running Tren E at 800mg before side effects became an issue. Worst side effect was persistent hiccups became a thing.
Now, anything above 300mg with Tren E and I get hiccups multiple times a day for 40 minutes each time.

Test and Deca alone I can run higher than most people.
At one point highest was for only 6 weeks at end of blast: All homebrew gear.
Test E at 300mg/mL injecting 1.5ml ED (450mg) so around 3.1g/wk and 0.5mL (150mg) of my 300mg/mL Deca ED (1g/wk)
I didn't even run much of an AI, 6mg Aromasin E4D, used Nolva at 10mg EOD to block. With 0.2mg Pramipexole E4D. 10mg Cialis ED. 80mg Telmisartan ED
No major issues. So I understand what your saying. I can take 1mg Prami and just feel sleepy. Others may try 0.2mg and feel like they are dying from nausea.

My post was referring to people who may copy or try high dose, and won't even get much benefit because they aren't doing what's necessary with training and diet. They may think high dose is the secret and give it a try with no change in diet or training, and that is already sub optimal to begin with.

Plus, if your not running GH, thats another missing component. So suboptimal compared to someone who is.
5'9" 245 ish currently. Between 10 and 15% bodyfat. My diet is usually pretty lean, but I splurge more than I should.
I'm not chasing size anymore, which is why 600 Test D and 300 Deca is fine for a blast.

It makes sense not having many side effects, so I get how it may seem crazy to some people like "bro, you must feel like death, and you will die in 5 weeks"
I was running Tren E at 800mg before side effects became an issue. Worst side effect was persistent hiccups became a thing.
Now, anything above 300mg with Tren E and I get hiccups multiple times a day for 40 minutes each time.

Test and Deca alone I can run higher than most people.
At one point highest was for only 6 weeks at end of blast: All homebrew gear.
Test E at 300mg/mL injecting 1.5ml ED (450mg) so around 3.1g/wk and 0.5mL (150mg) of my 300mg/mL Deca ED (1g/wk)
I didn't even run much of an AI, 6mg Aromasin E4D, used Nolva at 10mg EOD to block. With 0.2mg Pramipexole E4D. 10mg Cialis ED. 80mg Telmisartan ED
No major issues. So I understand what your saying. I can take 1mg Prami and just feel sleepy. Others may try 0.2mg and feel like they are dying from nausea.

My post was referring to people who may copy or try high dose, and won't even get much benefit because they aren't doing what's necessary with training and diet. They may think high dose is the secret and give it a try with no change in diet or training, and that is already sub optimal to begin with.

Plus, if your not running GH, thats another missing component. So suboptimal compared to someone who is.
Ya i don’t know how i would fare with tren or any nandrolone while going high dose.. that’s another reason why i stick to just test and mast or primo. I haven’t used any ai in a couple years, don’t really have to when using mast or primo.

I think it’s worth guys testing out if they are in a place that warrants trying.. Baidi on his podcast was talking about he gave higher test a try, did 2g, 3g… he said he felt worse and so went back to what he liked around a gram. Something worth noting though is Baidi also acknowledges that he puts on a lot of fat in the offseason, he doesn’t really stay that lean. That I feel is a huge contributing factor to how someone feels on gear: the leaner you are the less sides, the fatter the more aromatization and negatives a person will likely experience.

At the end of the day we all have to try what we think is best and feel it out. I don’t judge anyone that is using less than me or people using more than me. We all have to use what we have to use.
Well ya if a teenager was going to try to copy me first of all good luck affording it. But when you do.. good luck finding places to pin it on a body under 200 pounds. They would learn real quick it isn’t possible and then the sides that would set in would make them quit in a heart beat. It’s natural selection at its finest. The dumb asses will try it, and that’s not my fault
I wasn't too worried about some teenager because I was thinking the same thing: you still need places to pin that much gear. When I was 210, I wouldn't even have enough mass to pin what I pinned at 240.

Oh, I tried once, but even my glutes got tight and caused low back issues when bending over to flush the toilet. My side delts couldn't handle more than a mL. Once I grew, I got 3 whole delts on each side for 1mL. Ass cheek so big that pinning 3mL is no issue down low, then up high, then the middle, rotating out with other side. Places to pin everywhere.
Not so with smaller frame.

I'm all sub 1g now.
I wasn't too worried about some teenager because I was thinking the same thing: you still need places to pin that much gear. When I was 210, I wouldn't even have enough mass to pin what I pinned at 240.

Oh, I tried once, but even my glutes got tight and caused low back issues when bending over to flush the toilet. My side delts couldn't handle more than a mL. Once I grew, I got 3 whole delts on each side for 1mL. Ass cheek so big that pinning 3mL is no issue down low, then up high, then the middle, rotating out with other side. Places to pin everywhere.
Not so with smaller frame.

I'm all sub 1g now.
That's why I never bought the idea that this high dosage protocols should not be out in the open because young kids will follow it. Some guys forget that most kids unless they already have so many cycles under their belt, which implies they are either competitors or serious gym rats, are afraid of needles which prompts them to go the sarms/orals route.

Even adults with lots of cycles under their belt cannot stick to pinning such amount of oil or even do ED injections.

Which leaves the only people to be able to replicate Chase's protocols are the serious gym rats, competitors and those who are stuck and needed to change up to break through their growth plateaus in order to attain their pro cards, win shows or final push to their final goals.

I respect that we should be promoting harm reduction and not be stupid with the cycle dosages but let the reason be something realistic, not just something that is silly in reality.
Bro I really dont think theyre are many ifbb pros using 5 grams of test.. Id even argue that theres maybe even no ifbb pros who do that. i mean lets be real here if someone needs 5 grams of test to make gains youre doing something wrong in your training or diet. I dont give a fuck what anyone else does with their gear use but bro I think someone who pushes drugs that hard has missed the whole point of bodybuilding and what its about and how to do it. Its about training and pushing food. gear shuld max out at about 2.5 grams per week. there is not much benefit past that. you want to be bigger than you are then start eating more food. and if you cant eat more food and you cant train any harder and your pushig 5 grams of gear you are simply maxed out. guys who push drugs to insane levels and share it with theyre followers are just making all the young guys think its all abot drugs when its not
Some have admitted it.
Now you're speaking in absolutes by saying "gear should max out at 2.5g, there is not much benefit past that".
For a smaller guy, if he can even pin that for more than a couple weeks, he probably won't get alot of benefit.
We are talking about dudes over 250lbs.
Smaller dudes taking what a 250lbs guy takes is ridiculous.
If your taking that much gear, it would be a waste without more food, cardio, training.
I could pin 3g and get minimal results, or I could pin 3g and get great results. How disciplined can you be to do what it takes?
The point is, they can try to copy him, but here are the limiting factors why they can't.
1: underweight, not enough places to pin even 3g of Test.
2: price! , some of us brew our own gear, or in good with cheap sponsor prices... those kids are paying $65 for a vial of Test E 250 off the street hustler. Some even higher.
3: they won't have the discipline to even match the dose, nor have the necessary diet and training... because remember, they are dumb kids doing copycat stuff. Hell, you can be a 30 yr old and it still applies. They don't have the muscle maturity, training background, and discipline to eat the amount of food needed
4: they will stop attempting after a couple of weeks because they aren't jacked and ripped status and it wasn't all magical. They won't even go long enough at that dose to even cause alot of harm because I guarantee they will abort mission after 8 weeks of being a pincushion. Maybe sooner.

Personally, as I have stated, I don't go over a gram of Test now. Personal preference.
I'm not trying to do what I did in the past. However it did get me to where I am.
I used my body as my own experiment.
Chase is doing the same thing.
He will try 5g and see how it goes.
He won't be on it for longer than needed and seems to care about being healthy. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't seem to be preaching "all in bro, 40 years as a lion or 70 years as a lamb, we all gonna die someday, run that shit".

If you haven't even ran 3g, how would you know what would happen.
Plus, we all handle it differently due to genetics.
Some have admitted it.
Now you're speaking in absolutes by saying "gear should max out at 2.5g, there is not much benefit past that".
For a smaller guy, if he can even pin that for more than a couple weeks, he probably won't get alot of benefit.
We are talking about dudes over 250lbs.
Smaller dudes taking what a 250lbs guy takes is ridiculous.
If your taking that much gear, it would be a waste without more food, cardio, training.
I could pin 3g and get minimal results, or I could pin 3g and get great results. How disciplined can you be to do what it takes?
The point is, they can try to copy him, but here are the limiting factors why they can't.
1: underweight, not enough places to pin even 3g of Test.
2: price! , some of us brew our own gear, or in good with cheap sponsor prices... those kids are paying $65 for a vial of Test E 250 off the street hustler. Some even higher.
3: they won't have the discipline to even match the dose, nor have the necessary diet and training... because remember, they are dumb kids doing copycat stuff. Hell, you can be a 30 yr old and it still applies. They don't have the muscle maturity, training background, and discipline to eat the amount of food needed
4: they will stop attempting after a couple of weeks because they aren't jacked and ripped status and it wasn't all magical. They won't even go long enough at that dose to even cause alot of harm because I guarantee they will abort mission after 8 weeks of being a pincushion. Maybe sooner.

Personally, as I have stated, I don't go over a gram of Test now. Personal preference.
I'm not trying to do what I did in the past. However it did get me to where I am.
I used my body as my own experiment.
Chase is doing the same thing.
He will try 5g and see how it goes.
He won't be on it for longer than needed and seems to care about being healthy. He doesn't want to die. He doesn't seem to be preaching "all in bro, 40 years as a lion or 70 years as a lamb, we all gonna die someday, run that shit".

If you haven't even ran 3g, how would you know what would happen.
Plus, we all handle it differently due to genetics.
LOL ya I’m definitely not trying to die. I’m just checking things out while watching my health as close as possible and will absolutely pull the plug if something doesn’t seem right. Everything you said is my thoughts exactly. Younger smaller people can try to copy, it won’t kill them but it’s highly unlikely they will even attempt to try