Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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10 whole days. You're a savage, bro.
haha duuude thats all i could do. i read studies it can cause swelling around your cornia or something like that. so i didnt want to push it but i have more i have some of the 315 too. myo pro peptide, ace-031, i had a phase were i was obssessed with this pathway so i bought a bunch of myostatin peptides
haha duuude thats all i could do. i read studies it can cause swelling around your cornia or something like that. so i didnt want to push it but i have more i have some of the 315 too. myo pro peptide, ace-031, i had a phase were i was obssessed with this pathway so i bought a bunch of myostatin peptides
Eyeball side effects? Yeah man, fuck that lol
Eyeball side effects? Yeah man, fuck that lol
yeah, remember when s4 came out and guys were losing their night vision? Never used it but i heard stories. as far as folli, there was a guy who did 1mg a day for like two weeks and he ended up getting fluid in his eye somewhere pretty sure it was his cornia but theres a case study on it. everything went back to normal after but i figured 10 days i should be fine. i dont think youre supposed to use it for more then a few days at 1mg a day. the effects last a while. they did for me anyway.
yeah, remember when s4 came out and guys were losing their night vision? Never used it but i heard stories. as far as folli, there was a guy who did 1mg a day for like two weeks and he ended up getting fluid in his eye somewhere pretty sure it was his cornia but theres a case study on it. everything went back to normal after but i figured 10 days i should be fine. i dont think youre supposed to use it for more then a few days at 1mg a day. the effects last a while. they did for me anyway.
And you guys think IM CRAZY?! Fuck going blind give me a heart attack
yeah, remember when s4 came out and guys were losing their night vision? Never used it but i heard stories. as far as folli, there was a guy who did 1mg a day for like two weeks and he ended up getting fluid in his eye somewhere pretty sure it was his cornia but theres a case study on it. everything went back to normal after but i figured 10 days i should be fine. i dont think youre supposed to use it for more then a few days at 1mg a day. the effects last a while. they did for me anyway.
Neat stuff. Hard pass for me. S4 never gave me any of the vision side effects. It didn't give me much of anything, actually lol I still have a bunch of it in my stash.
And you guys think IM CRAZY?! Fuck going blind give me a heart attack
haha i dont think youre crazy after seeing your bloodwork. whatever it takes to get to a number on bloodwork is really all that matters. folli is so new, i just had extra money and said fuck it ill give it a shot. looking back it was kind of stupid but there is definantly something there with the myostatin pathway. its hard to explain the gains but its not like gear. its so rapid, and you get leaner at the same time. really unbelievable shit.
haha i dont think youre crazy after seeing your bloodwork. whatever it takes to get to a number on bloodwork is really all that matters. folli is so new, i just had extra money and said fuck it ill give it a shot. looking back it was kind of stupid but there is definantly something there with the myostatin pathway. its hard to explain the gains but its not like gear. its so rapid, and you get leaner at the same time. really unbelievable shit.
Dr Kahn… that stem cell doc on fouads podder was at SWIS and said they now have the ability to change peoples genes so they make less myostatin.. like the bull. I didn’t go to his seminar there but i have the video I’ll probably watch tomorrow to see exactly what he was saying but it got Steve pretty excited
Sorry to rehash this or make you feel singled out or anything bro, I just want to clarify for anyone reading that the data shows that someone bigger still needs to take higher doses than a smaller person because the relative dose needed per increased lb/kg body weight far outpaces the increased AR number (rate of up-regulation).

I'll quote the two relevant posts here:

See original post for embedded image (graph plotting y₁=X³ vs. y₂ = log(X))

We're all gambling on muscle biopsy studies that have not been done.

Androgen receptor density in skeletal muscle from mass monsters vs classic bodybuilding vs recreational bodybuilders.

If it's the same, IFBB mass monsters have way more androgen receptors in total than dad bods. Higher doses warranted.
And you guys think IM CRAZY?! Fuck going blind give me a heart attack
Chase, I just came across your threads and YT Channel and woukd like to say that I respect you for your honesty and the info you are sharing through personal experience. I read somewhere that you have a child and I was curious as to how long ago you conceived and if you had been on gear at the time. I’ve used gear for a very long time in moderate to high dosages and rarely came off. Also, the main thing that I worry about from my use is enlargement of the heart. Never had an actual image taken but pretty stressed about it being significantly larger. Any thoughts on that as well?
Chase, I just came across your threads and YT Channel and woukd like to say that I respect you for your honesty and the info you are sharing through personal experience. I read somewhere that you have a child and I was curious as to how long ago you conceived and if you had been on gear at the time. I’ve used gear for a very long time in moderate to high dosages and rarely came off. Also, the main thing that I worry about from my use is enlargement of the heart. Never had an actual image taken but pretty stressed about it being significantly larger. Any thoughts on that as well?
Thanks! I have a kid on the way due in January, no other kids. I was off everything from Feb 2022 to Feb 2023. From June 2022 to Sept 2022 i ran hcg at 1000 eod. Got a sperm eval in sept and revealed 0 sperm. Started FSH at 75iu EOD between the HCG days. In December got another sperm eval and was at 9mil/ml then another sperm eval in Feb and was at 12mil/ml. In Feb we successfully conceived. Then I started my cycle as soon as I got the positive. In March we had a miscarriage. In April we conceived again. I would imagine by April I was at 15mil/ml considering the sperm you make isn’t ejaculated until 3 months later so that would have been made in Jan/Feb and technically my sperm count would have started dropping around May/June after that and probably back to 0 at this point.

Am i worried about enlarged heart? No. But my resting heart rate right now is 65. The thicker and bigger and more inefficient the heart gets the higher the resting heart rate goes. Mine I’m sure by now is probably similar to a normal athletic heart maybe a little bigger at 10-30% larger than a normal heart. It’s when the resting heart rate starts climbing to 80’s-90’s that something bad is happening/coming. It doesn’t necessarily mean the heart is becoming very inefficient, it could be stimulant based… but.. it would be worth getting it checked out. Good news about the heart is it atrophies quickly just like any other muscle. When you come off and take a break, it shrinks. I had my heart checked during my year off break and it was normal. If you are concerned… go get it checked. Keeping your head in the sand is the only reason you’ll worry. Being informed takes away the mystery. NONE OF WHAT WE DO MAGICALLY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE. If we are diligent and getting our shit checked we will see things coming and can make adjustments before they come. If we stay checked up and informed we have nothing to worry about. If your heart is significantly enlarged take time off. So what, you’ll shrink a little. It’ll all come back as soon as you hop back on. In that time off do cardio instead to get the heart super efficient and healthy so when you go back on gear it can handle it. Nobody ACTUALLY cares how big you are. Initially it might catch their attention but ultimately it’s your personality and attitude that people will like about you. DONT LET YOUR PHYSIQUE BE THE MOST INTERESTING THING ABOUT YOU. If you live by that, you’ll learn to be comfortable with your body growing and shrinking, getting fat, getting cut… nobody really gives a shit what your body ultimately looks like, especially if you’re dead.
We're all gambling on muscle biopsy studies that have not been done.

Androgen receptor density in skeletal muscle from mass monsters vs classic bodybuilding vs recreational bodybuilders.

If it's the same, IFBB mass monsters have way more androgen receptors in total than dad bods. Higher doses warranted.
This is muscle biopsy data:


From The Myth of Desensitization to AAS; Four (4) Modes of Receptor Regulation & Upregulation of AR by AAS

I don't disagree that top Olympia competitors have greater AR density due to genetic factors, generally.

Are you one, though?

Are most readers here?

Besides, does genetic endowment alter this basic phenomenon of increased translational capacity by AAS dose?

Or does it simply go to the point that larger body sizes & muscle volumes require higher doses?
This is muscle biopsy data:


From The Myth of Desensitization to AAS; Four (4) Modes of Receptor Regulation & Upregulation of AR by AAS

I don't disagree that top Olympia competitors have greater AR density due to genetic factors, generally.

Are you one, though?

Are most readers here?

Besides, does genetic endowment alter this basic phenomenon of increased translational capacity by AAS dose?

Or does it simply go to the point that larger body sizes & muscle volumes require higher doses?
Howard, E. E., Margolis, L. M., Berryman, C. E., Lieberman, H. R., Karl, J. P., Young, A. J., … Pasiakos, S. M. (2020). Testosterone supplementation upregulates androgen receptor expression and translational capacity during severe energy deficit. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 319(4), E678–E688. doi:10.1152/ajpendo.00157.2020

Since I know you try to read these data.

Further, these Results showed that 200 mg testosterone enanthate weekly in military men following a voluminous mostly aerobic-endurance training program and in a severe caloric deficit (> 55% kcal) recomped, simultaneously building new muscle and losing fat with increased LBM and decreased fat mass. 1.6 g/kg protein, 30% macros from fat, severe caloric restriction (55% energy deficit) for 28 days:

Dr Kahn… that stem cell doc on fouads podder was at SWIS and said they now have the ability to change peoples genes so they make less myostatin.. like the bull. I didn’t go to his seminar there but i have the video I’ll probably watch tomorrow to see exactly what he was saying but it got Steve pretty excited

I think regan grimes did a video with khan at khans office where he was given follistatin or some kind of myostatin inhibitor, its on his youtube :p

Lets see if he mutates the next couple of months, lol.
Thanks! I have a kid on the way due in January, no other kids. I was off everything from Feb 2022 to Feb 2023. From June 2022 to Sept 2022 i ran hcg at 1000 eod. Got a sperm eval in sept and revealed 0 sperm. Started FSH at 75iu EOD between the HCG days. In December got another sperm eval and was at 9mil/ml then another sperm eval in Feb and was at 12mil/ml. In Feb we successfully conceived. Then I started my cycle as soon as I got the positive. In March we had a miscarriage. In April we conceived again. I would imagine by April I was at 15mil/ml considering the sperm you make isn’t ejaculated until 3 months later so that would have been made in Jan/Feb and technically my sperm count would have started dropping around May/June after that and probably back to 0 at this point.

Am i worried about enlarged heart? No. But my resting heart rate right now is 65. The thicker and bigger and more inefficient the heart gets the higher the resting heart rate goes. Mine I’m sure by now is probably similar to a normal athletic heart maybe a little bigger at 10-30% larger than a normal heart. It’s when the resting heart rate starts climbing to 80’s-90’s that something bad is happening/coming. It doesn’t necessarily mean the heart is becoming very inefficient, it could be stimulant based… but.. it would be worth getting it checked out. Good news about the heart is it atrophies quickly just like any other muscle. When you come off and take a break, it shrinks. I had my heart checked during my year off break and it was normal. If you are concerned… go get it checked. Keeping your head in the sand is the only reason you’ll worry. Being informed takes away the mystery. NONE OF WHAT WE DO MAGICALLY COMES OUT OF NOWHERE. If we are diligent and getting our shit checked we will see things coming and can make adjustments before they come. If we stay checked up and informed we have nothing to worry about. If your heart is significantly enlarged take time off. So what, you’ll shrink a little. It’ll all come back as soon as you hop back on. In that time off do cardio instead to get the heart super efficient and healthy so when you go back on gear it can handle it. Nobody ACTUALLY cares how big you are. Initially it might catch their attention but ultimately it’s your personality and attitude that people will like about you. DONT LET YOUR PHYSIQUE BE THE MOST INTERESTING THING ABOUT YOU. If you live by that, you’ll learn to be comfortable with your body growing and shrinking, getting fat, getting cut… nobody really gives a shit what your body ultimately looks like, especially if you’re dead.
Thanks so much for the quick, detailed reply. Congrats again on the new addition to the family! Everything you said is spot on and exactly how I try to see things. I’m trying to learn to live with my new look/physique and I keep telling myself the same things you just wrote. Right now the most important thing is being healthy and trying to conceive so yes- I have to have my priorities straight. Thanks brother.
How you guys dealing with increased hr on gh? Is this a genetic thing? I’m on nebivolol already sitting down usually 68-74. On any dose of gh even now at 3iu Genos I sit at about 80-90s.. even walking around or doing a mild activity can put me to 110-120
Hydration is huge. Not just plain water but water with electrolytes has done me well. My resting heart rate didn’t get over 70 this entire year of blasting. 4 weeks off cycle and my resting is back to low 60’s.. but I’m still doing 9iu gh a day. A large part of it is going to come down to cardiovascular fitness and heart efficiency. This is the main reason to do some sort of cardio always
I think regan grimes did a video with khan at khans office where he was given follistatin or some kind of myostatin inhibitor, its on his youtube :p

Lets see if he mutates the next couple of months, lol.
wow reagan got RIPPED OFF BIG TIME!!! I have used follistatin from peptidesciences i did it for 10 days like i said before and i noticed it worked for many months after for literally a fraction of what he paid. 25,000 is a lot of gh and gear. cant believe he fell for that scam.