Chase Irons' 5g and 18iu ED of GH

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Resting heart rate hit 50 last night. On cycle it was between 60 and 65
Goddamn nice, that nebivolol is potent as hell. Im on metropolol since I have high resting rate to begin with and cannot go down below 60 even when off blast, I am also way smaller than you too lol.

Maybe I need to improve my cardio, i have not done any hiit cardio in months.
Goddamn nice, that nebivolol is potent as hell. Im on metropolol since I have high resting rate to begin with and cannot go down below 60 even when off blast, I am also way smaller than you too lol.

Maybe I need to improve my cardio, i have not done any hiit cardio in months.
Ya i actually don’t use a beta blocker. I tried Nebivolol about a year ago and hated how i felt while training on it.. my heart rate couldn’t get high enough and felt like i couldn’t breath. So ya i decided it wasn’t for me
I was actually considering low tes and low lisinopril. What is your thoughts?

Like 40mg and 5/10mg
I think starting dose is 20 and 5 but higher end doses are 40 and 10, so maybe 40 and 5 to start since you know 80 is not enough for you, just keep an eye on bloodwork to see how it affects you. I think mild beta blockers can have less side effects than ace inhibitors. but know lisinopril is a pretty mild ace inhibitor in its own right so could try. I’d always suggest consulting with a doctor first though
Use telmisartan 80mg max. What else is going on? If it goes past telmisartan, I would advise to contact your doctor
Just high BP. Unfortunately I cannot go to my doctor. As I have no insurance and the time I did reach out for help he just said "stop taking steriods". I just figured I could buy an additional BP medicine to keep my blood pressure in the safe healthy range during blasting.
Fuck. My rhr is 80-100. I'm gunna die huh?
My doc isn’t even worried when mine was at 90-100 range. I requested a beta blocker after it was would go over a hundred while at rest. Got prescribed metropolol, and it stabilized it to 65-75 at rest.

This is off cycle with minimal cardio, it would rise if i blast for sure.
Just high BP. Unfortunately I cannot go to my doctor. As I have no insurance and the time I did reach out for help he just said "stop taking steriods". I just figured I could buy an additional BP medicine to keep my blood pressure in the safe healthy range during blasting.

How about you listen to your doctor and stop taking steroids? Or are you addicted to steroids?
i will say though.. coming off and resetting isnt a bad idea. if I was having blood pressure issues and lowering the dose wasnt fixing it while already using BP meds i would come off everything, clean out and start over. high blood pressure is the thing fucking us up long term. I wont let that run high. and dont stress about coming off and losing all your gains, youll fill right back up when you start the next cycle. its pretty damn hard to actually lose muscle tissue. sure youll lose some glycogen/water/nitrogen retention, but the base will stick and thats what matters. come off, get right, then start back from square one