Citropin / EU

It has nothing to do with the sample you sent, it's just a warning to say that their method is not precise. anyway it does not test the purity of the powder
Unfortunately this.

Like I spoke elsewhere a while ago, if FTIR was a reliable tool for testing like this, I'd use a 5000$ FTIR with zero running costs instead of a 50k$ HPLC which eats through 1k$ of solvents a month...
Hey, guys.
The test of the Canadian lab has been finished.

1. The test shows everything is good. No obvious impurity has been found.

2. We used the FTIR coz it's the only choice in that lab.

3. We can do HPLC. Can you recommend a good laboratory for us?

4. We can test as many as people need us to. So does HGH.
There's no point in testing anymore. Don't beat a dead horse. Move on to the next steroid board.

You have had enough time to prove yourself and you failed. Goodbye.
I guess you read that wrong.
"why jot jano" is meant as a question for the community which he answers with the sentence below..

However, imo Janoshik makes most sense since we have enough GH results to compare to.
Two summers ago, a source here, SymBiotics sent split samples to Jano and another testing company (I forget which) but the sample results came back pretty much in agreement. Jano’s HPLC is where it’s supposed to be.

Jano had an issue in the past but I believe he’s stepped it up and he does everything properly now. You guys can waste time with this source if you want and send sample after sample in for analysis but he’s already got testing results that show his quality is poor. No matter how hard you WISH, the source won’t be “good”. Move on to the next one.
I guess you read that wrong.
"why jot jano" is meant as a question for the community which he answers with the sentence below..

However, imo Janoshik makes most sense since we have enough GH results to compare to.

Oh, okay. i see what he's saying now. Not sure what's worse. A turd source circling the drain who's answering his own question at 4 am or some goof off American trying to decipher posts from a turd source circling the drain at 4 am.
Hey, guys. Just got back from a festival.
As for testing:

1. The testing in Canadian labs has shown no obvious impurity while the Jano shows 92%.

2. Anybody who has learned analytical chemistry will not agree with Jano's testing methods. Lots of people know this truth but they just don't wanna argue with Jano somehow.

3. Jano does testing by his own standard. Industry-standard or pharmacopeia standards should be followed instead. (It's like a kid, who said, hey, I think this way is better)

4. Time will tell.
For HGH testing, I've never seen any other labs who can take the purity testing job, even the Authority one. Don't know how Jano did it...........

So, can we do blood testing? I can do it on myself, fine.
2. Anybody who has learned analytical chemistry will not agree with Jano's testing methods. Lots of people know this truth but they just don't wanna argue with Jano somehow.
Interesting, because there are a few people well versed in chemistry over here and over the years, somehow, they all agreed with my way of seeing things. Always. It's in the public over here, people can find it and people who've been around in a while can indeed remember some of the occasions.

This is like Xth time you make a call out to the authority about people being afraid/don't want to argue/are scared of blasphemy to post how Jano is wrong, so they won't post. I call you out making shit up.

You know jack about analytical chem and yet you choose to insult the knowledge of a person who's been in the business for a decade and runs the highest throughput laboratory in this field in the world. Yet, somehow, you feel like you are more enlightened.

Man, now that is arrogance of quite some level.

(It's like a kid, who said, hey, I think this way is better)
If you can't help, but insult me, don't expect any more of my sincere offers to help you figure stuff out. Nobody cares about you now. Your behaviour makes me sad.
We are looking for another lab. Can we use labtox for normal raws testing?

If you want it to be sent to another lab to be tested why don't you pay for it, including the shipping costs? We have all moved on with our lives. If you aren't going to make things right, then I suggest you do the same.