Citropin / EU

If you want it to be sent to another lab to be tested why don't you pay for it, including the shipping costs? We have all moved on with our lives. If you aren't going to make things right, then I suggest you do the same.
Interesting, because there are a few people well versed in chemistry over here and over the years, somehow, they all agreed with my way of seeing things. Always. It's in the public over here, people can find it and people who've been around in a while can indeed remember some of the occasions.

This is like Xth time you make a call out to the authority about people being afraid/don't want to argue/are scared of blasphemy to post how Jano is wrong, so they won't post. I call you out making shit up.

You know jack about analytical chem and yet you choose to insult the knowledge of a person who's been in the business for a decade and runs the highest throughput laboratory in this field in the world. Yet, somehow, you feel like you are more enlightened.

Man, now that is arrogance of quite some level.

If you can't help, but insult me, don't expect any more of my sincere offers to help you figure stuff out. Nobody cares about you now. Your behaviour makes me sad.
Nothing personal.

Just talking about the testing methods.
Labtox doesnt test hgh purity and dimer.. so not really worh the money since we already know its hgh in there..
you know Ci, we are cool and all, but you could have simply repaid 3 (!!!) guys a part of their money or give store credit or whatever, tell your source has fucked up and you would be a reputable source since people would have seen you stand in for your word and fix issues without drama..
right now i do not see a bright future for you here..
I wrote to him immediately after the incident what we do because of the gh. To date, no reaction. He is lucky that he sits in China the motherfucker. Your business is dead. I just wonder all the time how you can be so stupid?? He could have made so much money and fucked us for 80 dollars. And now he wants to do some tests at another lab. I'll tell you what you had 1 chance here you've messed up. And now go to die
I wrote to him immediately after the incident what we do because of the gh. To date, no reaction. He is lucky that he sits in China the motherfucker. Your business is dead. I just wonder all the time how you can be so stupid?? He could have made so much money and fucked us for 80 dollars. And now he wants to do some tests at another lab. I'll tell you what you had 1 chance here you've messed up. And now go to die
i was still in contact with him up to this week. ABout Janoshik test being wrong, new lab, ...
@janoshik is used by almost all sources. Every source accepts the test. If everone tests with it it is comparable.
Anyone who chooses to do further business with this scammer/info collector/lier/piece of shit is a complete fucking moron!
Only because they didn't come back in your favor. Had they come back favorable you wouldn't be questioning shit right now.

What will be your plan of action if L4T results echo the previous results?
they wont since they cant test purity and dimer.
They just state some sentence like "homogenous content with no high impurites" or something along those lines. Saw it on the meditrope lab tests
So glad I just read this entire thread. Worth it. 10/10 would read again. Lmao. So many plot twists.
92-95% range
So you think a 92 93% is save to use

Because we all talk about its a very bad purity (i think its low to) but we don't know whats save en normal with your new testing procotol....we can't compare the old 98 99% purity with the result from new testing method right?
So you think a 92 93% is save to use

Because we all talk about its a very bad purity (i think its low to) but we don't know whats save en normal with your new testing procotol....we can't compare the old 98 99% purity with the result from new testing method right?
Opti with old test was around 99%, new test came out at 96,75% if i remember correctly.
and i see the bigger issue with the dimer and not the purity.