Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin and the difference between all of them and their purpose.

So far I'm on my second week of testosterone cypionate and pinning hasn't been an issue, as it's been easier than I thought it would be. So far I haven't notice much of a difference as of yet but I imagine it's too early to say.
I had blood works done on Wednesday and I'll be getting my results next Monday to see what my natural testosterone is at.

I've been doing months of research and everyone seems to say different things from one another, so it's confusing as that's why I'm asking these in a forum dedicated to anabolics as reddit and Quora all seem to say different things.

I think the reason a part of me is confused is because of my autism as I process information differently. I'm 19 btw

I'll give you an example of what I've read and weather or not this is correct I don't know 100%.

Clomid is used for PCT

Nolvadex will only counteract gyno but it doesn't actually reduce estrogen levels in the body

Aromasin basically reduces estrogen and kills some of it with the "suicidal inhibition"

Correct me if anything I said is wrong or not as I'm trying to learn all this stuff.
Bro u r 19. Be a man. U don't need roids right now Jesus fucking Christ. What is with these snowflakes today. What til I r 25 and u still feel u must do it then do it. It's so obvious u r mentally weak. Any 19 ye old who wants to blast and cruise forever is simply looking for the easy fast route. U can't argue it. It's fact. U have no patience or self belief. U have enough T at 19 to do anything u want.
U will be one of the many who u can't even tell uses it and just ends up with life long problems.
All the research in the world won't change the fact that at 19 no one is ready for this.
Bro u r 19. Be a man. U don't need roids right now Jesus fucking Christ. What is with these snowflakes today. What til I r 25 and u still feel u must do it then do it. It's so obvious u r mentally weak. Any 19 ye old who wants to blast and cruise forever is simply looking for the easy fast route. U can't argue it. It's fact. U have no patience or self belief. U have enough T at 19 to do anything u want.
U will be one of the many who u can't even tell uses it and just ends up with life long problems.
All the research in the world won't change the fact that at 19 no one is ready for this.
Bro I've already started
I don’t think it’s right to shit on you for being 19 and using gear, I’m 20 about to be 21 in a couple of months here and I’m blasting / cruising. Just be careful with what you take and I can’t stress this enough. Listen to these people even if they come off as assholes, they just want what’s best for you :)

With that being said, I dunno your dosages and/or what compounds (don’t do tren) you’re planning but if I were you. Run 500 test (choose between e or c, I use e) as a “blast” and see how you feel, lower it to around 200 for a cruise dose and if you’re feeling pretty okay, add a compound at your next blast. I added masteron at 300 a week and felt insane. I’m about to cruise on 200 test 200 primo and I look nuts. PLEASE get blood work and DONT let that guy tell you you’re not gonna look like you’re on gear. Testosterone alone isn’t going to make you look like Ronnie, just work your ass off, take your vitamins, eat right and get bloodwork! (Just because you already started doesn’t mean you can’t stop fyi)
... wait..... OP what is your cycle layout?
Why did you choose test E & test C???
How much did you actually research because that's a silly thing to do?
... wait..... OP what is your cycle layout?
Why did you choose test E & test C???
How much did you actually research because that's a silly thing to do?
Currently running 500mg of testosterone cypionate and I'm doing this for 10 weeks and then I'm going to cruise on testosterone enanthate 150-200mg for 20 weeks and then rinse and repeat.
Currently running 500mg of testosterone cypionate and I'm doing this for 10 weeks and then I'm going to cruise on testosterone enanthate 150-200mg for 20 weeks and then rinse and repeat.
Why different esters in general?
Saw how apparently some people can't take one of either test c or e as apparently they get an allergic reaction from 1 of the 2. So far I've been great but got both incase like.
Makes 0 sense.

Never heard of an allergic reaction of test C either.
Makes 0 sense.

Never heard of an allergic reaction of test C either.
No idea then. My testosterone cypionate is 250mg/ml and testosterone enanthate is 300mg/ml. I've read some people get an allergic reaction from of the two so no idea then.
Thank you for the response! I can only get my hands on Clomid, Noladex or Aromasin so what should I choose between those 3 if I plan on blasting and cruising and never coming off? I don't think I can get my hands on Exemestane or Arimidex.
Aromasin as needed
What is your body fat percentage? I would have Tamoxifen and an AI available. I would also have clomid or Enclomiphene for PCT.

The truth is you can mix and match all of these ancillaries in various combinations depending on your needs. You have to test these substances individually. Aromasin doesn't agree with me but Arimidex does, for example. Some people can't use clomid but they can use Tamoxifen. I can use both at the same time and have no problem.

You need to learn by trial and error.
What is your body fat percentage? I would have Tamoxifen and an AI available. I would also have clomid or Enclomiphene for PCT.

The truth is you can mix and match all of these ancillaries in various combinations depending on your needs. You have to test these substances individually. Aromasin doesn't agree with me but Arimidex does, for example. Some people can't use clomid but they can use Tamoxifen. I can use both at the same time and have no problem.

You need to learn by trial and error.
Yeah I figured that out that it's going to be trial and error. Also my body fat percentage is 13% at 70kg but my goal is to bulk up so I'm currently 17% bodyfat at 80kg.
Yeah I figured that out that it's going to be trial and error. Also my body fat percentage is 13% at 70kg but my goal is to bulk up so I'm currently 17% bodyfat at 80kg.
Make sure you have Tamoxifen because when you bulk, you will gain more fat, amd you don't know how your body will react, and Tamoxifen does work against gyno.
Jumping in on this as it does relate to my next cycle, any advice is appreciated, I've never suffered with gyno, or been bothered with water retention so never felt the need to use these, however, being 43 I want to try and keep some water off for obvious reasons, I've Nolvadex, proviron, arimidex and if needed caber all at hand. With the below 16wk cycle what would be everyone's choice to run with it to A) keep water off and B) keep libido up. I've never used Masteron before BTW...

1000mg Test Cyp
600mg Mast E
300mg Tren Ace

Thanks in advance
I don’t think it’s right to shit on you for being 19 and using gear, I’m 20 about to be 21 in a couple of months here and I’m blasting / cruising. Just be careful with what you take and I can’t stress this enough. Listen to these people even if they come off as assholes, they just want what’s best for you :)

With that being said, I dunno your dosages and/or what compounds (don’t do tren) you’re planning but if I were you. Run 500 test (choose between e or c, I use e) as a “blast” and see how you feel, lower it to around 200 for a cruise dose and if you’re feeling pretty okay, add a compound at your next blast. I added masteron at 300 a week and felt insane. I’m about to cruise on 200 test 200 primo and I look nuts. PLEASE get blood work and DONT let that guy tell you you’re not gonna look like you’re on gear. Testosterone alone isn’t going to make you look like Ronnie, just work your ass off, take your vitamins, eat right and get bloodwork! (Just because you already started doesn’t mean you can’t stop fyi)
“Please get blood work” - some 21 year old dude “cruising” at supraphysiological levels and with nonbioidentical hormones