Confession Box

Hell yeah ill give it shot. I have the same calf insertions. Fuckin sucks man! [emoji35]
Sure does. Now I can clearly see the muscle below the calves too and the outer calve. Oh. Another one I just remembered. I notice a lot of people don't do the muscle on the outer shine part of the calves. I put a 45lbs weight on my toes and lift it up. Then I walk on a step slop on the treadmill. Just don't fall while doing

My gf noticed it first cause she makes small calves jokes.
Wish I broke this down to a science like this year's ago.
Do 3 sets of 500. Your calves will grow.
Do this a few times per week. If that's the part you want to grow just focus on these super volume and they will grow.

Most people go in and do like 3 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 20-30 and call that high reps, but.......

Think of how your calves work. They get used all day everyday Give these super volume sets a try for a month and let me know if you don't see growth.

Yes, it takes time to get the sets in, but who has the biggest calves? Mail men who walk door to door all day everyday for 8 hours. Those " super sets" they are doing all day when walking. Even female mail workers have huge calves for a reason.

Or simply go walk for 8 hours lol. Either one and your calves will grow.
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Balarenas are another example. They have huge calves but don't work out typically. But they do use their calves during practice over and over in the hindered of hundreds range for hours.
Do 3 sets of 500. Your calves will grow.
Do this a few times per week. If that's the part you want to grow just focus on these super volume and they will grow.

Most people go in and do like 3 sets of 10 or 3 sets of 20-30 and call that high reps, but.......

Think of how your calves work. They get used all day everyday Give these super volume sets a try for a month and let me know if you don't see growth.

Yes, it takes time to get the sets in, but who has the biggest calves? Mail men who walk door to door all day everyday for 8 hours. Those " super sets" they are doing all day when walking. Even female mail workers have huge calves for a reason.

Or simply go walk for 8 hours lol. Either one and your calves will grow.
Not to get off topic...

That makes sense since I hit about 700 reps but with heavy and light weight. I actually use the light weight in continuous reps while I'm resting and then switch back to 315 and go till failure and then drop back down to 80lbs and usually get 60 reps before I'm rested again for 315. (Leg press machine) If you wanna call it rested.

I noticed something while doing this. For example. I'll calve press 90lbs (good form, big stretch, moderate speed) for let's say 100reps. I get to 100 and I'm struggling to even get half reps. I don't stop and immediately move the weight to 130lbs. Now, the burn is gone and I can rep out 30 reps with full range of motion and yet I was just struggling to get half reps on 90lbs. What gives?

Also, I continue to 180lbs for 10 reps just as I had from 90-130 resulting in the same thing. When I'm done there I drop down to 90 as a resting period and do it all over again. This all happens in one continuous set.
I've never trained calves on purpose :oops: I got good genetics and I throw in an occasional hike every now and then.;)
Confession I some times get paranoid that Alexa is listing to me. I love my toy but makes you wonder if she records and sends to the government. Lol
Confession: I Once paid $40.00 to smash two Kurdish prostitutes in a brothel near Harbor Gate, Iraq. I was definitely disgusted with myself afterwards.
Confession: I Once paid $40.00 to smash two Kurdish prostitutes in a brothel near Harbor Gate, Iraq. I was definitely disgusted with myself afterwards.
I want to hook up with Casey Anthony. She's hot, loves to party, and doesn't want kids. And if she does she isn't against a 20th trimester abortion.
When I was 16 I would masturbate before going over to my girlfriend's house so I could last longer inside her. Haha I'm sure a lot of you guys did that too