I wouldn't expect one person to, just anyone chiming in who has knowledge. Kind of get ideas and thought's from everyone.
But a straight forward question to begin, how to pick a contest?
Picking a show to do isn’t a difficult thing but it does require some forward thinking. On average, if someone has never done a show its best to give prep about 12-16 weeks to allow for a gradual process, to work on posing (it takes time to get good at it and put together a routine with music) and order your posing trunks and so on.
So with that time frame in mind (12-16 weeks) you’ll need to decide if you want to compete in a smaller show that isn’t sanctioned or just go ahead and jump into the NPC.
Shows are expensive and time consuming so I’d recommend a sanctioned NPC show to get your money’s worth in quality of judging, the actual running of the show (stays on time) and awards. Unless you know of a really well done unsanctioned local show. They are out there but few and far between.
Nothing is worse than showing up for a contest after 12 weeks of prep to find out you are the only person in your weight class and there are only 5 guys total in your category. It’s happens and it’s irritating to work that hard and beat no one. I’ve seen it first hand while helping friends get ready for their first shows. Not cool.
Finding NPC shows to compete in isn’t too hard. You can contact your State’s NPC chairman (they usually have a website that lists all the upcoming shows for that State) or the NPC National website will have a list of the bigger shows across several states.
You don’t have to stay in your state to compete. Almost all shows have no restrictions on who can enter. The only ones that do have a resident only restriction are typically the actual State championship (NPC Florida state championship or similar).
The NPC requires a yearly membership cost. I think it’s like $125 now. That’s just for the competitor to be allowed to compete in NPC sanctioned events. It’s a once a year cost but it is required. You can join early if you want through the NPC website or most shows will allow you to register the morning of the show. You need to check this though because some do not and you’ll need to have your card when you show up for prejudging. You can contact the shows promoter for that info if it’s not listed on the show promotion posters or on the event website. There will also be the cost of entering the show itself. It ranges from $50-$500 depending on the show.
Finally, once you have an idea of which show you have the time frame to get ready for you’ll need to start making a list of all the gear and supplies you’ll need for the entire prep. Do not think for one moment that you’ll just be able to get some thing down the road. I promise you it’ll be unavailable when you need it.
Spend the money up front and get all your shit ahead of time. Everything, GH, injectable AAS, orals, thyroid, Clen/Albuterol and anything else that you need or want to use.
That’s about as basic of an answer as I can give on picking a show. I’m sure I’ve forgotten a few things or maybe others have some stuff to add also that I missed or is relevant to their state or something they experienced themselves when deciding which show to do.