@fodsod thats freaking awesome that you've been at this that long , and not only do you still have a passion for bodybuilding but are still going strong living the lifestyle everyday ! Unreal man , thats not something you see to often !
Seriously though what do you attribute to having that kinda longevity in bodybuilding? Because it seems like more often than not guys tend to crash and burn in this sport . Either injuries , health complications , or alot of the times just plain lack of interest and they up and quit ?!
Obviously its not a one size fits all answer , but im just curious what your take on it is ... Did you stay a little more conservative with your training and peds over the years ? Or are some people just genetically better suited to handle the stesses of the lifestyle ? Is it all just the mentality you have ?
The reason i ask is because Ive always loved bodybuilding and training , but because I played football in college I never really devoted my time to bodybuilding in my teens and early twenties. And then after a rough patch in my life i really just got consumed with bodybuilding again in my late 20's , but because I started so late I feel like I've only got so much time to really make a competitive run , so I end up standing real close to the line between making maximum progress and longevity ! I know im starting ramble a bit , but what im basically trying to ask is how do approach pushing the limits competitively without falling victim to alot of the pitfalls that come along with it ?
Thanks for any input you have to offer , and hope this question is still in the general theme of the thread. .