Cut cycle advice and tips


New Member
So I have run plenty of cycles and would just like to see if there is anything I can do to make the best out of it. Please do not suggest Tren as I have retired that compound for the time being.
I’m on a bulk now TestE, Dynabol( not Dianabol but Nandrolone Cypionate which is not very common) and Dbol but switched to Tbol for less bloat. Also 1mg of Anastrazole ED and Milkthisle.
AGE 25
Height 5’9
Weight 195lbs
Last Cycle 225lbs
Roughly 12-14%
Best 7-8%
Bench Currently 285
PR 365
Squat currently 430
PR 600
Dumbbell curls 50lbs
PR 70lbs

So here we go

Test Enanthate @ 500mg EW Monday/Thursday( maybe thinking about lowering it to 400. 2 shots @ 250 a week

Masteron Enanthate @ 300-400mg EW Monday/Thursday 2 shots at 200 or 150.

Anavar 50mg ED for 6 Weeks

Winstrol 50mg ED for last 6 weeks to dry out more but still look full

GW @10mg ED throughout the 12 weeks

T3 @ 100mcg ED

Helios Clenbuterol/Yohimbine 40mcg (for any stubborn belly or love handle fat.

i have ran everything in the cycle aside from T3 so I know how I react to all compounds.

12 weeks cycle
Not my first I’ve ran all of these compounds so I know how I react to everyone of them collectively. I have just about every AI you can name and just purchased some HCG too.
This post is for advice on my next Cut Cycle not criticizing and name calling only mature Bodybuilding advice. I’m open to all suggestions. The pics I have posted are results the first is my bulk results and second Cut results. First was end of bulk the rest is overall after cut.


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Solid physique.

I’m my opinion a cut is more diet than drugs. If you’re really trying to drop body fat the drugs won’t make that big of a difference. Which obviously you know

In my eyes the drugs give you a dry, hard and full look. Only thing I’d change is the winny and anavar. I’d pick one or the other and run it on the back end just for less stress on the liver and organs.

i would also leave out the clen as it really isn’t worth taking imo. Too toxic for what it’s worth. Until you’re down at 7-8% I can’t justify using it. Manipulate your diet and cardio more.

I know everyone is going to say bump the maseteron up. I really liked the stuff. You’re running it really low so I’m not sure how much of an effect it will have but I’m sure you’ll see the cosmetic benefits of it. Pretty conservative dosages which is great.

I have no idea about t3 but based on what I’ve seen guys use I don’t think I’ve seen 100 mcg too often. Seems really high but I have no idea. Hopefully someone else can comment
Solid physique.

I’m my opinion a cut is more diet than drugs. If you’re really trying to drop body fat the drugs won’t make that big of a difference. Which obviously you know

In my eyes the drugs give you a dry, hard and full look. Only thing I’d change is the winny and anavar. I’d pick one or the other and run it on the back end just for less stress on the liver and organs.

i would also leave out the clen as it really isn’t worth taking imo. Too toxic for what it’s worth. Until you’re down at 7-8% I can’t justify using it. Manipulate your diet and cardio more.

I know everyone is going to say bump the maseteron up. I really liked the stuff. You’re running it really low so I’m not sure how much of an effect it will have but I’m sure you’ll see the cosmetic benefits of it. Pretty conservative dosages which is great.

I have no idea about t3 but based on what I’ve seen guys use I don’t think I’ve seen 100 mcg too often. Seems really high but I have no idea. Hopefully someone else can comment
Yea I have ran it higher and realized a dose of 400 works well for me every one’s genetics are different so if anyone says bump this up or down I take it into consideration but ultimately I know how much I need for the benefit I’m using it for. If I was to end up not starting with one of those orals what would I end the cycle with? I’ve never ran var at anything above 10mg bc my girl at the time wanted to try it and said she got headaches. So I just took it bc whatever why would I need 10mg of var. But I do know that I have only 5 weeks of it left I thought I had more, Stanozolol I know that I act very well to it and it works great for me that’s why I always have some. Should I add like primo to the cycle or like another oil, I was considering EQ or DHB bc they work great too I just cannot do Tren but that would make any cycle 100% better.
Solid physique.

I’m my opinion a cut is more diet than drugs. If you’re really trying to drop body fat the drugs won’t make that big of a difference. Which obviously you know

In my eyes the drugs give you a dry, hard and full look. Only thing I’d change is the winny and anavar. I’d pick one or the other and run it on the back end just for less stress on the liver and organs.

i would also leave out the clen as it really isn’t worth taking imo. Too toxic for what it’s worth. Until you’re down at 7-8% I can’t justify using it. Manipulate your diet and cardio more.

I know everyone is going to say bump the maseteron up. I really liked the stuff. You’re running it really low so I’m not sure how much of an effect it will have but I’m sure you’ll see the cosmetic benefits of it. Pretty conservative dosages which is great.

I have no idea about t3 but based on what I’ve seen guys use I don’t think I’ve seen 100 mcg too often. Seems really high but I have no idea. Hopefully someone else can comment
It’s not regular clen either it’s the spot injection with yohimbine so idk if it even helps any other area being spot injection. T3 honestly I was just going to try it instead of the clen bc I get really shaky at first than my tolerance goes up than stop for two weeks.
Yea I have ran it higher and realized a dose of 400 works well for me every one’s genetics are different so if anyone says bump this up or down I take it into consideration but ultimately I know how much I need for the benefit I’m using it for. If I was to end up not starting with one of those orals what would I end the cycle with? I’ve never ran var at anything above 10mg bc my girl at the time wanted to try it and said she got headaches. So I just took it bc whatever why would I need 10mg of var. But I do know that I have only 5 weeks of it left I thought I had more, Stanozolol I know that I act very well to it and it works great for me that’s why I always have some. Should I add like primo to the cycle or like another oil, I was considering EQ or DHB bc they work great too I just cannot do Tren but that would make any cycle 100% better.
I personally love var. I ran 25-50 mg a day and even at 25 the pumps are just amazing. Vascular and a solid all around feel. I’d do the 5 weeks of var. never really had issues with it side effect wise other than lower back pumps walking up the stairs and some days having to stop my workout early because I physically couldn’t train due to the fore arm pumps.

I don’t think you need anything else to cut. Just diet and cardio. The simpler the better to me. Less variables to deal with while cutting which is 10x harder than bulking to me.
I personally love var. I ran 25-50 mg a day and even at 25 the pumps are just amazing. Vascular and a solid all around feel. I’d do the 5 weeks of var. never really had issues with it side effect wise other than lower back pumps walking up the stairs and some days having to stop my workout early because I physically couldn’t train due to the fore arm pumps.

I don’t think you need anything else to cut. Just diet and cardio. The simpler the better to me. Less variables to deal with while cutting which is 10x harder than bulking to me.
I got the whole physique I posted with nothing but weights and I lost a lot I just sweat so much
drop that t3 and e\keep it in at 25, wouldnt go over 37.5mcg.

Hows your diet, training and cardio approach looking?
drop that t3 and e\keep it in at 25, wouldnt go over 37.5mcg.

Hows your diet, training and cardio approach looking?
Diet is great just chicken and rice trying to lower salt intake. At the gym 6 days a week, one cheat day, I eat carbs but not a whole lot. I don’t do too much cardio though some stairs pretty much. I like chug water every day. Most of the weights I do are free, but cables also. I do a lot of negatives.
I don’t have much to add, but I saw that you’re running nand cyp. I want to try nand cyp and nand prop. Any opinions on nand cyp vs NPP and deca?
I don’t have much to add, but I saw that you’re running nand cyp. I want to try nand cyp and nand prop. Any opinions on nand cyp vs NPP and deca?
There’s definitely slight pip I guess it has to do with the Cypionate ester. Only about three weeks in Ik cyp usually hits around weeks 4 so I’ll definitely keep you updated with it. I just saw my buddy had it and Ik at a cyp ester mg per mg is a bit stronger than Decanoate
There’s definitely slight pip I guess it has to do with the Cypionate ester. Only about three weeks in Ik cyp usually hits around weeks 4 so I’ll definitely keep you updated with it. I just saw my buddy had it and Ik at a cyp ester mg per mg is a bit stronger than Decanoate
Yea I don't like the long deca ester, so that's why I want to try cyp. I also don't like that pp is such a heavy ester, which is why I wanted to try prop. It's about the same half life, but MUCH higher hormone mg/mg than npp.

I'm interested to see your experience
Yea I don't like the long deca ester, so that's why I want to try cyp. I also don't like that pp is such a heavy ester, which is why I wanted to try prop. It's about the same half life, but MUCH higher hormone mg/mg than npp.

I'm interested to see your experience
I’ll definitely post updates. At around week 8 ll show stats it’s a completely new compound in my book I saw he had it did some research and decided on it. Ik it’s just a harder compound to find and I like to try the newer exotic ones last time I tried one I loved it and it has DHB besides the pip
I don’t have much to add, but I saw that you’re running nand cyp. I want to try nand cyp and nand prop. Any opinions on nand cyp vs NPP and deca?
I’m new to Nandrolone Cyp and just am getting into the fourth week so it should start to shine very soon. I’ve never ran NPP but deca is good for sure it’s tried and true but the ester is too long for most especially when you do what I do and bulk and fastly transition into my cut. Like I kickstart with Dianabol most of the time bc it’s my favorite oral bulking agent, Anadrol gets me too angry, but I like Turinabol too but I consider it more as a lean bulk compound. Than at the start of course I start my test at a high dose and usually have one or two other compounds always one test derivative, one DHT derivative, and one NOR19. Than once I hit to where I’m satisfied I lower my test for less water retention, kick start again with winny and end with it. Ultimately I run long cycles from 18-21 weeks total than I start my trt again from 125mg of test cyp/Enanthate and on some cruises even throw 125 Drostanalone E and Proviron. Proviron I run with any bulk cycle and trt to increase free test and reduce chances of water retention i love it. Believe it or not PROVIRON is 100000% my favorite compound I love it so much.
Yea I don't like the long deca ester, so that's why I want to try cyp. I also don't like that pp is such a heavy ester, which is why I wanted to try prop. It's about the same half life, but MUCH higher hormone mg/mg than npp.

I'm interested to see your experience
Also compounds like test prop and npp have a higher mg per mg than the same compounds with higher esters.
Also compounds like test prop and npp have a higher mg per mg than the same compounds with higher esters.
test prop has a higher hormone concentration than test c or e, but NPP has about the same concentration of hormone, mg/mg, as deca. NPP has ~67mg/100 and deca has ~64 mg/100. nand prop on the other hand has about ~83 mg/100 and nand cyp is ~69/100
test prop has a higher hormone concentration than test c or e, but NPP has about the same concentration of hormone, mg/mg, as deca. NPP has ~67mg/100 and deca has ~64 mg/100. nand prop on the other hand has about ~83 mg/100 and nand cyp is ~69/100
Yea see that’s what my guesstimate was about so I figured I just start with like a lowish kinda dose of like 375-400 and see where I could go from there. Would you say just like test cyp it would start to show at around the fourth week ? Bc today I noticed I spike in strength my incline dumbbell curls went from 40lbs to 50lbs dumbbells from my third week it could also be the dbol though but it’s my last week of it and I added some Tbol too during the last week of my dbol to prevent some of muscle loss and replace a bit of that water from the dbol with a little bit of lean muscle tissue from the TBol. I’m doing Arimidex 1mg Ed too
Yea see that’s what my guesstimate was about so I figured I just start with like a lowish kinda dose of like 375-400 and see where I could go from there. Would you say just like test cyp it would start to show at around the fourth week ? Bc today I noticed I spike in strength my incline dumbbell curls went from 40lbs to 50lbs dumbbells from my third week it could also be the dbol though but it’s my last week of it and I added some Tbol too during the last week of my dbol to prevent some of muscle loss and replace a bit of that water from the dbol with a little bit of lean muscle tissue from the TBol. I’m doing Arimidex 1mg Ed too
I follow the old school mentality of every ones body reacts differently so I just do everything and see what works and what doesn’t. And it may not be the healthiest but it’s definitely proven a good method for me.