Cut Time - Team Stacking Plates W/ ChestRockwell

There is nothing new under the sun. Pakulski is jumping on this to sell a program. Its a NICE technique to use. But very doubtful its ground breaking. Well, maybe ground breaking for his bank account!
Has there ever been any kind of proof with human trials with this kind of program? I didn't find anything...

It has been shown to happen in animal research and it makes sense it could possibly happen in humans bc it would be odd for that one pathway to be excluded for humans.

You're going to have a tough time finding human research. It will be impossible to find conclusive research bc of the impracticality of the methodological portion of the study. To measure hyperplasia in animals, what typically happens is the kill the animal, dissect it, and count all the fibers. You can't kill a human, unless your Dr. Lecter, so we're forced to rely on muscle biopsies. The problem with that is its only a small portion of the muscle. It's like taking a piece of the bumper of a car and attempting to describe the entire car.

So it's possible it exists, but if it does, the effects are going to be extremely minor. The person will probably have extremely little influence over it. It won't be an effective use of gym time.

Lastly, if you look at the animal research behind this, you'll see the stretch was maintained for hours, days, and weeks and not the 20-30sec we would do it for you.

To me, it's another one of those fantasy, "we want to have our cake and eat it too" moments.
It has been shown to happen in animal research and it makes sense it could possibly happen in humans bc it would be odd for that one pathway to be excluded for humans.

You're going to have a tough time finding human research. It will be impossible to find conclusive research bc of the impracticality of the methodological portion of the study. To measure hyperplasia in animals, what typically happens is the kill the animal, dissect it, and count all the fibers. You can't kill a human, unless your Dr. Lecter, so we're forced to rely on muscle biopsies. The problem with that is its only a small portion of the muscle. It's like taking a piece of the bumper of a car and attempting to describe the entire car.

So it's possible it exists, but if it does, the effects are going to be extremely minor. The person will probably have extremely little influence over it. It won't be an effective use of gym time.

Lastly, if you look at the animal research behind this, you'll see the stretch was maintained for hours, days, and weeks and not the 20-30sec we would do it for you.

To me, it's another one of those fantasy, "we want to have our cake and eat it too" moments.
Got it. That helps me understand. Thank you doc