cutting cycles are idiotic unless you are competing

Bud, when you put on muscle mass, that is above and beyond your natural genetic potential...super human levels that is, you're not going to be able to maintain that added mass doing as you suggest. Cutting while on trt (normal levels) will definitely eat away most if not all your gains. This is 101 bodybuilder basics.

And stop trying to sound smart! You seem to lack a lot of common sense.
You know how guys talk about difficulty reading my posts?

I feel like this reading your posts, but you're falling back on lofty language to bring up the deficit in your thinking and reasoning here.

No, we basically disagree. I think that you do not have to be a competitor or aspiring IFBB pro to use AAS rationally to support cutting.
Indeed, it's essential to recognize that one need not be a competitive bodybuilder to consider the utilization of AAS during a cutting phase. Personal choices and objectives vary, and individuals have the autonomy to decide how they wish to employ AAS in their fitness journey.

However, my point centers on the notion that prioritizing AAS "blasts" for bulking cycles may be a more effective approach. This perspective arises from the understanding that AAS demonstrably excel in facilitating muscle gains rather than promoting significant fat reduction. In this context, AAS can be considered notably superior when harnessed for the purpose of building muscle mass, making them more fitting for bulking cycles than for those primarily focused on fat loss.
cruise dose is what I originally purposed since I know some guys are huge and require more than AAS
Still flawed reasoning. The purpose of a cruise is to drop doses to a healthier level, but still high enough to maintain your gains. Some can do this on trt doses some need 200mg plus. But the idea is to maintain gains! Doing a cut would definitely put muscle mass in jeopardy.
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Bud, when you put on muscle mass, that is above and beyond your natural genetic potential...super human levels that is, you're not going to be able to maintain that added mass doing as you suggest. Cutting while on trt (normal levels) will definitely eat away most if not all your gains. This is 101 bodybuilder basics.

And stop trying to sound smart! You seem to lack a lot of common sense.
Certainly, I respect your perspective, and it's entirely valid to have differing opinions on this matter. There's no intention to insult anyone's intelligence; rather, the aim is to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas and information.
Certainly, I respect your perspective, and it's entirely valid to have differing opinions on this matter. There's no intention to insult anyone's intelligence; rather, the aim is to engage in a constructive exchange of ideas and information.
Why pick at the toes when you can stand on the shoulders of giants. In other words learn from what's already know my friend.
Absolutely, your sentiment is well-founded. Building upon the knowledge and insights of those who have come before us is an and efficient approach.
However considering the nature of this forum, which is primarily focused on harm mitigation and responsible use of steroids, I thought it would be worthwhile to introduce a less conventional approach aimed at achieving maximum muscle growth.
Absolutely, your sentiment is well-founded. Building upon the knowledge and insights of those who have come before us is an and efficient approach.
However considering the nature of this forum, which is primarily focused on harm mitigation and responsible use of steroids, I thought it would be worthwhile to introduce a less conventional approach aimed at achieving maximum muscle growth.
You still fail to answer my question. Where did you see this idea work? Have you tried it?

How can you know it work better than the norm if nobody even tried it yet?

You need to do it yourself, make a log and prove the naysayers wrong or else it's just a wishful thinking to reinvent the wheel.
If you can maintain ALL of your muscle on a cut without a “cutting cycle”, that tells me you’re too fat to begin with and aren’t lean enough by the end of the cut to worry about actual muscle loss. Going from 20+% bf to 12-15% is very different than going from 12-15% to 6-9%
Jesus what a dumpster fire this turned out to be.

I'll add my .02.

I agree cutting "cycles" are absolutely moronic for 90% of users in 90% of situations.

What do I mean by this?

-I mean, you don't need nearly as much gear to stave off catabolism than you do to build in a reasonable timeframe.

-99% of users, even those on this board, are NOWHERE NEAR enough muscle mass over what they can naturally support and maintain such that they need a full blown cycle to prevent catabolism.

-those that do lean heavily of cutting "cycles" to maintain their muscle in modest cuts (not to competition level leanness) are neglecting gaps in their training or nutrition.

Tldr, if you're not a monster, pushing to extremely low bodyfat, you don't need some crazy cycle to prevent catabolism so long as your cut/nutrition is intelligent and your training is at a proper intensity.

I'm by no means a monster, but I walk around off-season at 240+lbs at 6' at like 12% bf (estimated) and all of my non-contest cut/health phase/whatever is done at trt only, and I don't lose any muscle.

You can spice up your cut with some stuff sure, but slamming a ton of tren and mast during a casual cut is just a waste of gear and unnecessary stress that could be better used during a proper growth phase.
Jesus what a dumpster fire this turned out to be.

I'll add my .02.

I agree cutting "cycles" are absolutely moronic for 90% of users in 90% of situations.

What do I mean by this?

-I mean, you don't need nearly as much gear to stave off catabolism than you do to build in a reasonable timeframe.

-99% of users, even those on this board, are NOWHERE NEAR enough muscle mass over what they can naturally support and maintain such that they need a full blown cycle to prevent catabolism.

-those that do lean heavily of cutting "cycles" to maintain their muscle in modest cuts (not to competition level leanness) are neglecting gaps in their training or nutrition.

Tldr, if you're not a monster, pushing to extremely low bodyfat, you don't need some crazy cycle to prevent catabolism so long as your cut/nutrition is intelligent and your training is at a proper intensity.

I'm by no means a monster, but I walk around off-season at 240+lbs at 6' at like 12% bf (estimated) and all of my non-contest cut/health phase/whatever is done at trt only, and I don't lose any muscle.

You can spice up your cut with some stuff sure, but slamming a ton of tren and mast during a casual cut is just a waste of gear and unnecessary stress that could be better used during a proper growth phase.
I don't think the gear is the problem, you can get peeled naturally, you just need more time. The issue I see is his statement that cutting during cruise, maintenence phase would lead to more growth compared to regular cut and bulk. Then insisting that it is the right way without showing any form of evidence and any form then calling anything else idiotic.

I don't know if he is trying to sell a program and this is his way to introduce his product or what lol.
you better change your nickname, your credibility here is already gone to hell.
Also, you should learn to show more respect and respond with different words.
because we all make mistakes (and we can be forgiven), but rudeness is not justifiable
I enjoy vocabulary and believe there are many words that can better express whatever message you wish to convey vs using common vernacular..... you are taking this to the extreme where no one would want to read anything you write. I feel sorry for your English teacher, she much have "awkward sentence" all over your papers
I don't think the gear is the problem, you can get peeled naturally, you just need more time. The issue I see is his statement that cutting during cruise, maintenence phase would lead to more growth compared to regular cut and bulk. Then insisting that it is the right way without showing any form of evidence and any form then calling anything else idiotic.

I don't know if he is trying to sell a program and this is his way to introduce his product or what lol.

Yeah that's why I called it a dumpster fire
I enjoy vocabulary and believe there are many words that can better express whatever message you wish to convey vs using common vernacular..... you are taking this to the extreme where no one would want to read anything you write. I feel sorry for your English teacher, she much have "awkward sentence" all over your papers
I believe unnecessarily florid is what you're looking for.
I enjoy vocabulary and believe there are many words that can better express whatever message you wish to convey vs using common vernacular..... you are taking this to the extreme where no one would want to read anything you write. I feel sorry for your English teacher, she much have "awkward sentence" all over your papers
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my vocabulary usage. However, I'd like to clarify a potential misunderstanding regarding the a term 'common vernacular' that you just used. 'Common vernacular' typically refers to everyday language or the speech commonly used by a specific group. It seems that based on your statement, you may interpret 'common vernacular' as representing complex or sophisticated vocabulary.'Common vernacular' actually refers to the opposite — the everyday language that most people use in their daily conversations.

Given your interest in my English studies in your previous comment I'll have you know, I accomplished a successful completion of both mandatory english courses at my university, earning an 'A' grade in each. Unfortunately, I cannot be entirely certain of your academic achievement regarding english, considering your apparent confusion regarding the term 'common vernacular,' which quite literally includes the word 'common' in it.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my vocabulary usage. However, I'd like to clarify a potential misunderstanding regarding the a term 'common vernacular' that you just used. 'Common vernacular' typically refers to everyday language or the speech commonly used by a specific group. It seems that based on your statement, you may interpret 'common vernacular' as representing complex or sophisticated vocabulary.'Common vernacular' actually refers to the opposite — the everyday language that most people use in their daily conversations.

Given your interest in my English studies in your previous comment I'll have you know, I accomplished a successful completion of both mandatory english courses at my university, earning an 'A' grade in each. Unfortunately, I cannot be entirely certain of your academic achievement regarding english, considering your apparent confusion regarding the term 'common vernacular,' which quite literally includes the word 'common' in it.
Your rant is on nothing, reread the quote. Good luck.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my vocabulary usage. However, I'd like to clarify a potential misunderstanding regarding the a term 'common vernacular' that you just used. 'Common vernacular' typically refers to everyday language or the speech commonly used by a specific group. It seems that based on your statement, you may interpret 'common vernacular' as representing complex or sophisticated vocabulary.'Common vernacular' actually refers to the opposite — the everyday language that most people use in their daily conversations.

Given your interest in my English studies in your previous comment I'll have you know, I accomplished a successful completion of both mandatory english courses at my university, earning an 'A' grade in each. Unfortunately, I cannot be entirely certain of your academic achievement regarding english, considering your apparent confusion regarding the term 'common vernacular,' which quite literally includes the word 'common' in it.
I imagine when you were tying this up you thought, "you know what'll really make them come around to my line of thinking..."
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my vocabulary usage. However, I'd like to clarify a potential misunderstanding regarding the a term 'common vernacular' that you just used. 'Common vernacular' typically refers to everyday language or the speech commonly used by a specific group. It seems that based on your statement, you may interpret 'common vernacular' as representing complex or sophisticated vocabulary.'Common vernacular' actually refers to the opposite — the everyday language that most people use in their daily conversations.

Given your interest in my English studies in your previous comment I'll have you know, I accomplished a successful completion of both mandatory english courses at my university, earning an 'A' grade in each. Unfortunately, I cannot be entirely certain of your academic achievement regarding english, considering your apparent confusion regarding the term 'common vernacular,' which quite literally includes the word 'common' in it.
I wonder, are you trying to sound smart to us or to yourself? Is it some form of defense mechanism? Like, you've learned this as a way to ward off potential verbal or even physical attackers?
If it's an attempt to be an effective communicator, you have lost.