cutting cycles are idiotic unless you are competing

I mean, it's OK if communicating this way is something you've learned as a defense mechanism. But it kind of makes you more of a target.
I starting weightlifting as a defense mechanism after all. But I believe my method has been more effective lol.
I wonder, are you trying to sound smart to us or to yourself? Is it some form of defense mechanism? Like, you've learned this as a way to ward off potential verbal or even physical attackers?
If it's an attempt to be an effective communicator, you have lost.
Neither actually. No. There are no attackers this is the internet.
I mean, I'd understand if it was for a "Word Club" or something simular. Where you and a group of friends each pick out 10 new vocabulary words, then meet on a Friday evening. Each trying to use their 10 words intelligently in conversation all night.

But this isn't that place my friend.
No not at all. I was simply correcting him on his use of the term ‘common vernacular’. That’s it.

Referenced quote
I enjoy vocabulary and believe there are many words that can better express whatever message you wish to convey vs using common vernacular

Definitions since you like definitions

versus. / (ˈvɜːsəs) / preposition. (esp in a competition or lawsuit) against; in opposition to: Abbreviation: v, (esp US) vs. as opposed to; in contrast with.
No not at all. I was simply correcting him on his use of the term ‘common vernacular’. That’s it.
What you *think* you did was correct him on the meaning of the phrase, but that’s not nearly “all” you did. You used twice any many words as required, and objectively fucked up the punctuation in this reply, to boot.

Your writing evokes in everyone reading it the image of a fifteen-year-oldkid who’s been reading the newspaper in earnest for ayears, and has borrowed his dad’s suit to apply for a job as an author.

The trouble is, while all the parts are there, none of it is fits. The tie is twice too long, and he mispronounces half of the big words he shoehorns into place, because he’s only seen them in print — and was too proud to check their pronunciation in he dictionary. He leaves wondering what these supposedly educated men don’t understand about his obvious gifts.

In other words, you’re a caricature of every bad writer.

If you’re 15-18, you might turn this shit around in school. Otherwise, seriously, send me an address and I will mail you free a copy of Strunk and White.

PRE-EDIT - the universe has a sense of humor and I’m as dumb as they come, so there’s a good chance I’ve made my share of silly stumbles while I typed this mid semaglutide poop. Have at me, too, boys… fair is fair.
Jesus what a dumpster fire this turned out to be.

I'll add my .02.

I agree cutting "cycles" are absolutely moronic for 90% of users in 90% of situations.

What do I mean by this?

-I mean, you don't need nearly as much gear to stave off catabolism than you do to build in a reasonable timeframe.

-99% of users, even those on this board, are NOWHERE NEAR enough muscle mass over what they can naturally support and maintain such that they need a full blown cycle to prevent catabolism.

-those that do lean heavily of cutting "cycles" to maintain their muscle in modest cuts (not to competition level leanness) are neglecting gaps in their training or nutrition.

Tldr, if you're not a monster, pushing to extremely low bodyfat, you don't need some crazy cycle to prevent catabolism so long as your cut/nutrition is intelligent and your training is at a proper intensity.

I'm by no means a monster, but I walk around off-season at 240+lbs at 6' at like 12% bf (estimated) and all of my non-contest cut/health phase/whatever is done at trt only, and I don't lose any muscle.

You can spice up your cut with some stuff sure, but slamming a ton of tren and mast during a casual cut is just a waste of gear and unnecessary stress that could be better used during a proper growth phase.
Just curious: What is your contest weight?
Just curious: What is your contest weight?
i stay within my classic weight limits, but compete in both bodybuilding and classic.

at 6' my weight limit is 220 and i was exactly that at my last show, but my conditioning wasnt where it needed to be and i was retaining water pretty badly.

a true, peeled stage weight for me is probably around 210.
i stay within my classic weight limits, but compete in both bodybuilding and classic.

at 6' my weight limit is 220 and i was exactly that at my last show, but my conditioning wasnt where it needed to be and i was retaining water pretty badly.

a true, peeled stage weight for me is probably around 210.

You’re quite a bit bigger than me, makes sense with your handle.

You mentioned before that cutting you only need TRT levels so I’m trying your advice with just 220mg test E per week and I’ve only got 14lbs more till 10%. I know 220 is a bit past TRT levels but this is my first enhanced cut run so it should be a good experiment.
You’re quite a bit bigger than me, makes sense with your handle.

You mentioned before that cutting you only need TRT levels so I’m trying your advice with just 220mg test E per week and I’ve only got 14lbs more till 10%. I know 220 is a bit past TRT levels but this is my first enhanced cut run so it should be a good experiment.
Yeah I'm not strictly against running a bit extra during a cut to make things more comfortable. And "trt" can mean a lot of different things to different people.

My main point of my post is generally speaking people don't need 3 different compounds at blast dosages and 2 different orals just to casually cut.

220 sounds perfectly reasonable and sustainable for a decent cut, I think you'll find that to be plenty.
i stay within my classic weight limits, but compete in both bodybuilding and classic.

at 6' my weight limit is 220 and i was exactly that at my last show, but my conditioning wasnt where it needed to be and i was retaining water pretty badly.

a true, peeled stage weight for me is probably around 210.
Wow, your back (in the avatar) looks really great for your height and stage weight. Wide and inserts kind of low. Appears to have thickness to it, as well.