Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

O2 has yet to turn anybody that wasn’t already special into something special.

Brandon might be a slight exception in going there and improving dramatically. Those guys can’t coach for shit IMO. The special ingredients are simply less stress from life together with the sole focus of bodybuilding.
Thats a really good point. My physique would be a lot better if I didnt have to go to work, pay the bills, take care of the kids, maintain a house, etc
For real? Holy cow, that is disrespectful and disturbing. Now, I understand why lots of pros won’t even join forums.
Instagram is where some might gravitate to as they can control the content and narrative, unlike forums where staff and admins have the most control.
I hold an unpopular opinion that less talent is associated with more drugs; so by corollary the top guys — even in sports where drugs directly enhance performance (centimeter, gram, second sports, and bodybuilding where it’s not prohibited and maximal muscle accrual is sought) — use way less than those in the lower categories. I see it applied universally.

It’s not practically easy to get 5 g of gear into you, btw, by injection. You need a decent level of muscularity to even hold that much oil. I’d call 5.7 g the practical upper limit of i.m. application anyone could manage for a SINGLE week, that’s 2 — 3 mL (less for the deltoid site, more for the gluteal), holding 200 mg/mL androgen (most gear we use is not soluble at 350 mg/mL and often as with trenbolone it’s 100 mg/mL), applied contralaterally to the gluteal, deltoid, ventroglutreal sites, in an thrice weekly rotation. That’s a metric assload of oil… and idiotic.

If anyone feels they need even half that year-round they’ve simply got to accept they need to just pick another sport… besides, at over 1.5 g weekly you’re well into the asymptotic region, and by 3 g there are absolutely negative returns.
Riiiight.... so maybe the fact that most pros run EQ in the offseason might just might give us a clue on how much they are using... because as you say there is a limit to how much you can inject(which is bullshit by the way... plenty of people injecting tons of shit into their muscles and they are doing fine) ...

So EQ is a great choice as you can brew it at 350mg/ml easily together with test E at 300mg/l.... wonder why Nick Walker ran EQ :))

anybody over 220lbs can inject over 3g of the right gear... not saying everyone is but can't say they aren't...
Riiiight.... so maybe the fact that most pros run EQ in the offseason might just might give us a clue on how much they are using... because as you say there is a limit to how much you can inject(which is bullshit by the way... plenty of people injecting tons of shit into their muscles and they are doing fine) ...

So EQ is a great choice as you can brew it at 350mg/ml easily together with test E at 300mg/l.... wonder why Nick Walker ran EQ :))

anybody over 220lbs can inject over 3g of the right gear... not saying everyone is but can't say they aren't...
Sure, periodize your injection rotation, use Tuberculin syringes, and optimize your homebrew concentrations for maximal delivery; that's the secret.
Testosterone and NPP enemas ar the secret.

Also nothing Nicks using is over 300mg/ml and he of all people doesn’t need big cycles anymore. He’s got all the mass he needs. They’re spending time refining and controlling that waist.
Guys, while I am sure you think you each have something crucially important to add to Mac11wildcat's thread, he is too polite to tell you that you are cluttering up the most important log to ever appear on this web site.

This is page 148.

I suggest that instead of arguing with him about what some other pro uses (and plenty of pros discuss exact dosages they have used on several podcasts out there and available to you over the last 5-6 years, so we don't need internet rumors), you take advantage of all of the free learning available here in this thread for you.

He discussed dosages all throughout this thread as he was working his way up through the ranks and shared his disappointments along the way. More importantly, he shared his diets, sometimes down to the very food he was eating (not just macros).


I credit this thread with being partially at fault for me bringing home heavyweight and overall trophies a few years back. I adjusted a lot of what I was doing based on what I read here.

He also coaches, as his post recently above mentioned. Just something to think about.
Testosterone and NPP enemas ar the secret.

Also nothing Nicks using is over 300mg/ml and he of all people doesn’t need big cycles anymore. He’s got all the mass he needs. They’re spending time refining and controlling that waist.

I suspected Nick of using the same total mg of gear but like 100 mg/mL to get some synthol-like volumizing. He got big real fast

probably some myostatin shenanigans too

Listen guys…

Reality is you’d be fucking shocked if you paired discipline with a singular focus on bodybuilding without other responsibilities and ate, trained, recovered, and used enough gear to keep growing.


Nick is genetically built for holding muscle. There are no “shenanigans.” Nick doesn’t have any unique methods.