Medium Day
- Morning Weight: 219.6lbs
Yesterday was a terrible day nutrition wise. Didn't eat anything except a protein bar and shake until 7pm.. Got a meal in, and then went to bed. Justin got a new diet set up for me. It's hypocaloric and he named it "Appetite & Metabolism 1". I asked him what our goal is at this point. Not sure if he is going to lean me out for a few weeks to spike my appetite and then continue our off season, or if he is going to lean me out until I'm ready for another rebound. Waiting to hear back.
Got all my meals in today like a good boy.
I fucking hate where I am right now. I have been so consistent for over a year now. Never missed a meal, never cheated, never strayed from the bodybuilding lifestyle until now (Besides the four or five days at Disneyland in June ). Luckily it's not me going off the rails and binging from being so hungry.. I have the will power to fight hunger, but shoving food down when there is no room for it, is a whole other ball game. I have serious respect for all you guys who are huge. It is not easy to eat the amount of food it takes to get there, and maintain there.
- Morning Weight: 219.6lbs
Yesterday was a terrible day nutrition wise. Didn't eat anything except a protein bar and shake until 7pm.. Got a meal in, and then went to bed. Justin got a new diet set up for me. It's hypocaloric and he named it "Appetite & Metabolism 1". I asked him what our goal is at this point. Not sure if he is going to lean me out for a few weeks to spike my appetite and then continue our off season, or if he is going to lean me out until I'm ready for another rebound. Waiting to hear back.
Got all my meals in today like a good boy.

Arms | Weight | Target Reps | Sets |
Close Grip Bench Press | 165lbs | 15 | 3 |
Tricep EZ Bar Pushdowns | 70lbs | 15 | 3 |
EZ Bar Cable Curls | 40lbs | 15 | 3 |
Single Arm Cable Curls | 10lbs | 15 | 3 |
Decline Sit Ups | 10lbs | AMRAP | 3 |