Daily Log to 2019 Show Season

We finished prep at:


Test prop: 400mg/week (Cut 8 days out)
Mast Prop - 450mg/week (Cut Monday before show)
Tren Ace - 225mg/week (Cut Monday before show)

Proviron - 25mg meal 1, 25mg pre workout
Winstrol - 25mg meal 1, 25mg pre workout
Halo - 10mg meal 1, 10mg pre

*GH* (Cut 7 days out)
Good design.

For those saying this is lightweight, amateur stuff, it’s really not so “lite.” That’s over a gram and a half of gear, still just shy of that if we exclude the mesterolone (Proviron) from weighing — I don’t count it because it’s not comparable in its effects on LH, FSH (i.e., reduced androgenicity) — despite its hardening effect.

Proviron is much like DHT as Andractim, both potently reduce fat mass despite their weak anabolism due to extensive 3α-HSD metabolism.

So, this maths out to 15.8 mg/kg/w AAS & 3 IU/BSA/d (7 mg/BSA/w) GH.

That’s plenty

If anyone is now scratching their head, wondering why I said that Proviron and DHT have reduced androgenicity despite their hardening/peaking use case, it boils down to “androgen” vs androgenicity. We use “androgen” to describe an AAS that’s (fairly, relatively) potently antiadipogenic even if weak anabolically (and to describe more aggression-inducing AAS), whereas medically androgenicity refers to classic effects of androgens (endocrine effects like decreased LH, FSH; growth of male sex organs; masculinizing effects).
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Good design.

For those saying this is lightweight, amateur stuff, it’s really not so “lite.” That’s over a gram and a half of gear, still just shy of that if we exclude the mesterolone (Proviron) from weighing — I don’t count it because it’s not comparable in its effects on LH, FSH (i.e., reduced androgenicity) — despite its hardening effect.

Proviron is much like DHT as Andractim, both potently reduce fat mass despite their weak anabolism due to extensive 3α-HSD metabolism.

So, this maths out to 15.8 mg/kg/w AAS & 3 IU/BSA/d (7 mg/BSA/w) GH.

That’s plenty

If anyone is now scratching their head, wondering why I said that Proviron and DHT have reduced androgenicity despite their hardening/peaking use case, it boils down to “androgen” vs androgenicity. We use “androgen” to describe an AAS that’s (fairly, relatively) potently antiadipogenic even if weak anabolically (and to describe more aggression-inducing AAS), whereas medically androgenicity refers to classic effects of androgens (endocrine effects like decreased LH, FSH; growth of male sex organs; masculinizing effects).
Pardon me, 4 IU/BSA/d & 9⅓ mg/BSA/w
There’s always atleast one of these comments.

Couple things:
1. Pros are typically on WAY LESS than you all think. This Instagram influencer “3grams a day to be pro” shit is just flatly false. They know nothing. The number of guys on >~2.5g is far less than those on <.
2. Genetics are a prerequisite to being a pro. It is an extreme rarity for a genetically deficient individual to go pro. They typically do so in masters as well.
3. I’m sure the 15lbs of balanced stage weight I put on in 2 years after 10 years of adding weight and the extreme conditioning i achieve is much more about genetics than my work ethic and intelligence developed over a decade of doing this.

I don’t mean for this to sound like an attack but it’s honestly exhausting. The discussion of genetics before nutrition, training intensity, and work ethic is defeatist and all it does is lead people to using WAY more gear than they need to way too early beceuse they think if they aren’t a pro in 5 years they have poor genetics.
Oh come on..... saying pro means nothing without mentioning actual muscle mass... so a guy that is 212 put on lets say 50lbs of muscle with 1.5g of gear... great... what about the guy that is starting at the same weight but is competing at 260lbs..so he had to put on 100lbs of muscle...on same 1.5g of gear.... sure... for those in the 0.000001%. like Ronnie(MAYBE) etc .... what about the 10.000 pros at that weight, all ronnie genetics?

it is quite obvious now thanks to more guys coming clean that there seem to be two camps...the hyper-responders to gear that get away with 1-2g of gear and the other guys that have to blast 3,4,5...etc grams of gear for same body weight...

Of course there are the peasants like me and all the tiktok-ers that even with grams of gear will never be "pros", yeah genetics are a bitch and more gear results in proportionally less muscle for us... but still more is more...
Oh come on..... saying pro means nothing without mentioning actual muscle mass... so a guy that is 212 put on lets say 50lbs of muscle with 1.5g of gear... great... what about the guy that is starting at the same weight but is competing at 260lbs..so he had to put on 100lbs of muscle...on same 1.5g of gear.... sure... for those in the 0.000001%. like Ronnie(MAYBE) etc .... what about the 10.000 pros at that weight, all ronnie genetics?

it is quite obvious now thanks to more guys coming clean that there seem to be two camps...the hyper-responders to gear that get away with 1-2g of gear and the other guys that have to blast 3,4,5...etc grams of gear for same body weight...

Of course there are the peasants like me and all the tiktok-ers that even with grams of gear will never be "pros", yeah genetics are a bitch and more gear results in proportionally less muscle for us... but still more is more...
Believe what you want. Not my journey, al yours to do as you wish with.

Everyone who works with me adds more tissue on less gear. Must be a giant coincidence. Keep shoving square pegs into round holes though and see how long that lasts.
Believe what you want. Not my journey, al yours to do as you wish with.

Everyone who works with me adds more tissue on less gear. Must be a giant coincidence. Keep shoving square pegs into round holes though and see how long that lasts.
So you are saying that you have guys that got from 160 to 260lbs.with a max of 2g of gear?
or you have guys that put on 10-20-lbs while working with you with minimum gear, after they already had build most of their mass?
I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks 4-5g/week is in any way reasonable. At that point you are just trying to fit a circle into a square, just isn't supposed to fit and you are going to break shit up trying to fit it.

From everyone I follow and have listened to, most are between 1-3g/week. Look at Chase Irons, who clearly doesn't have the genetics to be a pro and just tries to hammer gear down, his body simply doesn't respond.

@Mac11wildcat is a good responder, for sure. But trying to argue that going over 5g is the norm is just nonsense.
So you are saying that you have guys that got from 160 to 260lbs.with a max of 2g of gear?
or you have guys that put on 10-20-lbs while working with you with minimum gear, after they already had build most of their mass?
I hold an unpopular opinion that less talent is associated with more drugs; so by corollary the top guys — even in sports where drugs directly enhance performance (centimeter, gram, second sports, and bodybuilding where it’s not prohibited and maximal muscle accrual is sought) — use way less than those in the lower categories. I see it applied universally.

It’s not practically easy to get 5 g of gear into you, btw, by injection. You need a decent level of muscularity to even hold that much oil. I’d call 5.7 g the practical upper limit of i.m. application anyone could manage for a SINGLE week, that’s 2 — 3 mL (less for the deltoid site, more for the gluteal), holding 200 mg/mL androgen (most gear we use is not soluble at 350 mg/mL and often as with trenbolone it’s 100 mg/mL), applied contralaterally to the gluteal, deltoid, ventroglutreal sites, in an thrice weekly rotation. That’s a metric assload of oil… and idiotic.

If anyone feels they need even half that year-round they’ve simply got to accept they need to just pick another sport… besides, at over 1.5 g weekly you’re well into the asymptotic region, and by 3 g there are absolutely negative returns.
I hold an unpopular opinion that less talent is associated with more drugs; so by corollary the top guys — even in sports where drugs directly enhance performance (centimeter, gram, second sports, and bodybuilding where it’s not prohibited and maximal muscle accrual is sought) — use way less than those in the lower categories. I see it applied universally.

It’s not practically easy to get 5 g of gear into you, btw, by injection. You need a decent level of muscularity to even hold that much oil. I’d call 5.7 g the practical upper limit of i.m. application anyone could manage for a SINGLE week, that’s 2 — 3 mL (less for the deltoid site, more for the gluteal), holding 200 mg/mL androgen (most gear we use is not soluble at 350 mg/mL and often as with trenbolone it’s 100 mg/mL), applied contralaterally to the gluteal, deltoid, ventroglutreal sites, in an thrice weekly rotation. That’s a metric assload of oil… and idiotic.

If anyone feels they need even half that year-round they’ve simply got to accept they need to just pick another sport… besides, at over 1.5 g weekly you’re well into the asymptotic region, and by 3 g there are absolutely negative returns.
Hasn’t been in for months. My coach isn’t big on it. I will insist on using it for offseason though. Unless he really objects.
Yeah, subject to some differing opinion, I just don't think it's wise to keep it in close to the show (suppressed fat oxidation; despite what they say to the contrary).

By the way, count me among those grateful for your exceeding generosity and openness! I know I wouldn't do what you are if I felt that people would seek out my private and family affairs on other sites/mediums.

There aren't many pros, competing actively, who are willing to share these things. In fact, I keep a list, always taking notes. So far I have compiled these (see pdf, attached).


  • Publicly-sources-cycles-from-practice-Notes-snippet.pdf
    212.9 KB · Views: 29
I hold an unpopular opinion that less talent is associated with more drugs; so by corollary the top guys — even in sports where drugs directly enhance performance (centimeter, gram, second sports, and bodybuilding where it’s not prohibited and maximal muscle accrual is sought) — use way less than those in the lower categories. I see it applied universally.

It’s not practically easy to get 5 g of gear into you, btw, by injection. You need a decent level of muscularity to even hold that much oil. I’d call 5.7 g the practical upper limit of i.m. application anyone could manage for a SINGLE week, that’s 2 — 3 mL (less for the deltoid site, more for the gluteal), holding 200 mg/mL androgen (most gear we use is not soluble at 350 mg/mL and often as with trenbolone it’s 100 mg/mL), applied contralaterally to the gluteal, deltoid, ventroglutreal sites, in an thrice weekly rotation. That’s a metric assload of oil… and idiotic.

If anyone feels they need even half that year-round they’ve simply got to accept they need to just pick another sport… besides, at over 1.5 g weekly you’re well into the asymptotic region, and by 3 g there are absolutely negative returns.
That’s not including all the peptides and whatever else like melanotan/SEO lol.

However, I always find everyone claiming this is the norm or that is the norm funny. In the end of the day NOBODY FUCKING KNOWS, people lie all the time no offense to Mac but unless every pro lives in a prison like facility there is no way anyone can prove they are injecting 5g or 500ml.

Anyway, who the fuck cares, they’re pros because of genetics just like Lebron is a pro or Shohei Ohtani, their genetic makeup allowed them those ungodly talents.
I don't think anyone in their right mind thinks 4-5g/week is in any way reasonable. At that point you are just trying to fit a circle into a square, just isn't supposed to fit and you are going to break shit up trying to fit it.

From everyone I follow and have listened to, most are between 1-3g/week. Look at Chase Irons, who clearly doesn't have the genetics to be a pro and just tries to hammer gear down, his body simply doesn't respond.

@Mac11wildcat is a good responder, for sure. But trying to argue that going over 5g is the norm is just nonsense.
agreed, 5g is absolutely well over the norm. The typical off-season blast for pros seems to be highest test, then 1-2 other compounds plus gh. Test typically ranging from 500-1500 and not much more, then eq or primo around 300-700, deca or npp 300-1000, and I really don’t hear of much higher than that aside from guys experimenting with crazy dosages for short periods as a lot of them mention it starts to feel toxic past 1500 test or what would be about 3g total
Yeah, subject to some differing opinion, I just don't think it's wise to keep it in close to the show (suppressed fat oxidation; despite what they say to the contrary).

By the way, count me among those grateful for your exceeding generosity and openness! I know I wouldn't do what you are if I felt that people would seek out my private and family affairs on other sites/mediums.

There aren't many pros, competing actively, who are willing to share these things. In fact, I keep a list, always taking notes. So far I have compiled these (see pdf, attached).
Luckily, nobody has tested me on that front yet. Were they to, that might change.
Luckily, nobody has tested me on that front yet. Were they to, that might change.
I think Meso is pretty good in that regard. I know who you are because it's IFBB and I follow the sport and can't help but feel good following along in your successes.

The other major American bodybuilding board; totally different in that regard. They were searching through metadata in my posts and shit. TBH I don't think many here are interested enough in the sport/competition to know!
I think Meso is pretty good in that regard. I know who you are because it's IFBB and I follow the sport and can't help but feel good following along in your successes.

The other major American bodybuilding board; totally different in that regard. They were searching through metadata in my posts and shit. TBH I don't think many here are interested enough in the sport/competition to know!
For real? Holy cow, that is disrespectful and disturbing. Now, I understand why lots of pros won’t even join forums.
I swear they're doing something different at Oxygen Gym. Rubiel (Neckzilla) started smaller than Dorian Yates, and got bigger in 5 years than Dorian did in 10 years.

Crispr some myostatin/follistatin or some gene editing shit. Major peptides. Can't tell me it's just more testosterone.
I swear they're doing something different at Oxygen Gym. Rubiel (Neckzilla) started smaller than Dorian Yates, and got bigger in 5 years than Dorian did in 10 years.

Crispr some myostatin/follistatin or some gene editing shit. Major peptides. Can't tell me it's just more testosterone.
A lot of those guys just don’t have all the aspects of bodybuilding together. Maybe they’re missing a portion of training, a little bit of diet, sleep, etc. Now they’re in a place where they’re literally watched 24/7, forced to train, eat, and sleep properly every single day 24/7. That’s gotta count for something. And rubiel is a freak. Like ronnie level freak. If samson comes in dry and peeled maybe there’s something special to it
If samson comes in dry and peeled maybe there’s something special to it

That's a really good insight.

I thought it was kinda weird when Samson denied being trained at Oxygen; seemed to say it was still only him and his wife, normal protocols,,, just doing the same stuff but coincidentally at Oxygen now. Why?

It's like when Beastwood and others flocked to Matt Jansen, hoping for miracle transformation. Shoulda gone to Oxygen imo.
O2 has yet to turn anybody that wasn’t already special into something special.

Brandon might be a slight exception in going there and improving dramatically. Those guys can’t coach for shit IMO. The special ingredients are simply less stress from life together with the sole focus of bodybuilding.