DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

I'm only on here and ugbb but never heard of
No SST? Maybe it’s just these two. Oh I know, I’m thinking of different source threads, plus ig I saw you on ugbb. They argue a lot there. Similar to what another thread I was reading here about McFlyfast and cremle (which incidentally had one of the only discussions of AP). Guess I’ll just ask the forum. Thanks man.
Thought you had beef with the man
Nah spoke to him a bunch. He’s Deff got a good connect for GH and he’s tested a bunch of it which is all I want to see. Idk if he’s still on the forums tho.
Nah spoke to him a bunch. He’s Deff got a good connect for GH and he’s tested a bunch of it which is all I want to see. Idk if he’s still on the forums tho.
That last part leaves me uneasy - same issue i have with people recommending shit like aa, brain etc for sarms. peeps who aint on the forums are able to get away with selective scamming/testing etc.
i'm really impressed with Dash. ordered some moda from their international warehouse and it was at my door in just under 2 weeks (13 days)

cant attest to their HCG etc since that's not what i ordered, but the speed of shipping was great.
So far, I have been using ZyHCG, but I realized that I was dosing it too low. I mistakenly thought that 500 IU per week during a cycle would restore normal testicular function, but this is not true. It should actually be dosed at 250 IU every other day. I will increase my dose accordingly and report back if I notice any changes.
i sent you $80 out of my BTC wallet and now your site is saying i didn't pay yet the money left my account.

i actually paid twice so i should get refunded on the other $80.
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i sent you $80 out of my BTC wallet and now your site is saying i didn't pay yet the money left my account.

i actually paid twice so i should get refunded on the other $80.
It takes time for it to update. It’s not automatic once you pay. As for the refund I don’t know how they go about that.
It takes time for it to update. It’s not automatic once you pay. As for the refund I don’t know how they go about that.

I paid the Coin payment with instant bitcoin (which costs extra). Money left my account and confirmed on block chain. Than the page refreshed to a different QR code and after a hour it says i did not pay. So i send instant bitcoin again and it confirmed in seconds. i ended up spending Double the amount. Very annoying.
I paid the Coin payment with instant bitcoin (which costs extra). Money left my account and confirmed on block chain. Than the page refreshed to a different QR code and after a hour it says i did not pay. So i send instant bitcoin again and it confirmed in seconds. i ended up spending Double the amount. Very annoying.
Ah I thought you meant on there website. On the dash pct website, under your order status, it doesn’t update as payment received immediately. I thought you were referring to that. You know you can download the app (cash app) and just send the money directly to dash or any other sources wallet in seconds and not even have to mess with any of that coin payment hassle? That’s how I do it and it’s so simple.
Ah I thought you meant on there website. On the dash pct website, under your order status, it doesn’t update as payment received immediately. I thought you were referring to that. You know you can download the app (cash app) and just send the money directly to dash or any other sources wallet in seconds and not even have to mess with any of that coin payment hassle? That’s how I do it and it’s so simple.
i used their website. i don't know dash's bitcoin address.
i used their website. i don't know dash's bitcoin address.
It’s provided to you when you check out. And you can copy and paste it and use cash app or whatever platform you want to send it bitcoin to them. I would just contact dash and let them know you sent payment twice. Email and send them a private message. Good luck
I paid the Coin payment with instant bitcoin (which costs extra). Money left my account and confirmed on block chain. Than the page refreshed to a different QR code and after a hour it says i did not pay. So i send instant bitcoin again and it confirmed in seconds. i ended up spending Double the amount. Very annoying.
Patience bud sometimes that's all it takes but either way you'll be treated fairly.. some sources back in the day wouldn't fix somethings they didn't directly cause and they'd keep the double payment and blame you for it but if anyone was trying to do that here they wouldn't be here long. Meso is the gold standard imo I don't trust or use any other board anymore and I know my way around the UG just fine lol
Patience bud sometimes that's all it takes but either way you'll be treated fairly.. some sources back in the day wouldn't fix somethings they didn't directly cause and they'd keep the double payment and blame you for it but if anyone was trying to do that here they wouldn't be here long. Meso is the gold standard imo I don't trust or use any other board anymore and I know my way around the UG just fine lol
Apparently you haven’t read the last several months of complaints against dragon and dash not answering emails and not sending anything
They have been sending orders. Everyone that was on hold during the CNY eventually got there orders. Including myself. It’s the communication that is severely lacking.
Apparently you haven’t read the last several months of complaints against dragon and dash not answering emails and not sending anything