DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Anyone have a good reliable HCG source then? My current order has been stuck in the first stage of shipment for 8 days now and it's never done this before. Now I am seeing all these negative reviews which is unfortunate.

I just did some more digging and saw that other forums have removed Dash from their sponsorship due to people not receiving orders and them no longer responding on the forum. I suspect that to happen next for this site.
If you're from the states, dridra will not ship to the USA. But cridi and 24pct sell it.
I still have no received the tracking info for my reship from dash I was told about a week ago now by their email lady that they will be reship ping my order after a month and a half of no movement, and tracking has recently updated to being returned to sender.
I still have no received the tracking info for my reship from dash I was told about a week ago now by their email lady that they will be reship ping my order after a month and a half of no movement, and tracking has recently updated to being returned to sender.
same here... i genuinely wonder tf is this mf doing @DashPCT
Domestically I’ve never had a single issue personally
Ok, but clearly there are members with issues. Is your post meant to taunt those experiencing issues? Or, are you saying its every man for themselves?

I'm sure you didn't mean anything by your remark but for those with issues the level of frustration is palpable. I wouldn't want want to be the family dog or little jimmy tugging dad's pant leg wanting a drink immediately after dad read your post....frustration into the red boils over and Chile Protective Services is called after that red mark on jimmy's leg is asked about and jimmy answers truthfully. A little sensitivity can keep a family together.
Ok, but clearly there are members with issues. Is your post meant to taunt those experiencing issues? Or, are you saying its every man for themselves?

I'm sure you didn't mean anything by your remark but for those with issues the level of frustration is palpable. I wouldn't want want to be the family dog or little jimmy tugging dad's pant leg wanting a drink immediately after dad read your post....frustration into the red boils over and Chile Protective Services is called after that red mark on jimmy's leg is asked about and jimmy answers truthfully. A little sensitivity can keep a family together.

yeah it's bizarre he keeps reiterating this when numerous others are ALL having issues.

including me. Over 2 weeks now since payment was made. no tracking. no shipping. despite already confirming payment (for what, the fourth time?) with email girl.

Hate to say it but this looks like theyre packing up shop. this is completely non-sensical otherwise and nobody else come on here and say its because of payment method. if you can't locate your payments within a week then you need to flat out not accept that payment method.

100% I would suggest to not order from him until mine and others problems are rectified.
yeah it's bizarre he keeps reiterating this when numerous others are ALL having issues.

including me. Over 2 weeks now since payment was made. no tracking. no shipping. despite already confirming payment (for what, the fourth time?) with email girl.

Hate to say it but this looks like theyre packing up shop. this is completely non-sensical otherwise and nobody else come on here and say its because of payment method. if you can't locate your payments within a week then you need to flat out not accept that payment method.

100% I would suggest to not order from him until mine and others problems are rectified.
perfectly said
Not to beat a dead horse...but it's been months and @DashPCT still hasn't posted domestic HCG testing (I think it was ZyHCG or some shit) after saying they would. @janoshik he said he sent them to you...any idea if you'd be able to nudge them into posting the results?

Weird how that got buried and no one questioned why...
Not to beat a dead horse...but it's been months and @DashPCT still hasn't posted domestic HCG testing (I think it was ZyHCG or some shit) after saying they would. @janoshik he said he sent them to you...any idea if you'd be able to nudge them into posting the results?

Weird how that got buried and no one questioned why...
Some of us questioned why...

But this forum has gone to shit since then and sources aren't held accountable like they used to be.
guys RED ALERT. my order has now disappeared from my account on his website, like it's non-existent. this is 100% a warning to other members, do NOT do business with DashPCT until further notice, unless you want to lose your money!!!!
guys RED ALERT. my order has now disappeared from my account on his website, like it's non-existent. this is 100% a warning to other members, do NOT do business with DashPCT until further notice, unless you want to lose your money!!!!
Do you have an order # you can even send me? Your order ONLY disappears if its not paid. If this is an order you claim you paid but it disappeared - you paid through Wise - which, deletes after 48 hours, after where we re-instate the order once wise transfers comes in and are confirmed (can take anywhere up to two weeks, but usually within the week)

Now if the email girl did confirm back with you on your payment and all, ask her whats up. You may just have an order cached.

I'm not here to scam people for $100 or even a couple thousand. Our business is worth way more than that. I've been here for too many years to destroy myself over a couple hundred dollars.

Now a couple billion..

Not to beat a dead horse...but it's been months and @DashPCT still hasn't posted domestic HCG testing (I think it was ZyHCG or some shit) after saying they would. @janoshik he said he sent them to you...any idea if you'd be able to nudge them into posting the results?

Weird how that got buried and no one questioned why...
As I've mentioned before.. We will pay any client to get testing done on ANY product we have.

Our testing policies are excellent. You can order anonymously, send it out to test, and simply tell jano Dash/Dragon will pay, and we will deliver. All you have to do is ship. This is the best method of getting stuff tested blindly. I believe all you have to pay is shipping - and jeez, we'll pay that too.

And if you test on your own dime, we will also credit $100 for each purity test on each product.
@DashPCT we wouldn't have this issue if your 'email girl' doesn't go MIA for 1 week time periods. Additionally the order was there on my account for ten + days stuck on 'awaiting payment' so no, your 48 hours point is not true.

Regardless, all of the sudden I write this on here, and miraculously your 'email girl' is responding quicker than ever. Funny.

and yes of course I have a confirmed order number and have let your 'email girl' know this and the payment details no less than FIVE times at this point. To which she finally states today it's been located.
@DashPCT it's been 10+ days from my first email.. with not A SINGLE response

*edit: for context my order has been seized, I've emaild avout the reship
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As I've mentioned before.. We will pay any client to get testing done on ANY product we have.

Our testing policies are excellent. You can order anonymously, send it out to test, and simply tell jano Dash/Dragon will pay, and we will deliver. All you have to do is ship. This is the best method of getting stuff tested blindly. I believe all you have to pay is shipping - and jeez, we'll pay that too.

And if you test on your own dime, we will also credit $100 for each purity test on each product.
So first, my main issue here is you telling the board that you sent out HCG for testing to Jano and were waiting for the results, only for them to never be posted. When asked by me and others, you kept giving a similar response as above. This begs the question: Did you even send HCG out for testing? If you had given a response to this instead of ignoring me and others, maybe people wouldn't make such a fuss. I feel like this is pretty simple.

Second, I will absolutely unfuck myself here and admit I had no idea you guys were that great about covering testing fees for customers. Maybe I'm blind, but I've yet to see a source here cover every bit of testing down to the shipping (usually it's just a store credit). That's actually a great model and I'd like to see more sources do it. All of that being said, it still leaves the above concerns unanswered.
While communication had been few and far between messages, dash seems to be back, and in more consistent communication, I have received tracking for my reship, it did take quite some time but I am happy that he did follow through, that gap in communication was not a great look for his business and it’s possibly going to take some time to rebuild trust and faith in using him as a vendor again for many customers, it looks like he may be back on track, only time will tell.
Still haven't gotten my refund for double paying for my order through his QR code payment. Doubt i will ever see that money back but letting you guys know to use your money elsewhere.