DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

There's a handful of big time suppliers that do business with these pct websites, maybe he's saying he's one of those? but he can't be all of them...
How do you figure? You own indiamart?
Dash was replying to a guy asking me about a source, not him. But I'm sure Dash was referring to someone buying from Dragon ordnance/Brewly/Dash since it's all the same guy or guys for all 3.
Dash was replying to a guy asking me about a source, not him. But I'm sure Dash was referring to someone buying from Dragon ordnance/Brewly/Dash since it's all the same guy or guys for all 3.

Yeah i think Dash misunderstood. pct24x7.com is a source in india, he doesn't get his stuff from another source in india that wouldn't make sense
Dash was replying to a guy asking me about a source, not him. But I'm sure Dash was referring to someone buying from Dragon ordnance/Brewly/Dash since it's all the same guy or guys for all 3.
Gotcha, my mistake. Yeah I knew dragon/panda/dash are all the same guy. I know technically dragon and panda run separate stores but the same raws
They're all middlemanning all the way down, its just chinamen like always.

typically yes, but i've talked with him extensively and it seems he's on ground level. I'm a big skeptic too so i'm not easy to fool. You're a middleman, but your prices are on par with each other so you have that going for you.
typically yes, but i've talked with him extensively and it seems he's on ground level. I'm a big skeptic too so i'm not easy to fool. You're a middleman, but your prices are on par with each other so you have that going for you.
You'd be surprised

Also chinese are men pretending to be cute girls.
A lot of Indians are women pretending to be men.
cant wait to get myself a thai lady boy
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Wish we had Ozempic. Novo please sponsor us!