DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Hmm I’m wondering if I should try to place a domestic order. I have ordered 3 times from Dash internationally. Never had a problem with it. Now that the holidays are coming I’m worried if packages will be slower internationally. @DashPCT , what day would be better to place order? Is it ok to place an order on a weekend? I am in the east coast of USA. I was trying to last week but unfortunately I couldn’t withdraw my bitcoin. Needed funds to settle.
So Kiki responded via email and said best is make order on Sunday and order will get processed Monday. So I placed an international order today. Hopefully all goes well
Hey @DashPCT
Do you have anything to say about quality of the US domestic ZyHCG?
it seems 7-8 times underdosed comparing to pharma Pregnyl, according to my blood work
Can you elaborate? What is indicating 8 times underdosed in your bookwork, which marker or test?

It's an odd statistic for sure.

Instead of receiving 100% of the expected value, you actually receive 12.5%?

Did you post pre-and post- blood work on this and previous HCG protocols?

If so, that's a very big difference; warrants sending it in for testing. Can discuss reimbursement with @DashPCT

Or just eyeballing testicle size, @rask1123
Can you elaborate? What is indicating 8 times underdosed in your bookwork, which marker or test?

It's an odd statistic for sure.

Instead of receiving 100% of the expected value, you actually receive 12.5%?

Did you post pre-and post- blood work on this and previous HCG protocols?

If so, that's a very big difference; warrants sending it in for testing. Can discuss reimbursement with @DashPCT

Or just eyeballing testicle size, @rask1123
Hi Guys, it's simple. There is a HCG Quantitative test that counts HCG in you blood. You may find it in Labcorp or Quest
It is used in many assays on Pubmed during treatment of hypogonadism, infertility, for IVF, to determine exact age of Fetus and to detect Cancer.
Most of the testings on pubmed are done 12h after the injection. There're also studies with Pharmacokinetics.

In my case I use 1500IU and do testing 12h after it.

Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 9.58.57 PM.png

That's all you need to know.

2 years ago I tried Indian Ovidac and it was tested around 30mIU/ml after 1500 IU injection
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Hi Guys, it's simple. There is a HCG Quantitative test that counts HCG in you blood. You may find it in Labcorp or Quest
It is used in many assays on Pubmed during treatment of hypogonadism, infertility, for IVF, to determine exact age of Fetus and to detect Cancer.
Most of the testings on pubmed are done 12h after the injection. There're also studies with Pharmacokinetics.

In my case I use 1500IU and do testing 12h after it.

View attachment 272107

That's all you need to know.

2 years ago I tried Indian Ovidac and it was tested around 30mIU/ml after 1500 IU injection

If I'm reading that right. Holy shit.

Hi Guys, it's simple. There is a HCG Quantitative test that counts HCG in you blood. You may find it in Labcorp or Quest
It is used in many assays on Pubmed during treatment of hypogonadism, infertility, for IVF, to determine exact age of Fetus and to detect Cancer.
Most of the testings on pubmed are done 12h after the injection. There're also studies with Pharmacokinetics.

In my case I use 1500IU and do testing 12h after it.

View attachment 272107

That's all you need to know.

2 years ago I tried Indian Ovidac and it was tested around 30mIU/ml after 1500 IU injection
Yeah that's quite a jump. I would expect pregnyl to be higher but that much is concerning
@DashPCT Christmas coupon ???
Dash is always active.
I have batches more recent then his. My next bloodwork is Monday.
I'd like to see this worked on in bloodwork terms, never seen an hcg quantitive test ever posted here.

@rask1123 have you reached out to us for testing credit? is this with OUR zyhcg?
Anyone get to the bottom of this yet? Cuz that's pretty fucked up if I'm reading it right.
We use ZyHCG specifically over Ovidac because majority of the community here has asked to see that in the shop instead. They've been testing well ever since and we've had no complaints - but I'm always open to critique. I've personally used it for my own balls and just judging from feel, it's been great.
I'd like to see this worked on in bloodwork terms, never seen an hcg quantitive test ever posted here.

@rask1123 have you reached out to us for testing credit? is this with OUR zyhcg?

We use ZyHCG specifically over Ovidac because majority of the community here has asked to see that in the shop instead. They've been testing well ever since and we've had no complaints - but I'm always open to critique. I've personally used it for my own balls and just judging from feel, it's been great.
Here only one guy showed HCG Qn test besides me. It's legit but not popular here as values may slightly fluctuate(but not 8 times) depending on the body mass and so on. But for the same individual with the same BMI it should be close. In my case it's very very close) But for some reason community trusts the same quantitative test for Testosterone :D
Majority is using pregnancy kits here, that is quite stupid)
But you can find dozens of assays on Pubmed where this test is used with different diseases, for IVF, to detect cancer or treat hypogonadism)
For example this one Randomized Pharmacokinetic Study of a Highly Purified Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and of a Recombinant Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Following Single Subcutaneous Administration in Healthy Women - PubMed shows pharmacokinetic of Pharma HCG,

Yes, this is your ZyHCG, US Domestic.
And I don't need a credit, I can pay for my stuff :) I'm just looking for a good source) I can provide Batch # if you need it

And that's strange, as I haven't found any HPLCs even by Jano on this forum, but those who promised to test it never revealed the results :D
And I have no clue why anyone would ask to supply ZyHcg if no tests were done)) sounds weird)

I think you know that "feel" worth nothing) For many even low doses will do the work, but if you need to recover after a long shut down or just following some specific protocol like Dr. Michael Scully's - the quality of the HCG is important.
I'd love to see Ovidac domestic as I had extremely good experience with it)
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