DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Hey ya'll - updating on pricing redistribution of Pentorse.

So firstly, we added:

Pentorse 250mg/ml - 50 ML vial - $260
Pentorse 250mg/ml - 6ML - 5 pack - $180

I had mistakingly added the previous post of mine of Pentorse products to our site as 250mg - which they are infact 100mg. So they are now as follow:

Pentorse 100mg/ml - 2ml - $25
Pentorse 100mg/ml - 10ml - $75.

As always - if theres any medications you want us to find, just let us know.
Hey ya'll - updating on pricing redistribution of Pentorse.

So firstly, we added:

Pentorse 250mg/ml - 50 ML vial - $260
Pentorse 250mg/ml - 6ML - 5 pack - $180

I had mistakingly added the previous post of mine of Pentorse products to our site as 250mg - which they are infact 100mg. So they are now as follow:

Pentorse 100mg/ml - 2ml - $25
Pentorse 100mg/ml - 10ml - $75.

As always - if theres any medications you want us to find, just let us know.
What is it?
Hey ya'll - updating on pricing redistribution of Pentorse.

So firstly, we added:

Pentorse 250mg/ml - 50 ML vial - $260
Pentorse 250mg/ml - 6ML - 5 pack - $180

I had mistakingly added the previous post of mine of Pentorse products to our site as 250mg - which they are infact 100mg. So they are now as follow:

Pentorse 100mg/ml - 2ml - $25
Pentorse 100mg/ml - 10ml - $75.

As always - if theres any medications you want us to find, just let us know.
Pfizer Alprazolam and Testosterone Cypionate
I would highly advise against EVER tracking anything through tor. If you want to get a package flagged that would be the best way. It is opsec 101 on the dark web. This is why tracking isn't provided 99% of the time because vendors don't want people using tor to track. Also as far as vpn if you use a provider for a VPN that knows your identity you just completely blew the point of VPN. Just please don't use TOR for tracking people
Yo no se?
I track like a tweeker tracks the last bit a powder falling from the small bag that the man at the corner sold me and pulled it out of some mules ass.
It still shows up imagine that
Pfizer Alprazolam and Testosterone Cypionate
Anything like the first enquiry is generally not available. Whatever could be similar is already in the anxiety section of DashPCT.

Anabolics usually is limited as I'm tiering DashPCT to be more of a PCT/Medical site, but whatever male hormones we do have access to are there.

Gave it a shot placed order today. I will be back for review!
Thank you! Let us know how it goes.

Castramid (Bicalutamide) 50mg

Sevista (Ormeloxifene) 60mg

to the shop today.
Are your domestic AIs the same as DO’s? Not too happy with the arimidex I received through DO though I won’t make any claims I can’t back up with lab reports.
Thanks brotha - if you could leave us some anecdotal reviews on what've you ordered, that'd be great!
Just Modalert 200 on this one. I won't be sending it it for testing, but I've been buying this specific brand and strength for a while from other sources. Everything looks good. Batch numbers and manufacturing dates all look right and it produced the expected effect when taken.
Are your domestic AIs the same as DO’s? Not too happy with the arimidex I received through DO though I won’t make any claims I can’t back up with lab reports.
Those are UGL, so no. Those are made from DO raws. These are the brand you see in the picture. We dont sell anything UGL on dashpct.

If its aromasin you're unhappy with on DO stuff, reminder that its fat-soluble. For me personally, aromasin just doesnt work compared to arimidex. If its arimidex/letro, we pay for testing. Just ping @janoshik and send it over to him.

Just Modalert 200 on this one. I won't be sending it it for testing, but I've been buying this specific brand and strength for a while from other sources. Everything looks good. Batch numbers and manufacturing dates all look right and it produced the expected effect when taken.
Nice! I've heard that Modalert seems more effective versus the other two competing brands - have you found this to be true?
Those are UGL, so no. Those are made from DO raws. These are the brand you see in the picture. We dont sell anything UGL on dashpct.

If its aromasin you're unhappy with on DO stuff, reminder that its fat-soluble. For me personally, aromasin just doesnt work compared to arimidex. If its arimidex/letro, we pay for testing. Just ping @janoshik and send it over to him.

Nice! I've heard that Modalert seems more effective versus the other two competing brands - have you found this to be true?
Good shit! My main issue was how inaccurate the capsules are dosed. Few are half filled. Some are full. Most are 3/4. Not to mention it hasn’t prevented my first signs of gyno. But that I can not directly blame directly (though suspicious) on them considering the mass variation from person to person and all the other variables. Will be making an order today. Also, thanks for adding Seroquel through my request a few weeks back!
Good shit! My main issue was how inaccurate the capsules are dosed. Few are half filled. Some are full. Most are 3/4. Not to mention it hasn’t prevented my first signs of gyno. But that I can not directly blame directly (though suspicious) on them considering the mass variation from person to person and all the other variables. Will be making an order today. Also, thanks for adding Seroquel through my request a few weeks back!
The capsules I believe are size 1 or 0 so the filler in there can be varying, shouldn't be an issue, especially when its a 1mg / 12.5mg kinda pill.

I'd love for you to get this tested though, if its something that would interest you. Just to dispel or confirm any suspicions.

Thats not a problem man - We also have Quetiapine on DashPCT if you're looking for an offbrand that may be cheaper. (I assume you're referring to the Seroquel over at DO)