DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

Why do you like it so much, the carrier oil?
I prefer the carrier oil and I like the aesthetically pleasing packaging. The oil is slightly thicker but it flowed through an insulin syringes easily. Zero pip. And I use rimobolan and the occasional ovidac when I can find a good deal. Try to keep it the same brand. Bayer just makes good products
In the morning before with my other supps. 120mg for 5 weeks has significantly decreased the size of the pea sized gyno in my left nipple. By no means is it a way out of surgery, but it did shrink it down a lot.
Any side effects? Should it be taken during cycle or after or cruise?
Any side effects? Should it be taken during cycle or after or cruise?
The only thing I've noticed is I'm a little more sluggish in the mornings. That's the only thing I've changed in my routine. I couldn't give you an answer on when to take it. I wanted to run an experiment.
Websites like naps that don’t ship out their own products.
I’m not saying they aren’t pharma

Oh, well if it’s not coming from India then who knows really. it’s rare but i have heard of some knockoffs. India is usually the ones doing the counterfeiting
On the front page you said you can provide a reshipper if I request one, Can you still do that to the US?
Lol. You'd be surprised how many UGLs pose as "pharma"
yeah tbh happens all the time peeps think some stuff like deus is pharma lmao
Hey dash when are u gunna have aromasin or arimadex back in domestic?
id say this week hopefully bro its been kinda delayed but honestly i dont mind waiting as long as we safe
On the front page you said you can provide a reshipper if I request one, Can you still do that to the US?
yeah, its just usually some sort of extra charge around 50-75$ depending on availability
yeah tbh happens all the time peeps think some stuff like deus is pharma lmao

id say this week hopefully bro its been kinda delayed but honestly i dont mind waiting as long as we safe

yeah, its just usually some sort of extra charge around 50-75$ depending on availability
Thanks. Do I just place the order then email you afterwards to pay for the reship? Or how’s that work?