DashPCT - US & International generic pharma

No, second was supposed to be to a different address but as far as i can tell it went to the same. Never had a seized package but Canada may be increasing their screening.
We do reships on our dime - (1x free) so just email us if anything brotha
I sent a message to you here and a email with proof of my purchase and order number , but for some reason my order number and order has been deleted off your website and no response from who I emailed for a couple days after I sent payment info .
I sent a message to you here and a email with proof of my purchase and order number , but for some reason my order number and order has been deleted off your website and no response from who I emailed for a couple days after I sent payment info .
All normal. I'm guessing your paying through wise, which takes some time to confirm your payment from the third party and to actually confirm pickup as well.

As long as you've followed instructions and have emailed us the receipt for wise, my email girl has 100% seen it and she will get back to you once confirmed by the third party.

Once she gets confirmation - she will manually re-enter your order.
Curious. What’s ship time for US domestic to Florida? Need some caber / Dostiheal
Not sure - we ship same day / next day usually unless some act of god shit happens. from there it should take 2-4 days USPS, whatever USPS wants to do that week lol.
Anyone tried the domestic modafinil? Heard a lot of iffy reports, especially on Reddit, about Sun Pharmacies moda being dogshit lately which is the brand offered domestically.
Anyone tried the domestic modafinil? Heard a lot of iffy reports, especially on Reddit, about Sun Pharmacies moda being dogshit lately which is the brand offered domestically.
Is there a modafinil brand you'd rather see? I always was told that Modalert was the best.
I’ve gotten good feedback from this brand.

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God I just don't even know anymore. I've heard the complete opposite from reddit/r/modafinil. They say modvigil is the shit one and modalert is the best. But imo, i think its just people who don't get hit by it etc, because I know some peeps bodies just disagree with moda.

I honestly think its all the same stuff, lmao.