
@janoshik any idea on degradation if higher than room temp?

Specifically wondering about Test, stored at say 25-30 Celsius, for say 3 months without light. Any idea/hypothesis on the degradation there?

(I think I saw a study a while ago on little degradation after months up to 50 Celsius but I can't find it)
Meh, I wouldn't worry
This isn't good for those of us with 50+ vials of premium brew.

I'm guessing most sources should have no more than a 12 month expiration on their vials? Users have always been hoarders, we are always in fear of someone cracking down on supply.

My worry about shelf life caused me to do a large stock up on base or acetate raws because I've always been worried that supply might dry up. I gotta assume well packed and stored raws can be kept for at least a decade to be used in an emergency.
Is this why Hilma use dark vials and have short expiry dates?
ampoules that are stored in the dark at the right temperature lose their effect at least 5 years after production date does not seem to me .. pharmaceuticals put a minimum shelf life on them .. until that date they are certainly covered by the quality .. after the Once that date has passed, it can still be used for 1 or 2 years, provided they have been stored properly.. some pharmaceutical companies even shorten the best-before date so that they can bring new batches onto the market.. normally a substance has to be manufactured sterile and under the correct conditions has been stored can be used for at least 5 years .. I am now talking about pharma grade products ... there are now also known brands here, certainly 1 that are underground but use the same standards as pharma grade products
it has been confirmed by several sources that if gear is properly stored in the dark and below 25 degrees that they can still be used for years ... it is something for pharmaceuticals to cover themselves plus a bit of marketing the sooner things expire how earlier new production may come on the market ... but for us users it is safe to use if stored properly
Trenbolone Acetate dissolved in methanol, room temperature, on light, ~ 5 months: 25.19%
View attachment 154556

Methenolone Acetate dissolved in methanol, room temperature, on light, ~ 5 months: 19.16%

Drostanolone Propionate dissolved in methanol, room temperature, on light, ~ 5 months: 1.01%

Drostanolone Propionate dissolved in methanol, fridge, ~ 16 months: 1.57%

Just wanted to make sure I’m understanding this correctly in terms of storing gear: if I have an extra vial of Mast P that I don’t use until next summer, that’s no big deal, it will retain most of its potency. But any vials of Tren A should be used up, because if I were to keep them until next summer they would be significantly degraded?
Just wanted to make sure I’m understanding this correctly in terms of storing gear: if I have an extra vial of Mast P that I don’t use until next summer, that’s no big deal, it will retain most of its potency. But any vials of Tren A should be used up, because if I were to keep them until next summer they would be significantly degraded?
Well, if you store it properly it probably won't be as much of an issue.