Try onli farmaceutical companies , this underground I don t recomind beleve me ! If you will have this problem you will don’t want to try nothing ,even orals . The doctors take out from my ass almost 1 liter of white liquid , also they taked out some infected part of my muscle . Soon I will send new fotos

Do you still have the batch number ?

You should post in the deus medical topic for harm reduction. But only if you have proof of order and payment

Might help other people
Do you still have the batch number ?

You should post in the deus medical topic for harm reduction. But only if you have proof of order and payment

Might help other people
Like I answered earlier , the 3 boxes I left them to the police they taked them to make investigation. Soon as I have them back I will make fotos to the batch and ampoules. The code Inwas checked it on theire website and showed that is original product.
I'm surprised how fast this get infected and evolved that quick. In 2 days to look that bad.
Gladly you got out of this.
To become septic that fast is a little concerning. Should have became an abscess first for a couple of days
Like I answered earlier , the 3 boxes I left them to the police they taked them to make investigation. Soon as I have them back I will make fotos to the batch and ampoules. The code Inwas checked it on theire website and showed that is original product.

If the codes checked good this is very nasty indeed.

Unfortunately other people will have the same issues.
Other possibility is if he hit a vein and injected bacteria in it. Both unlikely
Was just thinking this it doesn't take much. The blood is not supposed to ever have anything in it. I mean honestly anything cold or anything can become septic if your body fails to mount a defense.

This is why in the future any UGL will be filtered by me and add another 1% of ba. I would also do the same for any third world pharmacy company. No offense to Indians but their drug companies have a long history of failing proper protocol for making medicine.
Because the post is entirely consistent with contaminated gear, I would encourage the OP to post the manufacturers name.
Correction that should read …….. grossly contaminated ……

Maybe you can answer a question I have. I'm assuming a few organisms of some bacteria could be in oil and not able to reproduce because of the benzyl alcohol. And if this count was low enough even if injected will not necessarily lead to an infection right? As in you need a large amount of bacteria to overcome your bodys defenses.
Was a guy around here that said he pin gear that he brew without filter.
He didn't get a infection but maybe is immune system that is stronger on some and that's why he is fine doing that or this gear from Deus had a stronger bacteria that his immune system couldn't fight.
Maybe you can answer a question I have. I'm assuming a few organisms of some bacteria could be in oil and not able to reproduce because of the benzyl alcohol. And if this count was low enough even if injected will not necessarily lead to an infection right? As in you need a large amount of bacteria to overcome your bodys defenses.

As you're aware BA is a preservative which limits bacterial reproduction yet whether an infection develops depends upon not only the bacterial load
but also the virulence ( innate ability to cause harm) of the organisms.

Superficial soft tissue infections such as cellulitis and focal abscesses are typically the result of relatively low burden staph and strep, while necrotizing infections (as in this case) are almost always the result of toxic, highly virulent gram neg bacteria that can readily overwhelm host defense mechanisms.
Was a guy around here that said he pin gear that he brew without filter.
He didn't get a infection but maybe is immune system that is stronger on some and that's why he is fine doing that or this gear from Deus had a stronger bacteria that his immune system couldn't fight.
I just ask for the local priest, rabbi and voodoo shamn bless it.

Someone is gonna do it right. It's g2g
Was a guy around here that said he pin gear that he brew without filter.
He didn't get a infection but maybe is immune system that is stronger on some and that's why he is fine doing that or this gear from Deus had a stronger bacteria that his immune system couldn't fight.
Thanks for answering

When trying a new batch i always start with a small volune, like 0.05 ml in by glutes to see how I react

Don’t know if it is correct but i think it should limit the severity of the infection if the gear is bad
If there's a doubt about gear quality inject SQ rather than IM, bc focal SQ infections enable treatment such as: ABX, incision drainage and discharge, while IM infections are more likely to require admission.
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