Deus Medical infection , septicemie!

If there's a doubt about gear quality inject SQ rather than IM, bc focal SQ infections enable treatment such as: ABX, incision drainage and discharge, while IM infections are more likely to require admission.

I always thought that subq infection can be as bad as an im infection if not worse

Need to look at those articles i read a long time ago

Can you share some data on this ? Thanks
As you're aware BA is a preservative which limits bacterial reproduction yet whether an infection develops depends upon not only the bacterial load
but also the virulence ( innate ability to cause harm) of the organisms.

Superficial soft tissue infections such as cellulitis and focal abscesses are typically the result of relatively low burden staph and strep, while necrotizing infections (as in this case) are almost always the result of toxic, highly virulent gram neg bacteria that can readily overwhelm host defense mechanisms.
Fuck me that's scary. Interesting though thank you. I have been on the receiving end of sepsis and septic shock so no fucking thank you I'm trying everything I can to not get it again.

So really if I'm understanding this you could potentially have a small number of these virulent bacteria in the gear, though not ideal, and be ok if your immune systems is able to get to them quickly enough before they reproduce? Or perhaps either way you're screwed if it's in you at all.

Another question I would have then is it easier for your body to get to bacteria with wbc to kill them in fat or muscle?

Edit: damn already answered that lol need to read good.
Fuck me that's scary. Interesting though thank you. I have been on the receiving end of sepsis and septic shock so no fucking thank you I'm trying everything I can to not get it again.

So really if I'm understanding this you could potentially have a small number of these virulent bacteria in the gear, though not ideal, and be ok if your immune systems is able to get to them quickly enough before they reproduce? Or perhaps either way you're screwed if it's in you at all.

Another question I would have then is it easier for your body to get to bacteria with wbc to kill them in fat or muscle?

Edit: damn already answered that lol need to read good.
Legitimate parenteral.pharmaceutical drugs are all STERILE, anything less poses a risk regardless of how small. .

Just know, bc a single infection can run thousands in out of pocket dollars, lab selection is extremely important.
Shit man, I feel so bad. Hope ya feel better soon
Hello !

I used sustanon from Deus medical and second day the muscle where i made the injection in was very inflamated . The next day started to make black , I went to emergency hospital and they keept me one week , I’m lucky that I did not die the doctor said. I sufered a lot all the days they get out liquid from my muscle(fesier muscle) the place where I injected . Inside the ampule they puted non sterile product! I also maked complain to the police they search this company. I don’t want eny body to have this very bad nightmare like I experienced. I also put the fotos here where I was infected , I have to documents from the police , who want to contact me for more info they can contact on the email. This is my real name , my facebook is the same , even naw I have problems and scars from this big problem , be careful with what companies you use!
Why did you use your real name and why did you went to police? I am not expert on underground steroid scene but I feel like that is not smart thing to do.
Those are some crazy looking pics! Getting an infection is no joke. I know a guy on a cruise that bought some stuff while visiting Central America. One of the ports was in Columbia, he picked up some stuff from a pharmacy. Did an injection and was dead two weeks later! Really really bad infection! He got sepsis. Part of the game we play, UGL's and even some "pharmacies" sell some bad stuff.
How can we know this isn’t just a competitor trying to make Deus look bad? No batch number, no pictures of products, no reciepts, no lab documents
Legitimate parenteral.pharmaceutical drugs are all STERILE, anything less poses a risk regardless of how small. .

Just know, bc a single infection can run thousands in out of pocket dollars, lab selection is extremely important.
I still would anticipate some form of abscess prior to septicemia for an injection . Obviously it's still possible.

Although OP seems a little foolish for going to law enforcement. Idk how much I buy into his story.
Something is fishy.. especially the going to the police part.. please share photo of the gear batch number blood work and medical report I've never used deus only alpha pharma back in the day but if deus would fuck up like this you wouldn't be the only person with such a story it's not like they cooked a VIP batch just for your ass.. it's also possible that you used a fake deus gear faking gear today is really easy just like there are plenty fake pharma grade gear same goes to UGL labs I personally saw fake ZPHC gear and there are plenty of stories where people almost died from fake gear..
Either way get better..
How can we know this isn’t just a competitor trying to make Deus look bad? No batch number, no pictures of products, no reciepts, no lab documents
Good point sir. Could be a competitor putting down another lab, but if it's real it's a serious problem. But like you say you do need some hard evidence. Just be careful! That goes for everybody. Accidents happen, that's part of the game we play.
Something is fishy.. especially the going to the police part.. please share photo of the gear batch number blood work and medical report I've never used deus only alpha pharma back in the day but if deus would fuck up like this you wouldn't be the only person with such a story it's not like they cooked a VIP batch just for your ass.. it's also possible that you used a fake deus gear faking gear today is really easy just like there are plenty fake pharma grade gear same goes to UGL labs I personally saw fake ZPHC gear and there are plenty of stories where people almost died from fake gear..
Either way get better..
He said code checked legit on deus site
He said a lot, yet can't even show any picture or screenshot of either the ampules he had or the emails when he ordered or anything related or who the source was.
These posts when someone trash a source without any proof are complex to deal with.

It can have a extremely negative impact on a legit source business, while if the post gets deleted people will tell this forum protect sources

There should be a disclaimer about need of proof (order number, legit code,…) when someone make this kind of claims.

On my side if people cannot prove or don’t bother providing proof i don’t take into account what they say.
Where i live if something like this happens with drugs/aas/alcohol whatever the police come to the hospital and ask questions and if you don't answer questions you can get refused treatment or get scared that you wont get treatment so that people spill the beans what really happened.
Not saying he is telling the truth just that i can see how the police got involved and at that point if true why hold back information?
Things like this are no joke.
And believe me i was pressed not once to collaborate but never did but in this case its not ratting if someone almost got you killed .
Just my 2 c
Where i live
police come to the hospital and ask questions and if you don't answer questions
If a DUI is suspected w injury or death in the US, drugs only rarely.
refused treatment or get scared that you wont get treatment so that people spill the beans what really happened.
Treatment refusal is a EMTAL violation w serious consequences in the US
Things like this are no joke.
And believe me i was pressed not once to collaborate but never did but in this case its not ratting if someone almost got you killed .
Although this type of infection, can result in considerable morbidity (literally losing an ass) to death, the dearth of documentation diminishes credulity as others have rightfully mentioned.
Treatment refusal is a EMTAL violation w serious consequences in the US

People can lose their job/license.

People should be able to go to their healthcare provider. It should be judgement free(usually it isnt) but you cant report the patient to cops.

Need to encourage people to seek help and not be in fear