In Europe is the same like in US. Doesn't matter if it's west or east Europe sud or north.
If you go to a hospital they will do the best to keep you alive and treat you.

Hospital will call the police for example when they have a patient with a wound caused knife in their back.
If you tell the police no one has stabbed me I just fall 3 times in a knife hospital will still treat you to the best of their abilities.
Police will open a case for attempting murder and do their job forward but that doesn't stop the medical care.

If a DUI is suspected w injury or death in the US, drugs only rarely.

Treatment refusal is a EMTAL violation w serious consequences in the US


Although this type of infection, can result in considerable morbidity (literally losing an ass) to death, the dearth of documentation diminishes credulity as others have rightfully mentioned.
Romania. Here the cops do what they desire .
There is a saying here:
Nothing is above the law and the law protects its own.
I think you guys would find many things incredible live here .
Legitimate parenteral.pharmaceutical drugs are all STERILE, anything less poses a risk regardless of how small. .

Just know, bc a single infection can run thousands in out of pocket dollars, lab selection is extremely important.
No I think your first paragraph is the truth. Legitimate pharma drugs.

TBH I can’t believe you guys inject unknown liquids into something you prize so dearly (your muscles)

I think it’s madness. Why not only use pharma drugs and pharma only?

I’d never ever use none pharma injectables.
No I think your first paragraph is the truth. Legitimate pharma drugs.

TBH I can’t believe you guys inject unknown liquids into something you prize so dearly (your muscles)

I think it’s madness. Why not only use pharma drugs and pharma only?

I’d never ever use none pharma injectables.

How much are your muscles worth to you though? Would you pay 5x as much not to have a big cut out dent in your quad, glute, delt etc?

Not to mention maybe causing permanent movement problems from losing a chunk of anatomy

BTW I’ve had this convo with my girlfriend here and she can’t believe people inject unknown liquids

Turkish people aren’t dying from OTC steroids (they are from tobacco, meat and sugar)

It’s insane that 1 in 10 men use steroids at some point and the amswer to that is to expect them to stop using by removing safe sources

I mean has that worked at all since the 1950s?

It’s like asking people to stop using other technology like an iPhone and Google maps - and to drive with a roadmap

Surely it’d be better to accept people will keep using iPhones and iron out the side effects??
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No I think your first paragraph is the truth. Legitimate pharma drugs.

TBH I can’t believe you guys inject unknown liquids into something you prize so dearly (your muscles)

I think it’s madness. Why not only use pharma drugs and pharma only?

I’d never ever use none pharma injectables.
Thats smart !
I did not have the vials I gaved to the police they investigate it, also the doctor confirmed that the serum was infected
Post evidence that you purchased it from their store or an official reseller - not only can the batch number be pulled from this info but counterfeits exist for every single pharma brand and all big underground labs, doesn't matter if they come in vials or amps. If a batch of their actual product is contaminated to such a degree that BA doesn't help, you will be far from the only one affected and posting about it.
I’d never ever use none pharma injectables
What if you can't source pharma? And are you en expert at recognizing legit from fake pharma?

The current thread is a joke. I had THIS happen to me but no evidence of what actually went wrong. For all we know he could just spit on the needle and got the infection from there. Or it could actually be the gear. Who knows...
What if you can't source pharma? And are you en expert at recognizing legit from fake pharma?

The current thread is a joke. I had THIS happen to me but no evidence of what actually went wrong. For all we know he could just spit on the needle and got the infection from there. Or it could actually be the gear. Who knows...
@narta …. Agreed !!

And your response is to a guy who said he took Rimos E and his E2 crashed and joints were aking after 6 hours !!
@narta …. Agreed !!

And your response is to a guy who said he took Rimos E and his E2 crashed and joints were aking after 6 hours !!
He maybe is th 0.001% of population with high sky esterase and lipase enzymes that cleave the ester of methanolone in record time, who knows...
Post evidence that you purchased it from their store or an official reseller - not only can the batch number be pulled from this info but counterfeits exist for every single pharma brand and all big underground labs, doesn't matter if they come in vials or amps. If a batch of their actual product is contaminated to such a degree that BA doesn't help, you will be far from the only one affected and posting about it.
Listen maybe you all read this , I did not ask you to buy other companies I advice all to take steroids from pharmacy !!! I don t give a s*ht for other uderground steroids! I posted onli that people see what happend and who want to be careful with this company can be who does not the same. The products where buyed from Body Gym ,Benalmadena from the trainer , he is god guy , he did not know that products are bad . I beleve him, like I said up this is my last message I haved in mind from the hopspital to post this to help others to not have this nightmare that I haved with this sh*t of products.
Listen maybe you all read this , I did not ask you to buy other companies I advice all to take steroids from pharmacy !!! I don t give a s*ht for other uderground steroids! I posted onli that people see what happend and who want to be careful with this company can be who does not the same. The products where buyed from Body Gym ,Benalmadena from the trainer , he is god guy , he did not know that products are bad . I beleve him, like I said up this is my last message I haved in mind from the hopspital to post this to help others to not have this nightmare that I haved with this sh*t of products.
If you want to help this community, go to your trainer and get us the information I requested please. Noone will change their mind about using UGL products based on your story but if you can provide us with useful evidence that there is an issue either with a certain batch or with a certain vendor sellings dangerous counterfeits of that brand, that will be taken very seriously and sorted out, I assure you.
Listen maybe you all read this , I did not ask you to buy other companies I advice all to take steroids from pharmacy !!! I don t give a s*ht for other uderground steroids! I posted onli that people see what happend and who want to be careful with this company can be who does not the same. The products where buyed from Body Gym ,Benalmadena from the trainer , he is god guy , he did not know that products are bad . I beleve him, like I said up this is my last message I haved in mind from the hopspital to post this to help others to not have this nightmare that I haved with this sh*t of products.
Your idiot trainer got you shit gear or you don't know how to inject.
I don't think we will get more from Sancho Solis. Seems like the gym trainer is selling counterfeit gear. Question that I cannot answer is why a lab that go the the trouble of makingampules cannot make the effort to produce clean gear.

Good luck in your recovery my friend, wish you all the best.
Listen maybe you all read this , I did not ask you to buy other companies I advice all to take steroids from pharmacy !!! I don t give a s*ht for other uderground steroids! I posted onli that people see what happend and who want to be careful with this company can be who does not the same. The products where buyed from Body Gym ,Benalmadena from the trainer , he is god guy , he did not know that products are bad . I beleve him, like I said up this is my last message I haved in mind from the hopspital to post this to help others to not have this nightmare that I haved with this sh*t of products.
No proof then. All just bullshit.

What a waste of time.
I thought we're all bonifide drug users here? I'm disappointed if one infection will stop anyone from injecting steroids again lol.

Jokes aside, we're all addicted to this vice called bodybuilding, it's naive to think that we will stop without fatal intervention or a morbid disease/sickness which will physically stop us from doing something we love. So many bodybuilders died already and PED use is bigger than ever.

This is why some guys justify brewing their own gear, so they have control on the way it is made. They would rather have it done in their kitchen stove top rather than someone else's bathtub, this way at least they can double filter it or add more BA if they are really paranoid.

As for pharma grade, I think people think we all live in Turkey or Thailand, most of the guys here in Meso live in the land of the free, so no hg product for thee.
Hola !

Usé Sustanon de Deus medical y el segundo día el músculo donde hice la inyección estaba muy inflamado. Al dia siguiente empezo a poner negro, fui al hospital de emergencia y me mantuvieron una semana, tengo suerte que no me murio dijo el medico. Sufrí mucho todos los días que me salían líquido del músculo (músculo más feo) del lugar donde me inyecté. ¡Dentro de la ampolla ponen un producto no estéril! También hice la denuncia a la policía para que registren esta empresa. No quiero que nadie tenga esta pesadilla tan mala como la que yo experimenté. También puse las fotos aquí donde me infecté, tengo documentos de la policía, que quieran contactarme para obtener más información, pueden comunicarse en el correo electrónico. Este es mi nombre real, mi facebook es el mismo, aun ahora tengo problemas y cicatrices de este gran problema, ¡cuidado con las compañías que usas!
sabes seguro que es el sustanon de DEUS? yo he usado y muy bien pero joder me has acojonado

Do you know for sure that it is the sustanon of DEUS? I have used and very well but damn you have scared me

sabes seguro que es el sustanon de DEUS? yo he usado y muy bien pero joder me has acojonado

Do you know for sure that it is the sustanon of DEUS? I have used and very well but damn you have scared me
100% el código mostró que es un producto original, es solo que el producto estaba mal fabricado y me infectó el músculo.No solo infectó mi músculo, sino que también me sacó un montón de pus blanco y estuve a punto de morir.