Deus Medical infection , septicemie!

No proof then. All just bullshit.

What a waste of time.
No doubt the proof that is often required on this forum IS noticeably absent
Yet since the OP admits, he acquired the injectables by/from "my trainer" that's where fault belongs!
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Hello !

I used sustanon from Deus medical and second day the muscle where i made the injection in was very inflamated . The next day started to make black , I went to emergency hospital and they keept me one week , I’m lucky that I did not die the doctor said. I sufered a lot all the days they get out liquid from my muscle(fesier muscle) the place where I injected . Inside the ampule they puted non sterile product! I also maked complain to the police they search this company. I don’t want eny body to have this very bad nightmare like I experienced. I also put the fotos here where I was infected , I have to documents from the police , who want to contact me for more info they can contact on the email. This is my real name , my facebook is the same , even naw I have problems and scars from this big problem , be careful with what companies you use!
Would be possible to have the serial / batch and if possible the picture of your product ?
Hope your feel better ...
Would be possible to have the serial / batch and if possible the picture of your product ?
Hope your feel better ...
Did you read the thread?? I ask bc hot query has been rightfully asked and answered, not once but twice and perhaps three times since the original post.
Your dealing with an underground product and you had a bad experience so you ratted them out to the police? I don't know how I feel about that. Even under the guise of trying to protect other people.
I wish OP a speedy recovery, to me the most worrying thing is that Deus or their reps / official resellers hasn't bothered to reply or aren't even aware of this thread.
I wish OP a speedy recovery, to me the most worrying thing is that Deus or their reps / official resellers hasn't bothered to reply or aren't even aware of this thread.
Whey should they do so ?
Nowehere proof of their goods been injected
I wish OP a speedy recovery, to me the most worrying thing is that Deus or their reps / official resellers hasn't bothered to reply or aren't even aware of this thread.
They would ask for a picture, the source where he bought it or where the source itself bought it, or some email communication or any other proof or at least something they can work with. But OP can't provide anything. This whole situation seems weird and I understand everyone's skepticism.

If one buys from a stranger at the gym the chance is given that the gear is faked or worse, it is not sterile.
They would ask for a picture, the source where he bought it or where the source itself bought it, or some email communication or any other proof or at least something they can work with. But OP can't provide anything. This whole situation seems weird and I understand everyone's skepticism.

If one buys from a stranger at the gym the chance is given that the gear is faked or worse, it is not sterile.
I appreciate evidence has yet to be provided and may never materialize however the brand could be here politely requesting it. To ignore an issue on the forums even a potentially false one is imho not the way to go.
Im sure there are a lot of members on this site and others sites that use Deus and that batch … untill more ppl come out and say they have a similar reaction, this claim is bullshit. He’s probably a liar for a source against Deus or doesn’t practice hood hygiene while injecting. Either way this topic is done and OP lost any credibility
I appreciate evidence has yet to be provided and may never materialize however the brand could be here politely requesting it. To ignore an issue on the forums even a potentially false one is imho not the way to go.
Pretty sure they are not aware of this thread

Poster seems unable to provide any proof. These are false accusations for me.
I appreciate evidence has yet to be provided and may never materialize however the brand could be here politely requesting it. To ignore an issue on the forums even a potentially false one is imho not the way to go.
Why would they bother at this point. Everything has been asked for multiple times.

OP has nothing he can provide as proof and his story stinks like a month old trout carcass.