DHB (misnomer, it is 1-Testosterone) versus Tren: is it more like Primo or a "Tren lite"? [Author: Type-IIx]

curious, how many mgs of dhb a week are you running and what other peds? Debating if I want to try it. You using GL's?
This won't sound very scientific, and any of the PED's I am taking could be causing me to lean out. I just feel like it is the DHB that is doing it for me. I could be wrong. This is what I am presently using:

I've been using between 200mg-300mg DHB weekly, along with 500mg testosterone and 400mg primo weekly and 500iu HCG twice weekly. I also take 1mg Semaglutide weekly. The test and primo are like candy to me, I can take a lot of both of them and I feel normal. It was the addition of the DHB that started to lean me out big time and it didn't take very long to begin. Love handles area and lower belly fat started to disappear and I'm approaching abs again. But I also noticed fat reducing everywhere else. I am not bulking and I am not cutting specifically, but I do have fat to lose and I am trying to lose fat. I'm eating between 3,000-3,800 calories per day. Normally, I would have to eat a lot less to lose fat like this.

I could be wrong about it being the DHB. Maybe everything is just synergizing perfectly now.
If you want an abscess. Use DHB

Who ever is thinking about DHB, it is NOT worth it.

It’s painful
It will cause an abscess or hard lumps
It will limit your activity due to the pain
there’s many AAS that’s better out there and hurt less

Listen to me and don’t do it.. there’s no such a bad injection with DHB, it’s a bad injection every single time. use your money on somethin else
If you want an abscess. Use DHB

Who ever is thinking about DHB, it is NOT worth it.

It’s painful
It will cause an abscess or hard lumps
It will limit your activity due to the pain
there’s many AAS that’s better out there and hurt less

Listen to me and don’t do it.. there’s no such a bad injection with DHB, it’s a bad injection every single time. use your money on somethin else
ok lets not exagerate... dhb is as likely as any other oil based AAS to cause an abscess... PIP or lumps are another story...

that being said some people clearly react very well to DHB even though they might still get high CRP

As soon as I get some DHB raws I will begin my experiment brewing it with castor oil in low concentration, also combining it with other oils when injecting.
If I still encounter high CRP than its clearly the DHB itself and not the carrier or solvents.
If you want an abscess. Use DHB

Who ever is thinking about DHB, it is NOT worth it.

It’s painful
It will cause an abscess or hard lumps
It will limit your activity due to the pain
there’s many AAS that’s better out there and hurt less

Listen to me and don’t do it.. there’s no such a bad injection with DHB, it’s a bad injection every single time. use your money on somethin else
Are you confusing pip/lumps/knots with an abscess? DHB is well known to cause the former in many people, but it is no more common a cause of the latter than any other oil based injectable.
If you want an abscess. Use DHB

Who ever is thinking about DHB, it is NOT worth it.

It’s painful
It will cause an abscess or hard lumps
It will limit your activity due to the pain
there’s many AAS that’s better out there and hurt less

Listen to me and don’t do it.. there’s no such a bad injection with DHB, it’s a bad injection every single time. use your money on somethin else
When was the last time you bought and used DHB? Maybe there was a correction in raw production or the brewing process, because I have recently used three different DHB brands, and I have only gotten this famous PIP one time, in my delt and it was really annoying for 48 hours, but it wasn't too bad. Besides that one time, I have felt a little PIP a couple other times. For the last two or three weeks, I haven't had any PIP from the DHB. In fact, I'm not even sure that initial pip was from the DHB because I also mixed it with Primo 200 in the same syringe, so it could have been from that combination.
I’ve ran DHB from a couple of sources now and never got more than a mile dull ache the next day. Dunno where all these horror stories are coming from. Before I tried it I figured it’d be akin to injecting straight bleach or something, but thus far it’s been a non-issue.
Yeah the pip from DHB is manageable with a couple of preventative measures that we have mentioned many times on this site.

That being said I’ve ran DHB a couple of times and was not impressed. Some people love it but for me personally there are other compounds that do everything DHB is claimed to do…but better.
When was the last time you bought and used DHB? Maybe there was a correction in raw production or the brewing process, because I have recently used three different DHB brands, and I have only gotten this famous PIP one time, in my delt and it was really annoying for 48 hours, but it wasn't too bad. Besides that one time, I have felt a little PIP a couple other times. For the last two or three weeks, I haven't had any PIP from the DHB. In fact, I'm not even sure that initial pip was from the DHB because I also mixed it with Primo 200 in the same syringe, so it could have been from that combination.
this year.
Are you confusing pip/lumps/knots with an abscess? DHB is well known to cause the former in many people, but it is no more common a cause of the latter than any other oil based injectable.
Lol I know what I’m talking about it
Yeah the pip from DHB is manageable with a couple of preventative measures that we have mentioned many times on this site.

That being said I’ve ran DHB a couple of times and was not impressed. Some people love it but for me personally there are other compounds that do everything DHB is claimed to do…but better.
What do you recommend instead of DHB?
What do you recommend instead of DHB?
I prefer Primo and Tren but there are obviously negatives to Tren.
Some people have positive effects from DHB and I am by no means saying Tren is better if they are getting the results they desire from DHB. I just personally didn’t notice any advantages to running DHB myself
Im not Einstein, I’m a medical provider; I do I&Ds for a living
Ok. So you are implying that you are on a regular basis, incising and draining abscesses resulting from DHB use? If so, I'm having a hard time believing that you are truthful.

How do you explain the people who have no PIP or problems from DHB? Maybe there is another variable that causes DHB problems.
Im not Einstein, I’m a medical provider; I do I&Ds for a living
What exactly makes you believe DHB is more likely than any other injectable compound at creating an abscess. Sterile or otherwise?

If you're a medical provider, then surely you have a hypothesis beyond "trust me bro"
I’ve ran DHB from a couple of sources now and never got more than a mile dull ache the next day. Dunno where all these horror stories are coming from. Before I tried it I figured it’d be akin to injecting straight bleach or something, but thus far it’s been a non-issue.
To be fair, there are plenty of guys stating that DHB has caused them horrendous pip. Now you might have the hit the jackpot in the sense that you're relatively unbothered by the solutions and/or you chose sources that were more meticulous in creating a better product than other sources.

Pip from DHB seems to be less of problem more recently. Although I could easily be mistaken and I'm not reading all the reports from guys using the drug.
Lol I know what I’m talking about it
If you say so. But I can't say I've read of guys developing abscesses from dhb use any more commonly than any other sterile oil. That alone doesn't mean I'm right obviously. But claiming
If you want an abscess. Use DHB

seems like a pretty significant exaggeration based upon the generally available knowledge of use of the drug. And grouping abscesses and lumps in the same thought seems odd if nothing else.
It’s painful
It will cause an abscess or hard lumps
It will limit your activity due to the pain
there’s many AAS that’s better out there and hurt less