DHB (misnomer, it is 1-Testosterone) versus Tren: is it more like Primo or a "Tren lite"? [Author: Type-IIx]

If you say so. But I can't say I've read of guys developing abscesses from dhb use any more commonly than any other sterile oil. That alone doesn't mean I'm right obviously. But claiming

seems like a pretty significant exaggeration based upon the generally available knowledge of use of the drug. And grouping abscesses and lumps in the same thought seems odd if nothing else.
I can group whatever I want whenever I want, it Doesn’t make them the same.

Any AAS that causes PIP can cause an abscess. When any medication sits in one spot without getting absorbed by the body will cause some kind of reaction.

Bunch of bros on this forum googling shit and all of a sudden they know..
What exactly makes you believe DHB is more likely than any other injectable compound at creating an abscess. Sterile or otherwise?

If you're a medical provider, then surely you have a hypothesis beyond "trust me bro"
Did I tell you to trust me? no.

like I said above, PIP is caused by the drug not getting absorbed by the body sooner than other drugs, the amount of drug you push in one area, and when it sits in one spot, muscle or subQ will cause some kind of reaction. Some severe, some are mild. why would anyone risk an infection is beyond me for some gains that can be achieved by other drugs.
I can’t explain why DHB does that, I’m not a chemist. I just know DHB cause I tried it and tossed that shit in the trash cause I knew what was going to happen

I did an I&D on a young adult after a penicillin shot he received. the antibiotics caused his abscess.. penicillin shots are known to cause PIP.. same as DHB. Why? No fucking clue..
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Ok. So you are implying that you are on a regular basis, incising and draining abscesses resulting from DHB use? If so, I'm having a hard time believing that you are truthful.

How do you explain the people who have no PIP or problems from DHB? Maybe there is another variable that causes DHB problems.
Lmao I never said that. I just told the other guy I know what abscess are cause it’s part of my job to drain them.

You guys can’t be this dumb to comprehend
I can group whatever I want whenever I want, it Doesn’t make them the same.
True but generally when we group things together it is because of shared characteristic, fact, etc. But yes you can do whatever the heck you want bro. Doesn’t make it coherent though.
Any AAS that causes PIP can cause an abscess.
Anything injected can cause an abscess. My and others’ issues with your post is that you specifically claimed dhb will invariably lead to more abscesses than any other aas.
When any medication sits in one spot without getting absorbed by the body will cause some kind of reaction.
Again, nothing here that supports your claim of dhb leading to more infections than any other aas.
Bunch of bros on this forum googling shit and all of a sudden they know..
No soul needs to google crap to know there’s a huge difference between pip and developing an infection. If you honestly believe that then you have a seriously inflated sense of your own education. But hey, glad you walk around with that much confidence lol.

And lacking any info to at least vaguely support your claim, your post that started this was hyperbole at best and foolish at worst.
Did I tell you to trust me? no.
Now you’re just being deliberately dense. He’s saying that a medical provider should be able to provide some kind of data or justification to buttress a claim. You’ve provided nothing beyond “I’m a medical provider.” That’s the rhetorical equivalent of “trust me bro.”
like I said above, PIP is caused by the drug not getting absorbed by the body sooner than other drugs,
I’m going to confidently say that’s not the only cause of pip based on many users developing pip from water based and fast absorbing oil solutions.

I can’t explain why DHB does that, I’m not a chemist. I just know DHB cause I tried it and tossed that shit in the trash cause I knew what was going to happen
Oh so that’s the basis for your “guaranteed abscess” claim? You developed pip from dhb and you “just knew” what would happen. Thank you for clearing that up. We’re done here.
True but generally when we group things together it is because of shared characteristic, fact, etc. But yes you can do whatever the heck you want bro. Doesn’t make it coherent though.

Anything injected can cause an abscess. My and others’ issues with your post is that you specifically claimed dhb will invariably lead to more abscesses than any other aas.

Again, nothing here that supports your claim of dhb leading to more infections than any other aas.

No soul needs to google crap to know there’s a huge difference between pip and developing an infection. If you honestly believe that then you have a seriously inflated sense of your own education. But hey, glad you walk around with that much confidence lol.

And lacking any info to at least vaguely support your claim, your post that started this was hyperbole at best and foolish at worst.
Now you’re just being deliberately dense. He’s saying that a medical provider should be able to provide some kind of data or justification to buttress a claim. You’ve provided nothing beyond “I’m a medical provider.” That’s the rhetorical equivalent of “trust me bro.”

I’m going to confidently say that’s not the only cause of pip based on many users developing pip from water based and fast absorbing oil solutions.

Oh so that’s the basis for your “guaranteed abscess” claim? You developed pip from dhb and you “just knew” what would happen. Thank you for clearing that up. We’re done here.
You you have 0 comprehension skills. we are done here, I don’t debate stupidity
Any AAS that causes PIP can cause an abscess.
I'm have some smoth as butter test D here. No pip whatsoever not even a dull ache from injecting 1cc into the delt. If I piss on the needle would it cause an abscess? By your logic no.
same as DHB. Why? No fucking clue..
Cause 1-test is inherently acidic you dumbass. 1-test caused burning when orally administered in the hay day of prohormones. It raises crp because it causes systemic inflammation.

So we are not the brosientists, but you are. If draining an abscess made you a specialist then I am a chemical engineer because I homebrewed for 2+ decades.

So shut your mouth and move on l,.you have zero knowledge to share other than the shit you have for brains.
This is simply false.

You're a jackass
By his rational any AAS with a Decanoate ester would cause more pip (which it does not)
DHB is a cypionate ester getting absorbed faster but causes more post injection pain than other AAS with longer esters
By his rational any AAS with a Decanoate ester would cause more pip (which it does not)
DHB is a cypionate ester getting absorbed faster but causes more post injection pain than other AAS with longer esters
By my rationale? I literally said idk why and I’m not a chemist
And I posted my experience. It has nothing to do with the esters
I'm have some smoth as butter test D here. No pip whatsoever not even a dull ache from injecting 1cc into the delt. If I piss on the needle would it cause an abscess? By your logic no.

Cause 1-test is inherently acidic you dumbass. 1-test caused burning when orally administered in the hay day of prohormones. It raises crp because it causes systemic inflammation.

So we are not the brosientists, but you are. If draining an abscess made you a specialist then I am a chemical engineer because I homebrewed for 2+ decades.

So shut your mouth and move on l,.you have zero knowledge to share other than the shit you have for brains.
Ok google warrior; you say you’re not a chemist but you’re acting like you know it all like one.

Raises CRP? … dead, did you read this on the forum somewhere and you’re parroting it ?
Literally CRP has nothing to do with PIP

you close minded parrot, draining abscess didn’t make me who I am; my schooling did. You a drop out, so stfu and listen to your superiors
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By my rationale? I literally said idk why and I’m not a chemist
And I posted my experience. It has nothing to do with the esters
This isn’t even true. Do you even realize what you were writing? The posts that you have written or recorded above you said the PIP is caused by staying in the muscle longer
And what you said was an incorrect statement now denying that you said it is also an incorrect statement
This isn’t even true. Do you even realize what you were writing? The posts that you have written or recorded above you said the PIP is caused by staying in the muscle longer
And what you said was an incorrect statement now denying that you said it is also an incorrect statement
I still stand by it, one of the reasons yes. you’re acting like a chemist talking about esters.

“But prop clears quickly because the forums said so and this is a Cyp so it should clear too”

That is the stupidest thing I ever read. absorption rate and peak time are 2 different things
I still stand by it, one of the reasons yes. you’re acting like a chemist talking about esters.

“But prop clears quickly because the forums said so and this is a Cyp so it should clear too”

That is the stupidest thing I ever read. absorption rate and peak time are 2 different things
Now you're just proving you're a total jackass.

Continue to remain an uninformed bro science fag.

Your comprehension and critical thinking skills are at a kindergarten level
Now you're just proving you're a total jackass.

Continue to remain an uninformed bro science fag.

Your comprehension and critical thinking skills are at a kindergarten level
Another pussy on the forum hiding behind a keyboard. Nothing you said makes sense. Stop posting and stfu, you have nothing to offer
Ok google warrior; you say you’re not a chemist but you’re acting like you know it all like one.

Raises CRP? … dead, did you read this on the forum somewhere and you’re parroting it ?
Literally CRP has nothing to do with PIP

you close minded parrot, draining abscess didn’t make me who I am; my schooling did. You a drop out, so stfu and listen to your superiors
okay im going to explain it in one work, that should be small enough for your pea brain to process right?


CRP does have nothing to do with pip, but again your reading comprehension is laughable, because he wasnt saying it has anything to do with it.

youre a nobody on the internet who has proven you dont have a fucking clue what youre talking about, no one cares about your imaginary credentials.
okay im going to explain it in one work, that should be small enough for your pea brain to process right?


CRP does have nothing to do with pip, but again your reading comprehension is laughable, because he wasnt saying it has anything to do with it.

youre a nobody on the internet who has proven you dont have a fucking clue what youre talking about, no one cares about your imaginary credentials.
what he said is bunch of shit he read online and parroting it in one post

What you said …. Well Basically nothing but talking shit behind a screen with a shitty physique.

Again you’re mad you’re mounting to nothing in life, don’t take it oh me
Ok google warrior; you say you’re not a chemist but you’re acting like you know it all like one.

Raises CRP? … dead, did you read this on the forum somewhere and you’re parroting it ?
Literally CRP has nothing to do with PIP

you close minded parrot, draining abscess didn’t make me who I am; my schooling did. You a drop out, so stfu and listen to your superiors
You fucking ignorant prick, I have bloods to prove it, that coincidentally agree with anecdotal evidence of the community.

And now let's educate you:

1-test is intrinsically acidic and that causes the pip when injected and burning sensation when administrated orally. And it can practically get resolved by brewing it in castor oil that has mild analgesic and anti inflammatory properties.

Now re read that a few times, since your comprehension skills are worse than a single cell organism, take your fucking 10 hour course on abscess draining schooling and shove it up your ass and go cry in the corner like you used to do when you got your ass handed in school.