Steroid Profile Dianabol

i hear alot of good things about dianabol i still waiting on my order never done it before also im not the guy to get alot of water weight i do but not alot since my bodyfat its really low and i always been thin so what MG would you guys recommend for a noob also im on 400MG of sustanon
My recent Dianabol experience:

I haven't taken DBol for about 15 years. I am on week 6 of 50mg a day.

Test C 250mg
NPP 200mg
EQ 600mg
DBol 50mg
HCG, BPC157, Melanotan, Anastrazole

DBol is a great kickstart to a cycle. Visible fullness on week 2. I usually get up around 4 times to pee at night, and lately I don't get up at all, because I'm holding all that water. I am up almost 13 pounds in 6 weeks (mostly water of course). Appetite is through the roof. I think that might be partly due to the EQ.

Pumps are great and strength is increasing weekly. What I don't like is itchy nips already. So although I haven't had a blood test yet this year, I bet E2 is an issue. I am considering upping my Anastrazole dose to counter this.

My libido is through the roof, although I think I credit that to the EQ. Unfortunately, I have to maintain a high drive because I got a woman who craves orgasms, and well...I got to give the bitch her orgasms, if you know what I'm saying.

After this blast I'm going to cruise on Test and EQ for a month or two and then transition into my summer blast which will be:

Test C 250mg
Tren E 200mg
Mast 250mg
Anadrol 50mg
HCG, BPC157, Epitalon, Anastrazole

NOTHING BEATS TREN. I HATE TREN BUT I LOVE TREN AT THE SAME TIME. Tren changes my physique more than almost every one of those compounds put together. And I hate to say it. I just respond so well to Tren. But it gives me sides like a motherfucker.
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My recent Dianabol experience:

I haven't taken DBol for about 15 years. I am on week 6 of 50mg a day.

Test C 250mg
NPP 200mg
EQ 600mg
DBol 50mg
HCG, BPC157, Melanotan, Anastrazole

DBol is a great kickstart to a cycle. Visible fullness on week 2. I usually get up around 4 times to pee at night, and lately I don't get up at all, because I'm holding all that water. I am up almost 13 pounds in 6 weeks (mostly water of course). Appetite is through the roof. I think that might be partly due to the EQ.

Pumps are great and strength is increasing weekly. What I don't like is itchy nips already. So although I haven't had a blood test yet this year, I bet W2 is an issue. I am considering upping my Anastrazole dose to counter this.

My libido is through the roof, although I think I credit that to the EQ. Unfortunately, I have to maintain a high drive because I got a woman who craves orgasms, and well...I got to give the bitch her orgasms, if you know what I'm saying.

After this blast I'm going to cruise on Test and EQ for a month or two and then transition into my summer blast which will be:

Test C 250mg
Tren E 200mg
Mast 250mg
Anadrol 50mg
HCG, BPC157, Epitalon, Anastrazole

NOTHING BEATS TREN. I HATE TREN BUT I LOVE TREN AT THE SAME TIME. Tren changes my physique more than almost every one of those compounds put together. And I hate to say it. I just respond so well to Tren. But it gives me sides like a motherfucker.
dope your cycle sounds on point bro. hope you get gains for days men
and yeah i know what your saying my girl is the same way she a freak lol
What I don't like is itchy nips already. So although I haven't had a blood test yet this year, I bet E2 is an issue.

Hello , sir.

not actually E2.
Dianabol as a descendant of methyl testosterone, it turns not into estrogen, but into ethyl estradiol(EE).
Link here - Llewellyn W (2011). Anabolics. Molecular Nutrition Llc. pp. 444–454, 533. ISBN 978-0-9828280-1-4.

Compared to estradiol, EE has greatly improved bioavailability when taken by mouth, is more resistant to metabolism, and shows relatively increased effects in certain parts of the body like the liver and uterus.

The bad news is: EE cannot bind to SHBG and it has a higher affinity to the estrogen receptor.

Also, the elimination half-life for usual estrogen is 60-90 minutes, while EE has 7 hours.

So its more steady, solid and will accumulate its effects longer - positive and negative both
Hello , sir.

not actually E2.
Dianabol as a descendant of methyl testosterone, it turns not into estrogen, but into ethyl estradiol(EE).
Link here - Llewellyn W (2011). Anabolics. Molecular Nutrition Llc. pp. 444–454, 533. ISBN 978-0-9828280-1-4.

Compared to estradiol, EE has greatly improved bioavailability when taken by mouth, is more resistant to metabolism, and shows relatively increased effects in certain parts of the body like the liver and uterus.

The bad news is: EE cannot bind to SHBG and it has a higher affinity to the estrogen receptor.

Also, the elimination half-life for usual estrogen is 60-90 minutes, while EE has 7 hours.

So its more steady, solid and will accumulate its effects longer - positive and negative both
Thanks for the clarification sir. Gotta love that high ethyl estradiol..
i dont know why but theres a big difference between ugl dbol and pharma dbol.Ugl dbol literally does nothing for me,i just popped some pcom dbols last week as preworkout and it didnt do anything aside from giving me insane heartburn that lasted 2-3 days.The only good UGL dbol were the first few batches of balkan way back.Pharma dbol is completly different,barely any water weight,feel like a god on it,strength gain is amazing,builds quality mass over time,and doesnt fuck with my stomach at all. I have heard rumors that chinese raw manufacturers skip the 17-alpha alkalization process of the steroid to compensate for the low profit margin and most of the steroid gets destroyed by the stomach and liver.Do you think theres some truth to this? that would explain why ugl dbols sucks and causes insane heartburn.
why wouldnt they just sell some cheap inert material if they are going to do that? dbol without the 17methylation is boldenone (equipoise no ester)btw, which is definitely cheaper than dbol, but why sell that as dbol if it will give no effect. They could sell flour or whatnot instead.
I think it holds some truth. Have a friend who bring pharma dbom from Albania and swears by it he cycling years now and the last few years he's only running 15mg pharma dbol he has no water retention he feels good no sides and very good strength
I have dbol fro tye 80s , pharma. It blows good UGL dbol away. 30mg of pharma is equivalent to more the 50 mg ugl.
Love my blue meanies
I have dbol fro tye 80s , pharma. It blows good UGL dbol away. 30mg of pharma is equivalent to more the 50 mg ugl.
Love my blue meanies

A mg of methandrostenolone is a mg of methandrostenolone wether it was a registered pharmaceutical product or some guys bath tub blend.

Did you know pharma companies often do not even produce their own APIs but rather buy them from third party manufacturers? Which is the same thing UGLs do.

My GF works in a very high position within a multi-national pharmaceutical company and they do not produce the majority of their APIs themselves. They buy them from raw API manufacturers and then manufacture the finished product in their own facilities.
Hello , sir.

not actually E2.
Dianabol as a descendant of methyl testosterone, it turns not into estrogen, but into ethyl estradiol(EE).
Link here - Llewellyn W (2011). Anabolics. Molecular Nutrition Llc. pp. 444–454, 533. ISBN 978-0-9828280-1-4.

Compared to estradiol, EE has greatly improved bioavailability when taken by mouth, is more resistant to metabolism, and shows relatively increased effects in certain parts of the body like the liver and uterus.

The bad news is: EE cannot bind to SHBG and it has a higher affinity to the estrogen receptor.

Also, the elimination half-life for usual estrogen is 60-90 minutes, while EE has 7 hours.

So its more steady, solid and will accumulate its effects longer - positive and negative both
To combat gyno from dbol can an AI just be used? Or should nolva be used too?
Hello , sir.

not actually E2.
Dianabol as a descendant of methyl testosterone, it turns not into estrogen, but into ethyl estradiol(EE).
Link here - Llewellyn W (2011). Anabolics. Molecular Nutrition Llc. pp. 444–454, 533. ISBN 978-0-9828280-1-4.

Compared to estradiol, EE has greatly improved bioavailability when taken by mouth, is more resistant to metabolism, and shows relatively increased effects in certain parts of the body like the liver and uterus.

The bad news is: EE cannot bind to SHBG and it has a higher affinity to the estrogen receptor.

Also, the elimination half-life for usual estrogen is 60-90 minutes, while EE has 7 hours.

So its more steady, solid and will accumulate its effects longer - positive and negative both
What is the estrogenic potency of dbol compared to test?
Think i read it aromatizes about 20% as much as test, but if EE is 4x as potent as e2, dbol would be approx 80% the estrogenic load of test?