Steroid Profile Dianabol

To be honest…that could still shut you down taking it daily at 20mg…besides the fact that you really wouldnt see tremendous results…its not worth compromising your natural T levels. Seriously i use to think like this…but now…i honestly think you are better off either staying natural completely…or deciding to roid but doing it right and going all out. You either can accept the risks and side effects and do it for real…or just forget about it…If you really do wanna roid…very simple

Week 1-12 - Test 500mg/week

And have a good PCT in order.
To be honest…that could still shut you down taking it daily at 20mg…besides the fact that you really wouldnt see tremendous results…its not worth compromising your natural T levels. Seriously i use to think like this…but now…i honestly think you are better off either staying natural completely…or deciding to roid but doing it right and going all out. You either can accept the risks and side effects and do it for real…or just forget about it…If you really do wanna roid…very simple

Week 1-12 - Test 500mg/week

And have a good PCT in order.
I know a lot of people that got good results with only 20-30mg/day.
Most people don't use it long enough, that's why you don't get results that will stay.

Dianabol was made and used as HRT long time ago. HRT dose was only 5mg. Olympic athletes that used it didn't take more than 10-20mg/day.
To be honest…that could still shut you down taking it daily at 20mg…besides the fact that you really wouldnt see tremendous results…its not worth compromising your natural T levels. Seriously i use to think like this…but now…i honestly think you are better off either staying natural completely…or deciding to roid but doing it right and going all out. You either can accept the risks and side effects and do it for real…or just forget about it…If you really do wanna roid…very simple

Week 1-12 - Test 500mg/week

And have a good PCT in order.
Who arr you replying to with this?
I know a lot of people that got good results with only 20-30mg/day.
Most people don't use it long enough, that's why you don't get results that will stay.

Dianabol was made and used as HRT long time ago. HRT dose was only 5mg. Olympic athletes that used it didn't take more than 10-20mg/day.
"Most people don't use it long enough, that's why you don't get results that will stay."

How long do you think people should be running it?
Has anyone noticed a trend of x amount of Test aromatizes to the same e2 levels as y amount of dbol? Like 50mg of dbol will result in the same e2 levels as 300mg test as an example?
I wish they would bring back the 5mg pink thai dbols.... Those were the BEST. That being said, I can take 15-20 mgs of dbol ED alone and gain 8-10 pounds in 4 weeks. It is second only to msten for me.
I wish they would bring back the 5mg pink thai dbols.... Those were the BEST. That being said, I can take 15-20 mgs of dbol ED alone and gain 8-10 pounds in 4 weeks. It is second only to msten for me.
I used to love msten
I dunno fellas, was just chatting with a friend about dbol. Everyone is different, but for me as long as I respect it and don't do anything stupid, and if it contains what is on the label dbol is great. Maybe I'm a good responder to it, but 30mg or so a day and the results are amazing. I do like the stuff. Wife hates it though, she's not into muscles, when I take it she calls me Beetlejuice because I swell up so much my head looks shrunk. No "lol" after that statement, she hates it. Lol.
I wish they would bring back the 5mg pink thai dbols.... Those were the BEST. That being said, I can take 15-20 mgs of dbol ED alone and gain 8-10 pounds in 4 weeks. It is second only to msten for me.

You mean the British Dispensary Anabol. Are they no longer manufactured!?

British Dispensary is still around, but maybe they discontinued steroid manufacturing. Anyone know for sure?
"Most people don't use it long enough, that's why you don't get results that will stay."

How long do you think people should be running it?
How long does it take to build actual muscle and for the hormone levels to get stable? That's how long you should run it, I'd say the very least 6 weeks. Preferebly 8-10 weeks if you and your organs can handle it.